Showing posts with label Celcom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celcom. Show all posts

Sunday, May 13, 2012


*sponsored post

celcom 2012 cover

Calling all gadget freaks! Celcom is back again at GoMobile 2012 with attractive offers and special rebates on tablets and smartphones for existing and new customer. Did I mention lucky draw? Yup, you heard it right! More freebies!!!
Venue: GoMobile2012 @ KL Convention Centre, Hall 1 & 2 (Booth 91)
Date: 11 – 13 May 2012
Time: 11.00am – 9.00pm
celcom 2012

Some of the unbeatable offers on tablets are:-

- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7: From only RM1,228 with subscription to Broadband Lite + Voice @ RM38, Broadband Basic + Voice @ RM58, Broadband Advance + Voice @ RM88. FREE Samsung goodie bag.
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus: From only RM668 with subscription of Broadband Lite + Voice @ RM38, Broadband Basic + Voice @ RM58, Broadband Advance + Voice @ RM88. FREE Screen Protector worth RM99.
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.0: From only RM888 with subscription of Broadband Lite + Voice @ RM38, Broadband Basic + Voice @ RM58, Broadband Advance + Voice @ RM88. FREE Desktop stand worth RM119.
Not to forget the smartphones:-

- Samsung GALAXY S II: From as low as RM978. FREE S II Flip Cover worth RM99.
- HTC One X: From only RM1,358. FREE Beats Audio Headphones With subscription of Celcom Exec package (while stocks last).
- iPhone 4S: From only RM558. FREE 6,000 minutes and 6GB data.
- Xperia™ S: For only RM1,218. FREE accessories worth RM534 + Live View worth RM288.
- Vodafone 555 Blue: FREE with subscription of Celcom Exec 50 + mLite @ RM78.
- FREE Samsung freebies with purchase of any Samsung smartphone.
If you sign up for Celcom Broadband at the fair, you’ll get up to RM120 rebate (10 x 12 months) on Celcom Broadband plans and FREE volume quota for 6 months! Too good to pass eh?
Download & activate FREE Musicube App on any Android or iPhone at GoMobile 2012, and you might just enjoy one of these:-

- Shopping spree of up to RM 1,500 and shop along with Pixie Lott at Ted Baker in KL on 27 May 2012!
- 40 pairs of passes to the Pixie Lott showcase in KL on 26 May 2012!
- The awesome Beats audio headphones!
The best part of all, you can get this on Malaysia’s best network. It’s Celcom yo!

- Celcom is the most reputable telco provider having won various awards such as the prestigious Frost & Sullivan’s Mobile Broadband Provider for 2 years in a row.
- Celcom Broadband has the widest network coverage anywhere in Malaysia, indoors, outdoors and on-the-move.
- Celcom Broadband offers the best network quality, the richest web and video streaming experience with its stable connection.
For more info, please visit
Fret not if you are not in KL, I LOVE TABLET FAIR 2012 is coming near you soon!
Gurney Plaza, Penang: Thu, 17th – Sun, 20th May 12
One Borneo, Kota Kinabalu: Fri, 8th – Sun, 10th Jun 12
Spring Mall, Kuching: Fri, 22nd – Sun, 24th Jun 12
KSL City Mall, Johor Bahru: Fri, 29th Jun – Sun, 1st Jul 12
See you there!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Clean up

Mood Cik Aiyu hari ni:-

Stress ke?

Stress ape nye, orang dah bawak jejalan gi taman tadi. Sejak seminggu lepas, cuaca memang panas terlampau. Nak gi taman pun tak sesuai. Semua alat permainan jadi panas, macam mana nak panjat sana sini kan? Ni baru masuk April, Julai nanti tak tau la camne. Dah la bulan puasa. T__T

Kami kat sini cuaca cantik je, tapi kesian kat orang Dallas yang puting beliung. Nasib baik duduk Plano ye kak, kalau tak, adeh... Apa pun, Ikea dilanda ribut tak kak? Kita ada usul sebulan dua ni, hehehe...

Lupa pulak, nak eksyen sket pasal Cik Aiyu. Skang member dah paham bahasa omputeh sket. Semalam masa masak, aku mintak dia tolong bersihkan fridge magnet yang bersepah kat lantai. Jangan tak tau, mek kita makin pandai protes. Sejak peti sejuk kena tambat di bahagian atas, member memang selalu tak puas hati. Siap panjat peti sejuk, dengan harapan terbukak le tu. Jangan harap, kalau terbukak jugak, memang aku mintak refund kat Toys R Us untuk fridge lock tu, hehehe..

Anyway, bila aku suruh dia clean up, dia jalan menonong aje gi bilik permainan. Sat lagi dengar bunyi keletung keletang Lego dia. Rupanya cik kak kita sudah disassamble semua Lego blocks dia, pastu masukkan dalam Lego tub. Yang mahal dia siap tutup tub tu, dan angkat susun tepi dinding! Waaa.. syabbas betti, tak sia sia mak nye selalu suruh kemas rumah, hehehe... Pagi tadi aku test power, suruh dia clean up lagi. Berjaya juga kali ini, hehehe... Kembang lobang idong setongkol bawang mak nye. Nampaknya kena upah dengan video Elmo lagi le ni, hehehe..

Cakap pasal video, korang dah ada video pilihan tak?

Agak-agak apa sebab gadis itu mengamuk?

Aku rasa pasal dia nampak boipren dia pergi beli barang kemas dengan pompuan lain. Dari dia duk mengamuk, baik la fefeeling yang boipren tu beli barang kemas untuk dia, kan? Atau kalau agak-agak malam tu tak boleh tido, call le boipren. Tanya, buat ape tadi kat kedai? Ni tau tau gelpren terus mengamuk. Boipren lak takleh concentrate, terus accident, patah tangan. Nasib baik tangan, kalau .....

Omputeh ada mengatakan, "if you ASSUME, you are making an A** of U and ME"

I can't agree more.

Jadi, jangan berlengah. Angkat telefon, dan telefon la orang tersayang. Lepas tu mesti rasa lega sket. Udah udah le cakap pakai jari, kali ni kita pakai mulut pulak :D

Lagipun, berapa sangat la kan, kos untuk telefon seseorang? Almost nothing. The feeling after that?

Priceless :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rahsia Cik Aiyu

Nak jadi kuat dan sihat macam cik kak kita?






Minumlah Milo.


Sebenarnya saje nak eksyen, kitorang ada Milo dalam tin, hahaha.. Harga ok lah, $0.99 tak silap. Sama rege dengan biskut Hello Panda. Jangan tak tau, biskut tu RM 3.60 kat Giant! Walau made in Singapore, rupanya lagi murah di Amerika. Tak tau la kenapa, tax biskut di Malaysia mahal sangat kot, hihihi…

Dah ada tenaga, haruslah Cik Aiyu ber boot camp.


Destinasi kami hari ini, Hogan Park. Asyik duk dengar orang cerita pasal artificial grass di situ, mak nye kena cuba. Jalan jalan cari taman gitu kan.


Taman tu ok lah, not bad. Lokasi out sikit, tapi set up menarik, ada banyak permainan baru yang takde kat taman taman lain. Waktu kami pergi tadi masih panas, sudahnya cik kak kita tak dapat turun slide. Hot hot kata dia.


Tengok, buaian pun cool kan. Yang benda kuning kat belakang tu, boleh tarik ke depan, pastu lock. Macam seat naik roller coaster you. Jakun jap tadi, hahaha…

Cakap pasal roller coaster, ingat tak entry How a phone call can change your life… hari tu? Rupanya awek nanges tu bukan emosi macam roller coaster tak bersebab, rupanya ada sebab.

Bukan satu sebab, tapi ada 3 sebab!

Haaaa... macam filem Twilight le pulak kan, boleh pilih ending, hihihi...

Korang team mana?




Iolls syak awek tu bengang pasal nampak bofren dia beli barang kemas dengan pompuan lain. Pastu terus syak wasangka, ingatkan untuk awek tu. Biasalah kita manusia, hidup penuh prasangka. Pastu bukan nak tanya bofren kan, terus merajuk.

Cuba telefon, kot kot barang kemas tu untuk kita. Elok elok bukan untuk kita pun, boleh terus jadi untuk kita, hahahaha...

Untuk membuktikan betapa pentingnya panggilan telefon, 31 Mac ni adalah hari "Make That Call Day!" Old school is always cool, ey? Sila telefon mereka yang tersayang pada hari ini, atau mereka yang bakal disayang ;)

Jadi, siapa nak call iolls 31 Mac ni? :D

Friday, March 16, 2012

How a phone call can change your life…

Rupa rupanya….

Awek ini menangis pasal gaduh dengan boipren rupanya.

Satu benda yang aku nasihat kan semorang, kalau korang gaduh dengan boipren ke suami ke, kawan je, tolong lah jangan tak angkat telefon dengan sengaja. Memang la nak tunjuk protes, tapi aku ada satu cerita nak kasitau. Satu cerita yang mungkin lepas ni boleh buat korang angkat telefon, hehehe..

Cerita ni dah lama, dah 10 tahun kot. Ada la hamba Allah ni, bergaduh dengan boipren, pastu tanak angkat telefon. Sekali boipren call, dia tak angkat. Dua kali boipren call, dia tak angkat. Lepas tu telefon dia senyap aje. Dalam 30 minit macam tu, hamba Allah ni pun call le balik boipren. Cuma kali ni, terus masuk pada voicemail. Call berapa belas ke puluh kali, sama jugak.

Member kita ni pun naik cuak, tapi masih terkawal. Esok tu bila tanya kat kekawan lain, ada nampak tak boipren, semorang tak nampak. Ada kawan yang janji nak jumpa malam sebelum tu pun, kata memang tak nampak batang idung sang boipren ni. Apa lagi, hamba Allah ni makin naik takut lah. Bila cari punya cari…

To cut the story short, they found his car a few days later, together with his belongings. Followed by his body, not long after.

I guess the girl in this video clip is lucky. Not so for my dear friend.

Sejak tu, aku memang selalu angkat telefon. Walau bergaduh macam mana pun. Iye, kitorang ni sekarang je tenang. Time bercinta dulu mak aih… Cik Abe banyak dengar kata-kata nista daripada ucapan “I Love You”, hihihi.. Semua benda pun tak kena. Kitorang ni dah la PJJ, lagi la payah. Memang boleh chatting, tapi chatting ni kekadang boleh buat orang salah faham. Sebagai contoh, “I’m fine” boleh jadi “I am really fine and happy” atau pun “I am not in good mood, please ask me what’s wrong”. Ayat pendek je kan, tapi boleh jadi positif, boleh jadi negatif.

Untuk mengelakkan keadaan macam ni, kitorang selalu telefon. Seriously, a simple phone call can really change your life. Bukan mahal pun telefon, lagi dapat jimat masa dari nak menaip. Plus point, dapat dengar suara boipren lagi, hihihi… Orang kata kalau tak dapat jumpa depan mata, dengar suara pun jadi la tak?

Pick up the phone and call someone you love today. I know a lot of people prefer to chat, twit, BBM or What’s App each other, but I guess no technology can really replace human touch. At least no t for me :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Celcom Call Me Tone-A-thon

Kringggg kringggg!
You know, the same old telephone ring.
And you wonder why people don't call you. :P
We want entertainment people, even while waiting for you to pick up your phone.
That's why, we need Celcom Call Me Tones!
You think you have a good taste in music? Why don’t you show it with your Call Me Tones? Let your callers listen to the songs that you like. Download the coolest hits from the biggest stars and entertain your callers.

But don’t just get one Call Me Tones. Join the Call Me Tone-A-thon and get as many Call Me Tones as you like! Give them variety and let your callers hear a different song every time they buzz you. You can even ask your friends to join in the Call Me Tone-A-Thon and see who has the biggest Call Me Tones collection (or whose collection is more awesome)! Do not worry, Celcom has more than 4,000 songs for you to choose from.

If that is still not a big enough motivation for you to join the Call Me Tone-A-Thon, how about the chance to win up to RM7,000 daily cash prize! That’s right! Every day one lucky Call Me Tones subscriber will win cash worth anywhere from RM2,000 to RM7,000! New clothes, flashy sneakers, the latest smartphone – there’s a lot that you can buy with load of money! And that’s not even the best part!

The best part is, when you join Call Me Tone-A-Thon, you also stand to win the grand prize which is a Volkswagen Polo! SWWWEEEEEEET!!!

 So how do you join the Call Me Tone-A-Thon?

It’s really SUPER DUPER easy. From 14th December 2011 until 12th January 2012, you can either:
Type CAR and send it to 22222

When you perform either one of the above, you’ll get 2 Call Me Tones and will be charged RM5.00. That’s ONLY RM5 for 2 Call Me Tones for 1 month! (normal price would be RM12). You can then redeem your Call Me Tones at To qualify for the cash Daily Prize, you need to send at least 3 SMS-es to 22222 and purchase 6 Call Me Tones at RM15.00 from 12am until 11.59pm of each day. Simple, right?

So hurry and join the Call Me Tone-A-Thon and be on your way to getting awesome songs on your mobile as well as winning fantastic prizes!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Celcom Samsung Galaxy Tab™ 8.9


Question of the day:

If given a choice of tablet, which one would you prefer?

Some might be too big, some might be too small. Some only comes with WiFi (hellooo.. 3G anyone?), and the list will be never ending. Whether we like it or not, we need to stay connected via e-mails, messaging, web and of course, we need to entertain ourselves too. Games & apps, for sure! I need to practice on my aim to kill those poor pigs, hahaha…

Guess what?
Samsung Galaxy Tab™ 8.9 is just the perfect tablet, with the right size. You can store your work files, games, music, emails, and so much more in one convenient tablet. Did I mention it is thinner, lighter and faster too?
Pair it with Celcom, you’ll get double bonus! The ideal tablet with the best network connection and widest coverage in the country, say what! You’ll get seamless video streaming and richest web experience on your brand new tablet, backed by the best network in Malaysia. Plus, you’ll get more savings with the best deals and the perfect plans that suit your needs.

Ok, breath in, breath out.

Other features of the Samsung Galaxy Tab™ 8.9 are:
- Android 3.1 (Honeycomb)
- 8.9” touch screen display
- 1.5GHz dual-core processor
- 2MP front camera, 3MP rear camera
- Thinner (8.6mm)
- Lighter (453g)
- 16GB internal memory
- Supports Wi-Fi and 3G
I know, CRAZYYY!!!!
Wait until you hear the best part.
You can get the new Samsung Galaxy Tab™ 8.9 with the best network and the most affordable packages, from as low as RM1,288 (RRP: RM1,699).


You can choose to opt for basic or advance broadband package with Celcom.

Why is it better with Celcom?
- Celcom is the most reputable telco provider having won various awards such as the prestigious Frost & Sullivan’s Mobile Broadband Provider for 2 years in a row.
- Celcom Broadband has the widest network coverage anywhere in Malaysia, indoors, outdoors and on-the-move.
- Celcom Broadband offers the best network quality, the richest web and video streaming experience with its stable connection.

In addition to the latest Samsung Galaxy Tab™ 8.9, there’s also the Samsung Galaxy Tab (7”) from as low as RM668, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 from as low as RM1,468. Whatever you need, Celcom has it!

Please visit for more information on the entire suite of Samsung Galaxy Tab choices.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Celcom iPhone 4S launch event at La Bodega, 16 Dec 2011

Ok peeps, don’t forget your date with Celcom this evening!

Celcom iPhone 4S_thumb[1]

Date: 16 Dec 2011
Venue: La Bodega, Bangsar Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur
Time: Queue starts at 9 pm, Sale starts at midnight

Why iPhone 4S?

Like duhhh… it’s iPhone 4S!

With 8MP camera (yes, camera is important!), 3.5” multi touch display, dual core A5 processor… ok, my priority should be the other way round, but ehhh…

You guys might want to check out the packages offered by Celcom.

Celcom 12mthCelcom 24mth

Get ready with Red Bull as tonight will be the night to remember. And tomorrow you’ll be the talk of the town!

Monday, December 12, 2011

New toys in town!

Hari ni mode riak dah keluar. Heh, bukan selalu kan. Jadi, sila tahan aje lah k.

Pagi tadi, cuaca mendung. Siap hujan lagi. Tatkala cuaca suram pilu…

Sang isteri: Wake up! It’s almost 10am. Aren’t you working this week?

Sang suami: I will go to work after the refrigerator is here.

Huk alohh…. Camne boleh lupa! *tampar dahi sendiri* Hari ni peti sejuk baru kami sampai!
*lompat-lompat gegar lemak*

Peti sejuk lama idok le rosak, tapi saje je nak beli baru. Nak yang besor sket, hihihi.. Macam la anak patblas kan. Nampak sangat malas nak masak, asyik pre heat apa yang ada.


Puan May.


Tak sampai 2 jam umur, fridge magnet dah penuh, hahaha…


Selain Puan May, kami ada gajet baru lagi. Alang alang dah niat nak riak kan, baik tunjuk sekali. Senang, dosa tang bongkak hari ni aje.


Meat grinder yang marveles. Tiada lagi minced meat yang serupa grounded meat dari Midamar. Mak grind fresh you!

Tidak lupa pada rakan baru kita, Cik Sakura. Khas untuk buat apam polka dot, boleh tak? Hahahah…


Korang macam mana, ada gajet baru tak?

Kot kot bakal ada iPhone 4S pojaan ramai tu kan… Mesti kembang lobang idong kalau jadi antara orang Malaysia terawal yang dapat pakai iPhone 4S ni kan?

Celcom iPhone 4S

Apa lagi, jangan lupa serta Celcom iPhone 4S launching!

Tarikh: 16 Disember 2011
Tempat: La Bodega, Bangsar Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur
Waktu: Beratur mulai 9:00 pm (15 Disember), Jualan bermula 12:00 am (16 Disember)

Kalau tanak beratur pun takpe. Register di Celcom sekarang, pastu nanti korang akan dapat laluan khas. Best kan? Bukan tu aje, siapa yang gi launching, boleh sertai aktiviti & permainan, untung untung dapat hadiah you!

Jangan lepaskan peluang!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas shopping & American language

Sedar tak sedar, sekarang ni dah bulan Disember kan. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Haribulan pun dah nak masuk 2 digit.

Kat sini, hujung tahun memang berbeza sungguh daripada waktu-waktu lain. Apa tak nye, ini aje time diorang raya. Itu le, orang suruh 1Amerika tak mau. Kan dah cuti umum sikit aje. Tengok Malaysia, Hari Raya ada, Tahun Baru Cina ada, Deepavali ada, Krismas ada.. Tu belum campur birthday Sultan, birthday Agong lagi… Sini birthday Obama bila pun aku tak tau. Takde sape yang kisah.

Masuk je bulan 12, semorang kat sini stress. Stress nak beli hadiah untuk kaum keluarga. Gila kau, nak pikir hadiah sensorang, bukan senang weh. Kat Malaysia gak best kan, hulur je duit. Ko nak beli ape, lantak la. Beli buku? PSP? Handbag? Kasut? Baju? Simpan? Lantakkk…

Kat US, jarang la ko nak dengar orang kasi cash. Cik Abe cakap, itu macam satu penghinaan la. Ibarat ko takde masa sangat nak fikir pasal keluarga. Paling busuk pun, ko kasi gift card le. Kalau kasi kertas ada muka presiden, memang tak digalakkan. Tapi yang pelik nye, setiap tahun haku lak stress nak fikirkan hadiah untuk family Cik Abe. Dia rileks aje. Bukan ape, dia suka nau beli last minute. Sat gi sape gak tukang balut? Ini jugakkk… Jadi dari awal bulan lagi, aku ingatkan Cik Abe suruh gi survey barang untuk family dia.

Untuk Cik Aiyu, haku dah beli awal-awal dah. Siap pergi shopping dengan Cik Aiyu lagi, hahaha… Sebenarnya aku beli extra set Duplo hari tu. Ada BOGO, jadi rembat la set kedua tu. BOGO tu kalau nak tau, Buy One Get One 50%. Bukan bongok tau. Memula aku pelik gak tengok sign BOGO ni merata-rata, lelama baru paham. Ooo.. gitu ke… Orang Amerika ni suka tau, buat bahasa sendiri. Antara perkataan lain yang aku belajar adalah Black Friday = Friday after Thanksgiving dan Cyber Monday = Monday after Thanksgiving. Dua-dua term ni anda perlu tau jika anda shopper tegar. Black Friday ni adalah hari sale maut, yang buat orang terpacak depan kedai dari tengah malam sebelum tu. Cyber Monday pulak membuatkan orang bakal mempunyai carpal tunnel syndrome, pasal syiok memborong secara online le pulak.

Anyway, hari ni aku jadi tai tai. Sekali sekala kan.. Cik Abe tengah off, jadi sila amik alih tugas jaga anak. Bini nak gi bikin diri jap.

Hari dimulakan dengan pedicure. Waxing pun buat, tapi tak dapek den nak amik gambau. Sogan.


Kemudian, shopping. Heh, bukan untuk diri sendiri, untuk orang le. Tapi seperti biasa, fefeeling tu tetap ade, muahahaha…


Lepas tu, gi cuci kereta lak. Percaya tak, nak masuk 6 bulan beli kereta, ni first time aku hantar gi cuci, hahahaha… Keji kann.. On my defense, sini takde bangla nak cuci kereta. Yang ada, mesin camni aje. Aku pernah cuci kereta Cik Abe sebelum ni, Cik Aiyu menggelupur takut dengar bunyi mesin tu. So I don’t want banana to fruit twice.


Since hari ni cakap pasal shopping, korang tau kan, Celcom nak lancarkan iPhone 4S 16 December ni?

YOU can be the EARLIEST / 1st in Malaysia to get the iPhone 4S, from Celcom on 16th December 2011!!! Lookout on Celcom’s website as further details will be coming out soon!

Something to add on the Christmas list, perhaps? Winking smile

Monday, November 14, 2011

Celcom Samsung Galaxy Note

Semenjak dua menjak Cik Aiyu suka main Talking Tom 2 ni kan, aku rasa macam nak beli touch screen smartphone aje. Tapi kekadang rasa nak beli tablet pulak. Konpius sudah. Kalau ada gajet yang ala smartphone + tablet kan best…
Siapa sangka, hari baik, tarikh baik ni, Celcom telah menjawab doa ku. 11.11.11 is the day yo!
Presenting, Samsung Galaxy Note, the best of smartphone and tablet in one.
*drum rolls please*

Zaman sekarang ni, hidup rasa tak lengkap apabila tiada gajet seperti telefon, kamera, laptop, MP3 player dan sebagainya. Trust me, I know. Sebagai seorang blogger dan online seller, memang kita kena sentiasa online untuk check e-mail, SMS, chat, website dan sebagainya. Belum lagi bila waktu boring, nak jugak main game ngan layan YouTube kan, hehehe…
Tapi takkan nak bawak semua gajet tu merata-rata?
Terima kasih kepada Samsung Galaxy Note, sekarang kita boleh buat semua aktiviti di atas dengan satu gajet sahaja. Samsung Galaxy Note, itu aje yang diperlukan. It has the portability of a smartphone, and high performance of a tablet. Nak amik nota? Nak atur jadual? Nak main game? Semua ada! What else can you ask for, right?
Antara ciri-ciri Samsung Galaxy Note yang memikat hati ku ialah:-
- Kelajuan tinggi dengan Android 2.3 Gingerbread dan 1.4GHz dual-core processor
- Paparan skrin 5.3" HD Super Amoled
- S Pen Stylus yang amat membantu dalam mencatat nota dengan lebih laju & mudah
- Kamera 8.0MP di belakang dan 2MP di hadapan
- Memori dalaman bersaiz 16GB, boleh ditingkatkan sehingga 32GB dengan MicroSD
Berita baik, sekarang ianya boleh didapati dengan harga serendah RM 1,368 dengan pakej CelcomExec.
Kenapa Celcom?
- Celcom mempunyai liputan terluas di Malaysia, sama ada di dalam atau di luar, dan juga sewaktu sedang bergerak
- Celcom menawarkan kualiti rangkaian terbaik untuk penghantaran maklumat, panggilan suara, panggilan video, internet, e-mail dan sebagainya
- Celcom memberikan streaming video yang terbaik melalui rangkaian yang stabil
- Celcom memberikan plan terbaik untuk memenuhi kehendak dan kemampuan pengguna
Celcom telah melancarkan Samsung Galaxy Note pada hari ini, 11.11.11 dari jam 10 pagi ke 10 malam di beberapa buah tempat:-
- Pavilion KL (La Bodega)
- Queensbay Mall, Penang
Kalau tak sempat nak pergi takpe, boleh layari untuk maklumat lebih lanjut mengenai pakej dan spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy Note ini.
I’ve checked it out, have you? ;)

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