Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


That's me blowing the dust off my little blog:) Time flies, doesn't it? And life goes on! But enough of that...I'm on summer break! Liam's mommy is off work until August 1st, so I am too.

My first summer project is actually one I started on winter break. I finished my string blocks yesterday,

one hundred of them, and I laid them out on the floor this morning.

I really like it, but I really like scrappy quilts! I think it will end up measuring about 65" x 65" and could be a good picnic quilt. Sooo, off to the sewing room for me--I only have eight weeks to catch up on some projects, lol!!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February Quilting Bee Blocks...and more

Another month almost over...maybe it seemed to zip by because it's a short one??!

Kinda fun to measure a month with quilting bee blocks are the ones I made for February:

In Sew Connected 2, Doris is making a neighborhood quilt and asked for simple houses and, if we wanted, we could add embroidered details.

Ruth is making a similar quilt, "About Town", in Bee Obsessed.

It's my month :) in Stash Busting Bee International and I've asked for blocks for an I-Spy quilt for the grandbabies! Some really cute blocks are being created.....I can't wait to show them to you when they arrive and I've had a chance to lay them out!

Doll Quilt Swap 8 is wrapping up soon and I'm getting close to being is sneak peek #2. I'm ready to stack, quilt and bind it and it will be on it's way:)

The second meeting of the newly formed KC Modern Quilt Guild is tonight and I'm very excited--it's such a great group quilters! I think they are expecting twice as many as the first FUN!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Doll Quilt Sneak Peek

I wanted to give you some peeks at my work in progress for Doll Quilt Swap 8....

1.25" strips lined up on the ironing board ready for piecing:

And a few completed blocks with strips of linen mixed in:

There are 161 quilters playing this round and I've seen some amazing little doll quilts so far. The deadlines for mailing are March 1 for international packages and March 8 for shipping nationally. With that in mind, I'd say that in about a month I should know who is making a quilt for me! Exciting!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Whole Lotta Lovin' Goin' On

Soooo, this is one reason why my poor little blog has been neglected lately...

But, really, which one would you choose?! (Can you believe he's one month old already!)


I am finding time for some embroidery too---for the Hoop Up! Stitch & Send swap. I just started on this block for a group member whose theme is "Japanese Garden"...

...and I just finished this one for a "Whimsical Forest/Woodland" theme.

(pattern by Hannah)


This one isn't for the swap but it's one I started in early autumn (hence, the leaves, acorns and fall colors) but set aside. I worked on it around the holidays to keep my hands busy and finished it up---not sure what I'll do with it yet?

(pattern from Sublime Stitching)

I hope to get around to my regular blog visits again soon. I've missed seeing what you all are up to and your gorgeous creations!


Saturday, August 29, 2009


Works-in-progress would pretty much describe my entire craft room at this time, so I'm narrowing down this post to quilts-in-progress!

The quilt top for Doll Quilt Swap 7 came together this week.

My (secret) partner said she/he likes blues and pastels and is relaxed, not formal... I used a collection of blue Kaffe Fassett fabric and linen. I hope she/he likes it:)

There are only about two more weeks left for this swap and many have already completed and sent off their quilts--some real can go here to see them.

I also made a block for my Sew Connected 2 quilting bee group...

This is for Alissa who requested straight lines, no triangles. I had a lot of fun with her fabrics--little tadpoles and frogs in those jars!

Yesterday, I received fabric from Terrie for September's Stash Busting Bee International blocks...

Her request? Haunted Halloween wonky houses!! How great is that?!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Works in Progress

Thought I'd show you a few of the things I've been working on lately...all works in progress. I've finally come to realize that I work best when I have a few projects going at the same time. That's just how it is:)

I'm really liking this knitting project. It's my first time to knit color blocks in this way.

The yarn is a 50/50 organic wool/organic cotton blend and is very soft. It's the yarn I received in this gift (remember it?) and I love it. The square needles have been easy and comfortable to use too.

My go-to book when I want to just PLAY, and play with COLOR, is Collaborative Quilting. A little inspirational reading can go a long way when the mood strikes...these house blocks were a lot of fun!

I'm not able to say too much about the next two quilting projects until they reach their new homes. But I wanted to post these sneak peak photos anyway because the colors are so warm and cheerful.

I should be able to show them in their finished state at the end of the which time, I'll probably have two new 'works in progress" to take their place!
