Showing posts with label Mary Knapp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mary Knapp. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2015

2012 Mystery Retreat FINISHED!

Finally, the 2012 Mystery Retreat piece is finished.  I added a cabachon to the center and surrounded it with a large Jessica in Kreinik braid.  Then I just did some random stitches to fill in the areas on the sides of the cabachon.  It turned out pretty good.
Then I finished the bottom section.  Once I got the parts that use tulle and the memory thread, I wasn't happy with the amount of open space.  It seemed there was much more in that section which made it out of balance.  So I added some odd squares of Skip Tent in a shade just slightly darker than the canvas.  I think it helped.
I don't know when I'll get around to framing it, but I'll show you when I do!

Friday, September 11, 2015

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #6

The major WIP I've been working on is from the 2012 Mystery Retreat.  I know, but it's not the oldest one by a long shot!

I have now completed the top section, and left and right sections.  The center section is done except for the very center, where I was not successful with the stitches used in the pattern.  I have to go back and do something there.  I found a cabachon to go there that is the right color, but it is oval and I don't know if I can make it work.

The bottom section is nearly done.  There are a couple more steps to do that involve using tulle.  That's next on my list and I hope I can do it right!  Or at least close.....  LOL

Friday, June 5, 2015

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #5

You have surely forgotten all about this piece!  This year I am trying to finish some WIPs and I decided to pull this one out.  I haven't worked on it much since right after the retreat!

There's still a little "spaghetti" from the parts I worked on at retreat, but most of that is gone.  I have completed the center section except for the very center which I will do later.  The right side section is complete.

Now I'm working on the bottom.  I won't do much more there until the end.  This section has some parts that I don't like and may change; those will have to be done later when I can see the piece as a whole.

It is much prettier in person!  The darkest turquoise is quite intense, but it doesn't photograph well and the metallics don't really show up.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #4

Although I have put away most of the large projects, I have worked some on my Mystery Retreat project.  This is the bottom section, which was designed by Debbie Rowley.  There is still a lot to be done on it, but I think I am now working on the last bit that is relatively easy.  The rest of this section involves overlays and overstitches and even some needleweaving and will require a LOT of attention!

Friday, August 24, 2012

2012 Mystery Retreat Progress #3

The center section of the Mystery Retreat project is finished.  Well, except for the very center which I will be the last thing I do since I'm not sure what I want to put in there.
This section was designed by all four of the teachers.  Amazing how a collaberation like that can work!

Below is how the whole piece looks now.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mystery Retreat 2012 - Progress #2

The right side section (designed by Mary Knapp) is complete.  Except that I have changed the red to turquoise, it is exactly like the pattern!  Well almost, I did use the Very Velvet instead of the Memory Thread to connect the little squares running down each side.  The turquoise Memory Thread is just too light in color.  The Very Velvet worked just fine!
The pic below shows what the whole thing looks like now: