About Me

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Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, United Kingdom
This is a blog I use to share my papercraft projects. I make them for friends and family, as well as selling them to fund my craft stash. You can get in touch with me at loumac03@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to place a commissioned order.
Showing posts with label Wish List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wish List. Show all posts

Friday 1 April 2011

What A Day..

..I've had.

MASSIVE uni deadline (although not as big as the deadline on 5th May.. shhh). We had the opporunity to hand in a whole chapter of our dissertation to be draft marked!! I could NOT pass up on that. So I have been working my butt off to get my results finished and part of my discussion started. I should hear back from my tutor early next week. Fingers crossed I'm on the right track.

After the super long day I've had I thought I would treat myself to a bit of Window Shopping! xD Considering I haven't got the money to buy anything.. I still need to have a look at all the brand new stuff, and some older product, out there - just so I get a feeling of what I could get! LOL.

First up are some Simply Sassy stamps from Funky Kits, I ordered two of these amazing stamps last month, I have already inked one up, High School Student, which can be seen -->HERE<--. I LOVED colouring her, and she sorta reminds me, of me. Not that I have my own lunchbox, I wish I had enough hands to carry one. I really love Bella Bunting, Hippy Love and Windswept. They've defo been added to my wish list! *big grin* Gotta love a bit of rubbah.

Next up, are some goodies which are available from Quixotic Paperie. I cannot recommend them highly enough - they provide an excellent service, and super products and great prices. I first got THIS die when I bought the Holiday Ticket Sentiments from Whimsy Stamps, they have since released a load of stamp sets which co-ordinate perfectly, next on my wish list is THIS stamp set called Treasured Moments Tickets Sentiments Set. They are the perfect size for cardmakers and have the sweetest sentiments. Next up from Whimsy is the new Calendar Background Stamp - perfect for Birthday cards or mini albums/ scrapbook pages. Or even.. a calendar! LOL. Quixotic Paperie has a huge selection of Kenny K stamps - which I'm a huge fan of after I coloured this beauty up -->HERE<--. I'm really liking Club Kid and Movie Star. I already have my two FAVE Kenny K images - Download Diva and Troublemaker.

A stamp company which has interested me for a while is Stempelglede. THIS set caught my eye while I was browsing Quixotic earlier. Gorgeously gorgeous sentiments, which are different from the usual 'Happy Birthday' sentiments.

Moving away from staaaamps.. many of you may know I've been on a patterned paper ban *boooo* due to the fact I just have waaaaay more than I can use. My stash has gradually been decreasing, but my next aim is to use up one whole paper pack. I think that will generate a real feel good factor! :)
So.. I NEED all of these paper packs seen HERE. As well as Basic Grey's Life of The Party and Echo Park's For the Record. Aaadorable!! I've heard in a few places that Echo Park are going to be coming out with 6x6 paper pads - cannot wait!!

Every time I surf the web for craft-y goodness I see stuff that I really really want. I often find myself asking the question.. 'Why do I have such an expensive hobby?!' LOL. I sometimes wish I would make a note of all the stuff I see. Perhaps I should keep a notepad near my laptop whenever I hop around blog land!!

I'm going to sign off now and check out a few mini album tutorials over on YT. Once I graduate a mini album is top of my crafting list! Heehee.

Oh, I have a quick link to share with you.. http://www.craftstamper.com/ezine/ the free Craft Stamper mag.. online. Yeehaa.

Over & Out. xo

Saturday 15 January 2011

New Stash & TV

Evening everyone, I hope you have enjoyed your day. Mine has been pretty laid back - I tidied up, re-arranged some stash, put the clean clothes away and loaded the washer again. And then my friend the postman came, with a lota goodies for meee! :D I've been placing some orders throughout the week on various craft sites and eBay, and I recieved some orders today. Very excited.

First up, a little order from The Ribbon Girl, I got some bakers twine and various ribbon and pins (which I'm sure you will see featured in my up and coming cards) - make sure to check their website out, there is some gorgeous stuff!!

Second up, Stampeezee..

Woohoo, I finally got some Pure Innocence stamps - isn't she adorable? I can't wait to ink her up, and paper piece the umbrella! :D I also orders some German Glass Glitter in White - as I've heard some good things about it. I'm waiting for my little tidy tray to arrive off eBay before I start using it though!

And last but not least (until the postman graces me with his presence again next week) an order from Bunny Zoe Crafts. Another yummy TGF stamp - and old one I know - but I couldn't resist her, shes called Madelynn. I also ordered C.C. Designs Sweet November - Darby and Pudge. I seen this stamp a while ago and had to have it - so freakin' cute!! Amongst the rest is another C.C. Designs - August Honey stamp, some lace, pins and charms and spacers. WooHoo!! I'm also waiting for my personalised stamp, I thought it was time for a new one. It is being shipped from Norway so it will take approx 2-3 weeks.

With me getting all of this new stash I decided I needed a new system in place where by I remember to use the stuff - especially the stamps. So I sneaked a CD box out of my Mams room (empty may I add) in order to store them all until I have used them - at least 3 times! Thats the plan anyway. I will keep the box under my desk along side my box of inks.


About the TV bit of the post title - has anyone been watching The Big Fish Fight on c4?

I think something like this getting aired is fantastic - it is a massive passion of mine after reading the book 'The End of the Link - Charles Clover, and watching the film. It broke my heart. I was a massive fan of fish, shell fish, every sort of sea food, but after that.. no more. The unsustainable fishing practices which take place all over the world day after day must be stopped. Not only are fish stocks being depleted at an irreversible rate, but we are destroying sea beds and coral reefs on a dramatic scale. Rant over - before I get angry! :) That is all.


Thanks for stopping by today. Oh - for those who are interested, I tried out my Konad nail plates for the first time today, and I'm fairly impressed. But me being the perfectionist that I am.. I'll probably be stripping my nails again very soon and giving them another go. I've found that normal varnishes don't work too well. But more about that in the post showing the picture soon. xo

Friday 14 January 2011

KONAD Nail Art - Wish List - Orders

oOoooOOo.. some of my KONAD Nail Art products arrived in the post this morning - super excited!! I happened to stumble upon what are called 'Bundle Monster' nail plates on YouTube when searching for nail art the other day, so I searched trusty old Amazon, and found these.. (*NOTE* Sorry about the quality of the pictures this morning - my cameras shaker control was just not cooperating)..

I mean wow - the detail you can achieve is awesome! Nothing you would ever be able to get with even the finest of brushes. I have ordered two more 'plates' but I'm still waiting for them to arrive. This one is: KONAD m60. One of the others I have ordered has a freakin' tiger print on!! My gosh! :D

I also ordered the tools..

The second packet from the left is the 'Stamp & Scraper' - there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube you can watch which show you how its used - veeeery easy (why else would I have got them?! LOL) and the far right packet just contains a holder for the metal plate with the images on - not 100% sure whether I'll use it yet, I'll have to work out my set up first.

And of course, I had to had to get some China Glaze nail lacquer - I've been putting it off for far too long - thinking.. hmm, will I EVER use those colours, like, really? But then.. I found this GORGEOUS colour - Pelican Grey, I consistently wear either Rimmel - 60 Second Grey Matter or Barry M - Cyan Blue, they are always my go to colours. So when I found a China Glaze in grey, how could I say no?! It has nail hardner in with the varnish - so it'll help people with brittle nails etc. Less snapping and ruining your nails. Yippeee!

Yet another blurry photo, I'm sorry if I'm making your eyes go funny! LOL. As you can see I have the Barry M - Cyan Blue on at the moment, with a hand painted plaid pattern in white - done with a nail art brush I got for Christmas off my boyfriends Mam, I love playing with them, you can achieve some really neat stuff - if you have a steady hand!

Anyway, I'll definately be trying these products out when I re-do my nails - which shouldn't be long, as this time round they were done in a rush!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope to get a few cards made today, for DT spots as well as some extra birthday cards etc for my stash. Thats after I have popped to the Post Office - the third time this week - to get some stuff posted off to friends on Trimcraft.

As for my 'Wish-List' - I have placed some orders with Bunny Zoe Crafts, Quixotic Paperie, The Ribbon Girl, Stampeezee and a LOT from eBay. I am waiting for my 16BG USB to arrive from Play.com before I download anymore digi stuff, I have a feeling my computer may rebel against me and I lose it all. I know I should have backed up from the start - but there are always more interesting things to do! LOL.

I should hopefully be placing an order with SU! very shortly - I MUST get my hands on some of that Crumb Cake product. And next month should hopefully *fingers crossed* be my first ever order with PTI - super excited about that - as it stands I have a wish list as long as my arm, but I'll shortern it down.. somehow.


Tuesday 4 January 2011

My Window Shopping Wish List

So today, in between my uni assignment {*yawn*}, I have been having a little (use that term lightly..) browse online at some goodies that I would like! :) HA! Like I need anymore stash.. but its always nice to look, right?

First things first, I need to get my hands on the latest SU! catalogue.. my friend Roz gave me a link to the online UK version, you can see it here, but it is always better to have the real thing in your hands.. I love their cardstock, the colours match with so many design paper on the market. I want to see their new colour families too! I'm so behind.

Next, some stamps.. *YAY*, after being part of blog land for a while, I have been privileged to come across some really inspirational blogs, and after seeing some of the products they use, I have been bitten by the bug of CAS is sometimes best. Up first.. 1) My Favourite Things (MFT) stamps. Some of their UK retailers include Dies to Die For and Stampeezee.

× MFT - A La Modes - Birthday Girl
× MFT - A La Modes - Candy Cane Kisses
These A La Modes cling stamps are beautiful, just the thing I like - sooo easy to colour with ProMarkers. To be honest, I don't think me and Magnolia would get on, my colouring/shading techniques are not advanced enough for those detailed stamps just yet.

× MFT - Pure Innocence - Emma Celebrates the Season
How cute is she? The possibilities are endless with her fluffy hat and hand warmers!! She is very alike to Lexi's 'Kiri' digi image. Check Lexi's digi images --> here <-- I love the sentiments in the stamp set too.

× MFT - *New* Well Read
So that wouldn't be the most perfect sofa EVER to paper piece? Yes! Yes it would. Plus - I love books, so its the perfect stamp for me! :)

× MFT - Clearly Sentimental About You
Fab sentiments - I love the Elizabeth Bowen quote!

× MFT - Die-namics Framed Greetings Die and Stamp Set 
Some fab phrases - and it takes the hassel out of fussy cutting - the die is included in the set! :) Woop

× MFT - Pure Innocence - Apple for You
× MFT - Pure Innocence - My Umbrella 
× MFT - Pure Innocence - Happy Mail
Ahhh man, so perfect. I love these designs, again, so easy to colour, and paper piece.

2) The Greeting Farm..
Bunny Zoe Crafts has a massive selection of these, check them out HERE.

3) and my new found love.. DIGI STAMPS!!
I have bought a few recently, mostly from Whimsy Stamps, more specifically Meljen's Designs.

Enough of stamps now right? How about... some EMBELLISHMENTS.
You've always gotta colour co-ordinate everything on a creation, it just wouldn't be right otherwise. Two of my favourite brands for this sorta stuff, are 1) Hero Arts - Hero Hues 2) My Minds Eye - Lush (various) Collection.

Sir Stampalot is brilliant for the Hero Hues collections,, check them out --> HERE <--
Dies to Die For is brilliant for the MME Lush collections.. check the options out --> HERE <--

Lace, gems, pearls, flowers, ribbon, ribbon pins = yum yum yum. Gotta stock up on some of that stuff!!

Aaand last but not least.. NESTABILITIES.. although I'm a bit lost about all of that stuff. Hmm.. any recommendations on which ones you use the most often? The most interesting shapes? Any advice, please pass it by my way.

This post is long enough - so I hope I haven't left anything too important, out. This was mostly for me to gather together some shopping areas of interest, but feel free to drop by the places I have given links to and take a look at the goodies for yourself!! Thats all for now, best get cracking with this assignment.. Ugghh..


Saturday 6 November 2010

New [To Me] Products


I use mine.. all - of - the - time.

I have:
Scalloped Sentiment
Apron Lace
Threading Water

I signed up to Two Peas in a Bucket Newsletter late last year sometime, and I get regular newsletters. It appears there are some new Fiskar Border Punches on the market!! :D YAY!!

Notebook Border Punch (Fiskars)
Notebook Border
     Postage Stamp Border Punch (Fiskars)
In Stitches Border Punch (Fiskars)
In Stitches

Not sure when these will be available in the UK, soon I hope!! I {love} border punches!


I first came across this product in Papercraft Inspirations December Issue 80 on page 12. Wow, it looks awesome. I love the look of real stitching on cards, but I do not have the money to go out there and buy a sewing machine just for my card making. I have a feeling that I would be crap at it anyway. So up until now I have had to stick to faux stitching with a white gel pen. It does look good, but it doesn't have the same depth and texture as real stitching. I have giving real stitching a few attempts on my card, but laying out the mat so you know where to place your holes, then pricking all your holes individually can take forever, hence why just small areas of my cards have been hand stitched previously, and this is also how I know I love the effect! :)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IxJOQxRnFA - Check out this post to see how this tool works.

Interchangable heads along with a foam mat for proper use
 and a choice of emboidery floss/thread,
also included is a needle with an extra large eye to make threading
all that more easy!


By looking handmade the take all the fuss out of making your own embellishments and letting you get on with other areas of crafting on projects. Perfect for those quick makes


I know Halloween has been and gone, but these little cuties could be used on cards all year round!




Basic Grey NEVER let down, these two collections look gorgeous and refreshing!! :)

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