Showing posts with label Debbie Rowley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debbie Rowley. Show all posts

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Glitz & Glamour Sapphire FINISHED

 Glitz & Glamour Sapphire by Debbie Rowley is complete.  As you can see, I changed ALL the colors.  It looks totally different!  I wanted it to go with Carnelian and used the same colors, threads, canvas.  Below shows them together.  Believe it or not, they are really the same colors!!  The overdye is even from the same skein.  The canvas is Aquamarine on both.  Different camera, different light.  I adjusted them the best I could.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Glitz & Glamour Carnelian

Happy Dance!  I finished Glitz & Glamour Carnelian before the end of the year.

Of course, mine is quite different.  Surprise, I changed all the colors to aqua with a touch of brown. 

This piece is where I learned to use Water N Ice over an overdye to create amazing effects!  Thank you, DebBee's Designs!!

Here's my version:
I think it turned our really pretty!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Glitz & Glamour Carnelian

 I've started a new piece!  I know, too many WIPs already, but I just can't help myself.  LOL!
This is Debbie Rowley's Glitz & Glamour Carnelian.  Naturally I changed all the colors!  Aqua - are you shocked? Ha.
I also started in the center.  The instructions want you to start on the outside edge, but I just don't want to do that much counting!  So I'm working from the center out.  It was a bit of a challenge to figure out where to do that, but I finally "got it".

Friday, September 25, 2015

2012 Mystery Retreat FINISHED!

Finally, the 2012 Mystery Retreat piece is finished.  I added a cabachon to the center and surrounded it with a large Jessica in Kreinik braid.  Then I just did some random stitches to fill in the areas on the sides of the cabachon.  It turned out pretty good.
Then I finished the bottom section.  Once I got the parts that use tulle and the memory thread, I wasn't happy with the amount of open space.  It seemed there was much more in that section which made it out of balance.  So I added some odd squares of Skip Tent in a shade just slightly darker than the canvas.  I think it helped.
I don't know when I'll get around to framing it, but I'll show you when I do!

Friday, September 11, 2015

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #6

The major WIP I've been working on is from the 2012 Mystery Retreat.  I know, but it's not the oldest one by a long shot!

I have now completed the top section, and left and right sections.  The center section is done except for the very center, where I was not successful with the stitches used in the pattern.  I have to go back and do something there.  I found a cabachon to go there that is the right color, but it is oval and I don't know if I can make it work.

The bottom section is nearly done.  There are a couple more steps to do that involve using tulle.  That's next on my list and I hope I can do it right!  Or at least close.....  LOL

Friday, July 24, 2015

Diamond Delight III Finished

Finally - cataract surgery recovery is complete and I have new glasses.  It was a long haul.  It's so great to be able to see properly again!

Diamond Delight III is finished.  I changed one color and thread, I changed the center.  Otherwise it is as designed by Debbie Rowley.  Oh, I think I changed the bead color too.  There are a lot of beads, but they don't show up very well in the picture.  

Friday, June 5, 2015

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #5

You have surely forgotten all about this piece!  This year I am trying to finish some WIPs and I decided to pull this one out.  I haven't worked on it much since right after the retreat!

There's still a little "spaghetti" from the parts I worked on at retreat, but most of that is gone.  I have completed the center section except for the very center which I will do later.  The right side section is complete.

Now I'm working on the bottom.  I won't do much more there until the end.  This section has some parts that I don't like and may change; those will have to be done later when I can see the piece as a whole.

It is much prettier in person!  The darkest turquoise is quite intense, but it doesn't photograph well and the metallics don't really show up.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Diamond Delight III - Progress 2

DebBee's Designs "Diamond Delight III".  Started last summer or fall.  
It took me forever to complete all the eyelets, but once that was done it has moved along nicely.  Originally I did not plan to change any of the threads/colors, but that hasn't quite worked out!  
The stitch that was supposed to be in the center didn't work for me.  So I changed it, but used the called for thread.  I plan to put a jewel or beads of some sort in the center of it.
Then the Sprats Heads that fill the box out to the rust color.  Well, I had the proper thread, but I hated it.  The color didn't work for me and it was rayon and that didn't work for me either.  So I changed it to a Kreinik braid and now I like it.  Now to get those corners done!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

American Beauty Rose, Finished

American Beauty Rose, my "white" one, is FINISHED.
I'm very pleased with the way it turned out.  
Eventually I'll get it framed, but don't hold your breath till that happens LOL!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

American Beauty Rose, Progress 4

I've been working on my White American Beauty Rose and I am on the home stretch!  I could finish it this week, depending....  I don't seem to get as much stitching time as I used to.  
I really like this piece and I think it is finally looking like a rose!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

American Beauty Rose, Progress 3

The only real needlepoint I've worked on for months, is my rose.  Well, it's Debbie Rowley's design, but my colors.  It is beginning to look like a rose!  This is a fun piece to work on.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

American Beauty Rose, Progress 2

This doesn't look much different than the last time you saw it.  That's because I haven't worked on it much!  I am waiting for a thread.  Since I changed one of the threads in midstream & combined a new one with an old one, I ran out.  Hopefully the new thread will be in soon.  I really want to work on this! 

AND, Happy Thanksgiving to you all this week.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Diamond Delight III, Progress 1

It's been quite awhile since I started this.  There are a gazillion pulled eyelets and that is very slow going for me.  I can only put in a thread or 2 before my hands start to hurt.  I finally got the outer row of them done, and quickly put in the next row - Waffles.  Then, oh no!  more pulled eyelets.  Well, at least this is a shorter row!  Debbie wanted all the eyelets done first, but that is too much counting for me, so I'm jumping around in the directions to work the rows consecutively.  I have just barely started the next rows after the eyelets, there are 3 rows like this, so I'll be working on them along with the eyelets.  I like the colors and, for once, I haven't changed them!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

American Beauty Rose

Yes, I know it doesn't look like anything.  Yet.  
This is DebBee's Designs "American Beauty Rose", but I'm doing a white rose.  Well, it is mostly tan, but it's MY white rose.  
I started this just before all the moving craziness hit.  I had quite a time finding the right threads and I ended up ripping out all of the darkest shade that I had done as it was toooo dark.  I restitched it blending the dark shade I had with the next to the darkest and it is much better.  

This is a fun design to stitch!  Each color (6 I think, or maybe 8) has it's own stitch.  The picture color isn't quite right, the lightest shade is an old Needle Necessities overdyed floss that is white to light tan.  So the lightest squares are really white.  The canvas is eggshell, so it is lighter than it appears in the pic.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Diamond Delight III

 We are back in Las Vegas.  DH had some meetings, so we returned a week early.

While we were still in Reno, I got a bare beginning on Diamond Delight III from DebBee's Designs.  I am using Debbie's colors throughout, even the Vintage Brown canvas!  How rare is that??!!

The stitching begins with about a million pulled diamond eyelets.
I got 1/4 of the first row of those done.  I decided to start the next row of NON eyelets so I can go back & forth.  I can only work about 2 thread lengths of the eyelets before my fingers give out!

This is going to be very pretty!