
17 December 2010

needed google feature...

so we always keep the google "safesearch" option off.  ya never know what you'll find, and honestly, we don't mind running across some naked people when googling- helps to break up the day!

but really, there oughta be a "safedecorsearch" so if someone googles, let's say "gold floor lamp", they don't come up with this:
 they rotate too! why wouldn't they?
or this:
really, a larger then life gold and crystal eagle floorlamp? just because it can be made, doesn't mean it should
there, now your eyes hurt too.

don't blame m21, blame the google.


Vickie H. said...

As much as I loved the late MJ's music, you KNOW if he had seen that eagle it would have been HIS!!!
Merry Christmas to you, Ted and Richard!

MadHat said...

You've hit on something here. I recently Googled "Hat hangers", and well, let's just say that what came up was not decor, and certainly was NSFW. I must be gettin' old because I'd never heard that term used for anything but hats before. The least they could do is provide eye scrubbers to help with the aftermath.

Hautezone said...

Rainy with a chance of jingle belles!!!

"after the darkness of a storm, comes the color blue".

Keep it together Christian, help is on the way...

Merry Christmas, wishing you a tremendous 2011!
