Showing posts with label Linda Reinmiller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linda Reinmiller. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2015

2012 Mystery Retreat FINISHED!

Finally, the 2012 Mystery Retreat piece is finished.  I added a cabachon to the center and surrounded it with a large Jessica in Kreinik braid.  Then I just did some random stitches to fill in the areas on the sides of the cabachon.  It turned out pretty good.
Then I finished the bottom section.  Once I got the parts that use tulle and the memory thread, I wasn't happy with the amount of open space.  It seemed there was much more in that section which made it out of balance.  So I added some odd squares of Skip Tent in a shade just slightly darker than the canvas.  I think it helped.
I don't know when I'll get around to framing it, but I'll show you when I do!

Friday, September 11, 2015

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #6

The major WIP I've been working on is from the 2012 Mystery Retreat.  I know, but it's not the oldest one by a long shot!

I have now completed the top section, and left and right sections.  The center section is done except for the very center, where I was not successful with the stitches used in the pattern.  I have to go back and do something there.  I found a cabachon to go there that is the right color, but it is oval and I don't know if I can make it work.

The bottom section is nearly done.  There are a couple more steps to do that involve using tulle.  That's next on my list and I hope I can do it right!  Or at least close.....  LOL

Friday, June 5, 2015

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #5

You have surely forgotten all about this piece!  This year I am trying to finish some WIPs and I decided to pull this one out.  I haven't worked on it much since right after the retreat!

There's still a little "spaghetti" from the parts I worked on at retreat, but most of that is gone.  I have completed the center section except for the very center which I will do later.  The right side section is complete.

Now I'm working on the bottom.  I won't do much more there until the end.  This section has some parts that I don't like and may change; those will have to be done later when I can see the piece as a whole.

It is much prettier in person!  The darkest turquoise is quite intense, but it doesn't photograph well and the metallics don't really show up.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Walk the Wild River, Progress #4

Since we've been in Reno, I have worked on Walk the Wild River a bit.  This is Sections 12 & 14.  Section 12 is just the three little corners.  I chose to do each one in a different color. 
Section 14 is the medallion. It went pretty easy, just required constant attention to the count!  It is a little brighter than I had planned, but it will do. 
Next up is a section that involves cutting the canvas.  Yikes!
(Sorry for the poor photo, all I have with me is my phone.)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Walk the Wild River, Progress #3

Sections 5, 6, 7, 8
I thought I was caught up with Walk the Wild River, but Linda has posted another lesson!  Well, at least I'm only one week behind. 
Each section always turns out to be more time consuming than I think it will be.  Partly because I have had problems following the directions:  My problem, the directions are great, especially if you actually read them LOL.
I love the section with the "god's eyes", I think they turned our really neat.  The section to the right of it isn't quite finished.  The last step isn't working for me & I'm going to have to figure out something else to do instead.

Sections 10, 11, 13
These are the other 3 sections that are complete.  Sections 7 & 13 are similar and Sections 6 & 10 are similar. 

I think I spend as much time selecting threads & colors as I do stitching!

Below is what the whole thing looks like now.

Walk the Wild River to date.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Walk the Wild River, Progress #2

Sections 2 & 3
Section 15
Lesson 2 of Walk the Wild River includes Sections 2, 3 & 15.  Sections 2 & 15 are similar.  While they were not difficult to stitch, they did take quite a while as they are layered.  I even did the beads!  Normally I would wait to add beads when all stitching is complete, but I have decided that for this piece I will finish each section as I go.  I didn't have enough of the copper beads for both sections, so for Section 15 I used some teal Magnificas that I had in stash.  These two sections are really pretty.

Section 3 is an unusual stitch and I have apparently lost the abilitity to count!!  Yes, I know there are a lot of mistakes.  Maybe I will pull it out sometime later and redo it.  But, in the meantime, I have the colors set and the section more or less complete to match up with what comes next.

Here is what the whole thing looks like now:


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Walk the Wild River

OMG I finally get to take this class!
Linda Reinmiller's "Walk the Wild River".
When Linda first talked about this class on her blog, I wrote her immediately to find out where she would be teaching it.  Well, it was at last year's seminar and I couldn't make that.  But then Cyberpointers announced WWR would be taught as an online workshop!  Hip hip hooray!  I signed right up.

The workshop started mid March.  I chose a different color palette than Linda's, mine is on Antique Blue canvas (the darkest of the blue canvases) and my threads are more muted colors. 

This last weekend I finally completed all of the prework, as well as the first lesson, which was Sections 1 and 16.  The 2 sections are far apart but use some of the same thread and have a similar look.  The prework took quite a long time to do, but I am really glad I went ahead and finished it.  After a couple of ripping sessions due to miscounting, I knew it was going to be really important to have all those borders completed and correct!  Here is what it looks like today.

Section 1
Section 16

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I have nothing to show you, but wanted to check in anyway.

I've been working on Illusions, but haven't made enough visible progress for a post; perhaps by next week!  I plan to stop at Michael's tomorrow and look at beads & jewels.

I've also started the prework for Walk the Wild River by Linda Reinmiller.  This is the next Cyberpointer's workshop which starts in a couple of weeks.  The prework is extensive, so I wanted to get a good start on it.  I'm glad I did, it is kinda slow going.  I know that I'll be glad to have it done though!

I'm also working on two "secret" projects that I won't be able to show you till next month.

I'll post again as soon as I have something to show.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #4

Although I have put away most of the large projects, I have worked some on my Mystery Retreat project.  This is the bottom section, which was designed by Debbie Rowley.  There is still a lot to be done on it, but I think I am now working on the last bit that is relatively easy.  The rest of this section involves overlays and overstitches and even some needleweaving and will require a LOT of attention!

Friday, August 24, 2012

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #3

The center section of the Mystery Retreat project is finished.  Well, except for the very center which I will be the last thing I do since I'm not sure what I want to put in there.
This section was designed by all four of the teachers.  Amazing how a collaberation like that can work!

Below is how the whole piece looks now.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mystery Retreat 2012 - Progress #2

The right side section (designed by Mary Knapp) is complete.  Except that I have changed the red to turquoise, it is exactly like the pattern!  Well almost, I did use the Very Velvet instead of the Memory Thread to connect the little squares running down each side.  The turquoise Memory Thread is just too light in color.  The Very Velvet worked just fine!
The pic below shows what the whole thing looks like now:

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mystery Retreat 2012

Mystery Retreat 2012, Portland, OR.  Report #1.  The retreat was a LOT of fun!  I had a great time!  I really like the project.  I selected the gray/red color way, but changed the reds to a bright turquoise.  There's a surprise, huh?  Several people also changed the red, and they were all turning out really pretty.  The red is gorgeous too of course!
The Retreat is 2-1/2 days of classes.  There are 4 teachers and 5 sections to the project.  In this case it was the center section that all 4 collaborated on.  For info about the retreats in general, about the teachers, and to see all 4 colorways, go to their website at 
The picture on the left below  is what my project looked like when I got home:  The top section was designed by Linda Reinmiller and is called Phoenix Rising.  Count on Linda to come up with some really unusual and unique stitches!  My Phoenix is finished and I really like it! 
The right side section was designed by Mary Knapp and is called Florentine.  It is really pretty and uses some Bargello.  Yeah!  I have almost finished this section, see photo on the right above. 
The left side section was designed by Partricia Hartman and is called Mountain Pass.  Pat used a variety of stitchs with some weaving included.  I got half of the weaving section finished.
The bottom section was designed by Debbie Rowley and is called Ashes of the Phoenix.  As you might expect, Debbie came up with some very innovative ideas!  There are stitches over stitches, memory thread and some tulle for good measure.
The center section is the collaboration.  I didn't get much done on it cause I kept messing up & ripping out, but it is a beautiful section.  Since coming home I did redo the big center diamond and it turned out quite pretty.
When I finish the side section, I'll get a close up of it (I forgot this time!).

Friday, April 27, 2012


Finally, my new Sunday Project.  It is Garden Walk by Linda Reinmiller.  I took this class at the ANG Seminar in Tucson 6 years ago!  I can't believe it was so long ago! 

I worked on it once or twice, but mostly it has been in the closet.  Now it is out & about!  This is an amazing project, very advanced, and Linda's written instructions are super!  Even though it has been 6 years, I can figure out what to do.
Before this year, I had completed the upper right corner square section and the section below it. 
A month or so ago I completed the copper/gold section.  It is really pretty with gold & copper metallic oval Jessicas.
This week I completed the green/blue/gold section.  I completely changed the colors & threads, using a Wildflowers overdye and a YLI Ribbon Floss with a metallic thread through it.  It turned out really well.  The final step was beads & my kitty, KC, helped with that!  I thought I was going to have to lock myself in a room before she finally settled down!  Too much "shiny" gets her all excited!
The section on the far left is only partly done as it will have some canvas threads withdrawn and I am "saving" that kind of hard stuff till the end. 

The 4 sections that appear to be started will probably be ripped out & restarted.  Mostly I have changed the colors from when I first began and/or I don't like the colors used initially.  The canvas is Dark blue (Leventine Blue?) and my colors are green, blue, rust & gold.  As usual, the photo doesn't show the colors quite right.  The canvas is darker & the metallics are, well, metallics!  I think Linda's original was on the dark green canvas & her colors were green, blue, pink & white.

Are we having fun yet?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mystery Retreat Project Progress #8

The last 2 Sundays I have worked on the last section (the bottom section) of the Mystery Retreat Project. This section was designed by Linda Reinmiller. I am adjusting the colors slightly to make it more muted. To begin with, I had to rip out most of one of the "strings", which I had stitched at the class. I had made a counting error. I made lots of counting errors while stitching these 5 "strings"! I think the part of my brain that counts has been on vacation!! Anyway, yesterday I finally finished all the strings & they are correct, I think LOL. They are important to be correct as so much of the remaining motifs count from the strings. I got the first batch of multi-layered stars (8 of them)completed last night. The other motifs that are there were done in class. I'm hoping to finish this piece by Halloween!