Monday, October 25, 2010


Many of you are followers of the fabulous Debbie at Debbiedoos!   Today Debbie has announced that she is taking a blogging break.  I will miss her a lot but I do understand and support her reasons for this break and wish her well!  
Debbie has been the hostess of two fabulous linky parties, Garage Salen ParTay and the creative Before and After!   Kim at Savy Southern Style will be continuing the Before and After party and  Debbie has done me the honor of allowing me to continue the Garage Salen ParTay here at
A La Carte!  

If you are a reader of A La Carte then you know how I love bargains!  If they are found at thrift shops, yard or garage sales, Estate sales or flea markets that is my kind of shopping and I always call it 'Junkin'.   I am changing the name of the linky party to JUNKIN FINDS!  I hope you will all come back Friday and join my first linky party!  Debbie has graciously given me her button for the linky party and added the new name!  She is such a sweetie!

I know yard sales are more seasonal so this JUNKIN party should cover anything you find second hand!  I will have the link up Friday so hope to see you then!!

Debbie you are the best and I will really miss you.  Take care and enjoy your blogging break!  



Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Linda!
I can't think of anyone better than you to take over her meme. I like the name "Junkin Finds!"
I'm sorry to hear that she is leaving, but sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do.


Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Linda, I will miss Debbie, too in blogland. You are perfect to carry on the torch. We have big shoes to fill and I am honored.

Debbiedoos said...

Awesome so deserve it, and I am honored to pass down this awesome party to you!!~ Have fun, I know you will. I may stalk you from time to time:) Debbie XXX000

Lynn said...

I always label my posts "went junking", so when I find something fun I'll be sure to stop by to link up! Have fun:@)

the cape on the corner said...

i knew-knew knew knew-that the torch would be passed to you. i just knew. i don't know how, lol. junkin' sounds good to me! can't wait to link up to your first party, linda! how exciting!


Laurie said...

Cool -- I wish I could join ALL the parties, I love'm so much!

Susan said...

Hi Linda...So for your new par-tay we just post about something we got second hand? Well, I have about a million things all through my entire house! Ha ha ha Congratulations on doing that, Linda. Hope I can join in!

By the way, thanks soooo much for always visiting my blog and commenting. You are such a sweetie. Hugs. Susan

susan said...

Finding things second hand does not seem to be one of my strong suits! However, I am really good at sales :) I love seeing what other people find and it always inspires me to keep looking. Glad you will be continuing the party!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

This sounds will make an awesome hostess!!! I will be sure to link up:)


Yellow Rose Arbor said...

How exciting to take over this fun "job" from Debbie! Lots of luck with it. I hope I can join in sometimes!


Christie said...

Hey Linda,
Glad you had a safe trip back home from your visit with your mama...loved seeing those Texas the way, If that little squirrel that you found is heavy, you could use it as a doorstop. Just thought I'd throw that at ya :) Congrats on taking over Debbiedoos that new name too..covers all areas of junkin...I know it will be a blast :)
Happy Belated B'day to your mama..she looks like a special lady...just like her daughter "you"
Hope you have a happy week sweetie :)
Big Hugs,

Kirsty Girl said...

Linda, congratulations on taking over the party! I'm sure you'll be a great hostess.

Diann said...

I am sure you will be a fabulous hostess! You always have great thrift finds to share with us all!

gail said...

Linda, I am so excited for you! that is indeed an honor. Now you know I will be there every Friday, except this week I am going away. But I will be there in spirit for sure!


Of course you will be great at having the new Junkin Party on Fridays! Have FUN!
Happy Belated Birthday to your Mom! It was a little crazy around here last week...
deb :)

Rose @ Confessions of a Curbshopaholic said...

Ooh, how fun! I never got to Debbies link party, but I will be sure to visit yours!
Looking forward to it...

Sarah said...

Linda, how nice. I hope to participate sometime soon.
Thanks for taking this on. ~ sarah

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Hello!! Linda I hope maybe I can link up to this fun Par-ty girl...As I love junkin...have to take a look around and see what treasurer I have ha ha!! Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

deb said...

WOOO! You will be a great hostess! Sounds like fun!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I think you are the perfect person to do this, Linda! And I will have to see if I can find some garage sale goodies to share.


Sheila :-)

Patti said...

Linda, this is the perfect party for you to host(ess)!! It is SO totally you.

I definitely hope to participate, at least some weeks. I don't always have success at thrift stores (especially lately), and garage/yard sales are definitely over for the season in my neck of the woods.

I am going to snag the button for my blog.

Have a lovely day.


Chatty Crone said...

That is so exciting. I'll be looking forward to it.


GardenOfDaisies said...

Linda, how fun! I will have to come over and check out junking finds!!

Ms. Bake-it said...

I too am going to miss Debbie. I will change the button and link which I have on my sidebar to the updated one reflecting the changes. I look forward to joining your Junkin Finds party!

~ Tracy