Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts

10 October 2012

A feature in female October online mag

One of my best friends Wan Lee, decided that Little Maketto and little 'ol me was newsworthy! 

She's an awesome writer/editor and chose to feature some girls who make handmade jewellery. So this month, on the female October online magazine, Little Maketto and the girl behind-the-scenes are featured alongside other great handmade jewellery artists - Wendy from The Mini Diary and Amelia from Crafted by Mei
Little Maketto has always been my little pride and joy. It's something I retreat to when I need to expand some creativity and imagination. I work full-time and Little Maketto is sadly only a part-time love, so it's very humbling to be interviewed and featured in the main media. 

Now why not head on over to the female website and read the article where you'll get to learn a little more about me? Also in conjunction with the article, I've tied up with the female team in a giveaway where you can win some Little Maketto handmade goodies!!!

How can you participate in this contest? female will be running a pop-up contest and to find out more just remember to LIKE the female FB and Little Maketto FB so you can stay updated on all the happenings. 

04 July 2011

New Fashion Reviewer


Just a short little post to introduce a new fashion review blog. I'm not really sure what the rationale is behind the name, but Fashion Watever is one of the latest fashion reviewers that should be added to your list of fashion clicks of the day.

They do short, snappy reviews and in a clean blog layout. Very simple to navigate as they have pictures of the fashion items they find interesting and the respective links to the blogshop.

So far, reviews are not made every single day but they do have several posts within a week. They've also reviewed a couple of Little Maketto's accessories!!!

20 June 2010

Thanks Missy Doroshi

It's been a long while since my last update... but my full-time job has been keeping me very busy and I am usually exhausted by the end of my days.. haven't found the energy to take product shots or write product descriptions.. hopefully this burnout of mine will end soon!

This is way overdue... but would like to make special shout-out thanks to Missy Doroshi who made a recent purchase from Little Maketto and blogged about it!

Do go on over to visit her blog... she blogs about food recommending her favourite cafés and restaurants.. lifestyle... beauty and cosmetics products.. and best of all - shopping sales..! Her blog is a definite good read.. also she updates her blog much more frequently than I do...! hehe..

06 October 2009

:: New Accessories Review Site ::


Hi all! We all know how useful review sites are in helping us find that unique fashion item that will make our day and outfit. There aren’t that many sites that solely review fashion jewellery and accessories. But now there’s a review newbie in town and the good news is that she only reviews Trinkets Below RM50.

Especially apt and useful for the hard hit recession fashionista. Head on over to Trinkets Below RM50 to check out the latest fashion jewellery and accessories our online shops have for sale.

24 August 2009


Much love and thanks to ASD, COS, Fashion Clicks and Shopping Roll for their recent reviews of Little Maketto's latest items. Thanks also to Shopping Clicks who put Little Maketto's linking banner up for free in their ad spots!

14 August 2009


Thank you Minor Lavender, Detailed Wears and A Shopaholic's Den for their features and reviews of Little Maketto's Mini Hats. Minor Lavender even has a really old video showcasing some vintage hats that complements the Mini Hats!

Minor Lavender

Detailed Wears

A Shopaholic's Den

If anyone is interested about the Klang Creative Fest that Little Maketto was a part of recently, my friend Jasemaine has blogged about it here. She's also attached some of her great pictures of the event.
I had great fun at the event and I'm glad I participated. It was a good chance for me to practise my non-fluent Mandarin. Also discovered that Malaysia has indeed many wonderful local talents and singers/songwriters alike.

29 July 2009


Much thanks and love to Fashion Republik for their review and feature of Little Maketto and the Strawberry Love Bracelet that is still currently available. Do drop by to check them out. They feature some great fashion and lifestyle updates.

Thanks also to Fashion Galaxy & Chamber of Style for their review on Butterfly Blues!!

23 June 2009

Little Maketto has been spotted!

Thank you for the reviews and features!!!
Special thanks to Shopping Clicks for the generous ad-space. Hugz...

How to Vogue

Gorgeous News

Fashion Register

Shopping Clicks

Still Available

  • Grappe Grape Necklace
  • Duckie Earrings
  • Stiletto Bag Charm
  • Chimera Ring
  • Fushcia Mini Hat
  • Love Necklace
  • Sweet Tooth Bracelet
  • Pig Owl Earrings

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