Showing posts with label hoop up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hoop up. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Hope I Win THIS Giveaway!!

This is going to be a short little blog post but it's gonna pack a punch.....

My friend, Aneela--the multi-talented Aneela--is having a huge scrap fabric giveaway.....and not just any fabric scraps but pieces from many treasured fabric lines!!

You can check it out here--even if you're not a sew-ist, Aneela writes an entertaining blog:)


P.S. I'll have some Hoop Up! Round 2 embroidery pieces to show you soon. It's a rainy morning here today and difficult to get decent photos.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hoop Up!

I realize, as I've been working on the final block for Hoop Up! Stitch & Send Swap, that it's been a while since I shared anything new in that department!

My last block is for Missy. Her theme is Nursery Rhymes...I love "Hey Diddle Diddle" so it was easy for me to choose what to stitch for her.

I'm pleased with it so far, but have some outlining still to do and also some filling in.

**05-04-2010, edited to add** Finished and on it's way to Missy!

The next two blocks are finished and have already made the trip to their new homes...

For Cathy, a fairytale-ish woodland theme:

And for Nicole, a Paris/or France theme:

Two others in our group have added to Nicole's French street scene---a florist's shop and a pet grooming salon---what fun!!

This has been such a great group of stitchers! We all agree how much fun we've had and how sad we are to see it coming to an end. The deadline for finished blocks is April 30th. Maybe there will be a Round 2?


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hoop Up! Stitching

The dreary days and cold nights we're experiencing have at least been good for stitching! Once it warms up (notice I didn't say IF), I won't find myself huddled under a blanket so much and my embroidery will probably slow down.

For now though, Hoop Up! Stitch & Send has been the perfect swap to work on!

I finished this one just today for
Aneela...her theme is Little Girls Playing.

Aneela has a tutorial for a fill-in backstitch that I tried and really liked!

For June's theme, Baby Girl Loves, she sent out white fabric to some members in our group and pink fabric to the others to embroider on. I was excited to receive a pink piece--it was really fun!

June is going to use the stitched pieces to make a quilt for her 3 year old daughter...won't that be cute?

I think I showed this one in it's beginning stages, but now it's finished's for Marianne. Her theme is Found in an Oriental Garden.

She is also going to make a quilt, to use as a wallhanging, with her stitched blocks...this is a photo of her own embroidered block and the fabric she's using--lovely!

Thanks for letting me share my stitching with you. In my next post, I hope to share some photos of work-in-progress for Doll Quilt Swap 8. I have my fabric and I have a plan so it's time to start cutting and sewing!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Whole Lotta Lovin' Goin' On

Soooo, this is one reason why my poor little blog has been neglected lately...

But, really, which one would you choose?! (Can you believe he's one month old already!)


I am finding time for some embroidery too---for the Hoop Up! Stitch & Send swap. I just started on this block for a group member whose theme is "Japanese Garden"...

...and I just finished this one for a "Whimsical Forest/Woodland" theme.

(pattern by Hannah)


This one isn't for the swap but it's one I started in early autumn (hence, the leaves, acorns and fall colors) but set aside. I worked on it around the holidays to keep my hands busy and finished it up---not sure what I'll do with it yet?

(pattern from Sublime Stitching)

I hope to get around to my regular blog visits again soon. I've missed seeing what you all are up to and your gorgeous creations!


Monday, January 11, 2010

Staying Warm, Stitching and Swapping

Too much snow and way too cold temperatures last week weren't good for much of anything except wrapping up in a blanket or snuggling with a baby.

Or stitching...which seems to go hand in hand with wrapping up in a blanket. And the timing is perfect for the latest swap I've taken on...Hoop Up! Stitch & Send Swap.

My theme is "Sweet Dreams" and I put together this flickr mosaic with photos that I like for inspiration...

1. ZZZ's pillowcase, 2. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, 3. Counting Sheep, 4. Pillowcase Fairy, 5. Storybook Collection, 6. cookie loves milk tattoo, 7. Sublime Stitching Sweet, 8. Once Upon A Time..., 9. BLUE MOON week 60, 10. travelers, 11. alarm clock, 12. Sleepy owls - pillow

There are 6 groups participating. Each group has 6/7 stitchers who choose a theme and send out a block of their chosen fabric to the others. Everyone embroiders something according to the theme and sends it back. Some will use the embroidered blocks to make a quilt, wall hanging, pillow, apron, tote bag, etc. I'm very excited to see what my group comes up with--they're all quite gifted and creative!

I finished my piece this weekend...

My idea of stitching up a cozy little bed took on a life of its own and I think it ended up with kind of a Disney-Cinderella feel to it.

Now, on to something for one of my group members! So many ideas and, fortunately, plenty of time--the deadline isn't until April 30th;)
