Showing posts with label Handy hint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Handy hint. Show all posts

25 August, 2008

Muffin Secret

I would like to share something with you guys..on the secret of making muffins. I did the experiments for few times..and memamng menjadi, its time for me to share this with everyone!

I terbaca somewhere, totally forgotten the source. But it was on the secret of risen up the muffin. Sebelum kita bake muffin, make sure oven kita preheated. Panaskan ke tahap maximum, then as soon as kita masukkan muffin ke dalam oven, just lower the temperature according to recipe. Suhu panas tu nanti akan tolak muffin naik!

Lately, what i did when i'm making muffin, i will start with preheating the oven. so while i'm preparing the batter, oven pun dah cukup panas. Panaskan ke tahap maximum. Jangan takut2, takkan hangus :) Bila batter dah ready & dah siap masuk dalam muffin cup, saya pun put them into the oven, then i quickly lower the temperature. Normally to 180 degree celcius la kan. Then, bake macam biasa. Huhuuuuuu you guys pasti seronok tgk your muffin yang membuak2 tu! tak caya??? cuba laaaaa :P

Dear Vin,

I dont have the exact recipe, but basically..this is what i did to have that outcome! :
  • 1 and half cup of plain flour, 3/4 tsp baking powder, 1 heap spoon of powdered milk & half cup of sugar or less or more.. depends : combine everything
  • 1/3 cup vege oil, 1 egg, pandan paste : stir together.
  • combine the liquid & dry ingredients. Add some water more or less 75-100 ml.
  • cut some prune into small size, then put it in. Kacau just like u buat cekodok.
  • Bake 180 degree to set.

17 May, 2008

Petua Nasi Mentah

Petua..kalau nasi mentah, letak air dalam cawan, kemudian tenggekkan cawan tadi atas nasi. Tutup periuk rapat2..kemudian press 'cooking' function kat rice cooker tadi. Bila dah masak..automatically dia akan tukar ke 'keep warm' function. Kalau tak masak jugak..tekan lagi 'cooking' function.

14 February, 2008

Glucose Syrup Vs Corn Syrup

Saya cuba cari corn syrup the other day..untuk buat marshmallow. Rasa2 macam penah nampak sebelum ni. Tapi masa hari saya cari tu..tak jumpa pulakk..hishhh! 2-3 kedai saya pegi.. :(

At last saya pegi Coles Randwick..i remember penah nampak benda ni kat situ..sebab saya suka browse barang kat sana dulu. Cari2 pun takde jugak. Lepas tu saya tanya kat budak yang keje susun barang kat shelve tu..dia pun macam tercengang2 bila saya sebut corn syrup.

Saya belek2 lagi barang2 yang ada kat situ..lepas tu saya nampak botol yang dalam gambar ni, just curious nak tahu..apa bendalah tuu. Pekat semacam, color jernih..tetiba nampak dia tulis 'derived from corn'. Saya pun dengan bangga nyer cakap ngan budak yang tercengang2 tadi.. 'i got it!!' Sampai ke rumah, saya cuba search, jumpa article ni. So memang sah lah..glucose syrup tu sama lahh dengan corn syrup. So pada kawan kawan yang cari corn syrup..tapi jumpa glucose syrup jerr...itu laaa bendalah nyerr.

05 January, 2008

'Masak Lada Hitam' secret

Dapat rahsia ni dari adik lelaki saya..
Untuk resepi ni, tak kira ayam atau daging..gorengkan dulu daging atau ayam tu sekejap. Sebelum goreng tu, gaulkan dengan putih telur kemudian salutkan pula dengan tepung jagung. Kemudian, goreng dalam minyak yang betul2 panas. Goreng sekejap jerr..just nak dapatkan layer tepung tu jer. Tujuan kita buat mcm tu sebab lapisan tepung tu akan absorb kuah, so lagi sedap and nampak lagi cantik, sebab kuah tu lekat kat daging yang dimasak.

23 December, 2007

Cheese cake secret..

Care to share this with everyone..i found this somewhere, but i have forgotten the source..

For the best result with baked cheesecake:
  • Do not over beat the batter
  • Bake in the lower half of the recommended oven temperature. Allow to cool in the oven without opening the door before chilling in the refregerator
  • Should the cheesecake turn out with crack surface, simply top the cooled cheesecake with a mixture of 300ml of sour cream, 2 tablespoon icing sugar & vanilla. Bake for another 1o minutes at 180 degrees or until lightly set

Happy trying.. :)