Showing posts with label Notice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notice. Show all posts

06 April 2013

:: NOTICE ::

I will be away from Sunday 7th till Thursday 11th April 2013.
I will not have internet access so I will only be able to reply enquiries once I return from my holiday.
So sorry for any inconveniences caused, any orders received during this time will be attended to when I return.

08 February 2013


:: NOTICE ::
I will be away from Saturday 9th February 2013 till 14th February 2013.
I will not have internet access so I will only be able to reply enquiries once I return from my holiday.
So sorry for any inconveniences caused, any orders received during this time will be attended to when I return.
In the meantime, Little Maketto would like to wish everyone good fortune, prosperity and happiness for the coming snake year ahead!!! 

26 December 2012

The end of 2012

2012 has treated me well. Nothing significantly big happened but neither did anything bad, so in my opinion that means it has been a pretty good year. The last couple of months has seen a lack of updates but it can't be helped since I'm swamped at my full-time job while juggling the holiday parties. Things should get back to normal soon after the holiday season, and you'll be able to see new updates and items at Little Maketto soon.
So at the close of yet another year, Little Maketto would like to thank everyone for the kind support and encouragement throughout 2012. 
May you enjoy the merry holidays and have a great and happy new year!

25 October 2012

:: NOTICE ::
I will be away from Friday 26th October 2012 till 28th October 2012.
I will have very limited (or almost no) internet access so please be patient with me.
I will reply all enquiries when I get back.
So sorry for any inconveniences caused,
any orders received during this time will be attended to when I return.

27 August 2012

:: NOTICE ::

I will be away from Thursday 30th August 2012 till 8th September 2012 for a long-awaited vacation!!
I will have very, very limited (or almost no) internet access so please be patient with me.
I will reply all enquiries when I get back.

So sorry for any inconveniences caused,
any orders received during this time will be attended to when I return.

** I have some pretty and dainty pieces ready for sale once I get back, so stay tuned and look out for it! Here's a little sneak peek just for you...

30 January 2012

:: NOTICE ::

I've finally gotten a Maybank account to make it easier for all you maybank2u users. Now you can make direct transfer payments via maybank2u for Little Maketto items. My CIMB account is still active so now you have the choice of transferring via Maybank or CIMB.

Valentine goodies are updated in the blogshop. Great as gifts or for you to adorn on the sweet love day coming soon... Check them out!

23 January 2012

Happy Chinese Dragon New Year!!! May everyone enjoy exciting celebrations and look forward to a prosperous chinese new year...

Next up... some valentine goodies..!! Look out for it...

03 January 2012

Sorry for the mess within the blogshop. I'm trying to give Little Maketto a revamped look for 2012 but having lotsa trouble with the html codes. Will try to solve it asap but seeing that I'm no computer expert and html is a totally alien language to me, it will probably take some time. Please bear with me awhile. Thanks for your understanding...

24 December 2011

2011 has been a really trying year for me... It's a year I'm happy to see go. Little Maketto has since suffered with lack of updates and content. Things have started to take a better turn the past couple of months but it's also been a hectic time. I'm hoping in the new year that I will be able to spend more time updating Little Maketto. 

Meanwhile. Little Maketto would like to thank all the friends, customers, reviewers, fellow online blogshops, blogwalkers and secret visitors for the support through 2011. 
Little Maketto wishes you a very Happy Christmas!
May you enjoy the merry holidays and let's brace ourselves for a great new year ahead!

23 August 2011

Lil Maketto @ Google+

Little Maketto is now on Google+. If you use Google+ as part of your social networking life, you can now add Little Maketto as a family, friend, acquaintance, follower etc.

Also Little Maketto is able to give out Google+ invites, so if you'd like a Google+ invite, just drop me an email (kahmin31 at gmail dot com) requesting for an invite and I'll send you one, no questions asked.

Let's meet in Google+!

10 August 2011

:: NOTICE ::

I will be away from Wednesday 10th August 2011 till 13th August 2011
without any internet access.
I will reply all enquiries when I get back.

Sorry for any inconveniences caused,
any orders received during this time will be attended to when I return.

20 April 2011

:: NOTICE ::

I will be away for extended holiday from Thursday 21 April 2011 until Thursday 12 May 2011.
I will be checking my emails periodically. If I do not reply your email in time, please be patient as I may be without internet access at that time.
Any orders received during this time will be attended to when I return.

Sorry for any inconveniences caused,

PS. When I get back, Little Maketto will have a small uplift...!! and rings too! for all those who love wearing rings but could never find any at Little Maketto...

11 March 2011

Ribbon Drop Earrings Free Gift

:: NOTICE ::

As promised here's the promotion I mentioned I was planning...

Get a FREE pair of Ribbon Drop Earrings with purchase of RM35.00 or more @ Little Maketto!

Choose from 4 colours:
ER074 - Dark Turquoise Ribbon Drop
ER075 - Blue Ribbon Drop
ER076 - Pale Pink Ribbon Drop
ER077 - Purple Ribbon Drop

(Clockwise from top left: ER074, ER075, ER076, ER077)

* Offer is valid for all orders received before 1 May 2011.
* Free gift is only applicable for paid orders of RM35.00 (excluding postage fee) and more.
* Little Maketto reserves the right to replace the free gift with another gift of similar value.

14 February 2010

:: NOTICE ::

I will be away from Sunday 14th February 2010 till 17th February 2010
without any internet access.
I will reply all enquiries when I get back.

Sorry for any inconveniences caused,
any orders received during this time will be attended to when I return.

And here's my favourite tiger to wish you a Happy Tiger New Year and a lovely Valentine's...!

23 January 2010

:: NOTICE ::

I will be away from Saturday 23rd January 2010 till 27th January 2010
without any internet access.
I will reply all enquiries when I get back.

Sorry for any inconveniences caused,
any orders received during this time will be attended to when I return.

Next update will take place on 30th-31st January 2010 weekend...!

21 December 2009

:: NOTICE ::

I will be away from Tuesday 22nd December 2009 till 27th December 2009
without any internet access.
I will reply all enquiries when I get back.

Sorry for any inconveniences caused,
any orders received during this time will be attended to when I return.


Photo credit: Gordon Rodéo McBryde (UK)

30 November 2009

And Xmas Comes Early for...

Thank you to all who participated in Little Maketto's first ever giveaway contest.

I didn't expect so many creative answers and praises for Little Maketto... A big thank you and appreciation for taking time to participate... and eventhough you may not have won this giveaway, I'm hoping to make this giveaway thing a regular feature... so you can try your luck again in future..! But I have to first work out if it's feasible for me - cost-wise... maybe twice a year? What do you think?

It was an easy task to pick the winners as I mentioned before, it's a random drawing... unfortunately it was not easy for me to choose the ranking! I didn't expect it to be so hard to determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners...

Ok so how did I pick the winners?? I wrote all your e-mail addresses on separate pieces of paper. Dropped it in my handy transparent jar... gave it a good jiggle and picked the winners one-by-one. Okay, I'm sure you're all waiting to hear if your email got picked so without further ado, here are the winners.


3rd prize winner - Dalila
I liked that you mentioned I'm an easy-to-deal-with person. I like to think that I am too! ;)


2nd prize winner - Melissa
Mentioning the photography of Little Maketto got you 2nd place!! I do put in time and effort to make sure the pictures are as similar to the real products as possible...

And last but not least

1st prize winner - Deb
Honestly, I don't really get your 'knock, knock' joke... is it suppose to be a joke?? lol.. it is creative anyhow... but how you got picked as 1st prize winner was coz you mentioned you like the product names! Not many of the other entries mention that and I'm glad that you find the product names appealing...!

So winners... a big congratulations to you! I'll be dropping a winner's email which you must acknowledge by Friday 4th December. If by which I do not receive a reply from you, your prize will be forfeited and I will choose another winner from the existing entries...

Thanks again to all who have participated and making Little Maketto's Xmas Comes Early Giveaway a success!!!

06 October 2009

:: New Accessories Review Site ::


Hi all! We all know how useful review sites are in helping us find that unique fashion item that will make our day and outfit. There aren’t that many sites that solely review fashion jewellery and accessories. But now there’s a review newbie in town and the good news is that she only reviews Trinkets Below RM50.

Especially apt and useful for the hard hit recession fashionista. Head on over to Trinkets Below RM50 to check out the latest fashion jewellery and accessories our online shops have for sale.

05 October 2009

:: Pos Express Price Increment ::

Hi all, just a little note to let you know that Pos Malaysia has decided to increase the price of the Pos Express envelopes starting 1st October. This is not listed on their website and I only found out when I went to the Post Office today. I'm kinda pissed that they did this without warning otherwise I would have stocked up on the envelopes to help you, my dearest customers save cost. So if you find that postage quotes that I provide you cost more than the usual, this is the reason. Thanks for your kind understanding.

At the moment I found that the rates are:
RM2.50 will become RM3
RM 3 will become RM3.50
RM 4 will become RM4.50

20 September 2009

To all Muslim friends, Little Maketto wishes you a very HAPPY EID!
May you have a great celebration and happy blessings on this joyous occasion...

Still Available

  • Grappe Grape Necklace
  • Duckie Earrings
  • Stiletto Bag Charm
  • Chimera Ring
  • Fushcia Mini Hat
  • Love Necklace
  • Sweet Tooth Bracelet
  • Pig Owl Earrings

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