Showing posts with label the pink artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the pink artist. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2009

In the Pink Artists Drawing, Everyone Wins!

For a donation to Susan G. Komen for the Cure through The Pink Artists Drawing, Part 2, my name was entered...and drawn for one of the amazing 63 prizes gifted to the Prize Wheel by 63 equally amazing artists!

Specifically, an incredible mixed media piece, "Sailing Through It" by "Nikki" Lee Anne Ghilain, (Sun Soul Art Thoughts)!! It's gorgeous and I can't thank Nikki enough for her generosity!!


So, this is what it's looked like around here for a couple of days...

(Image from DryIcons)

Oh so dreary! But before the cold rain moved in, it was sunny and warm and I gathered up a few of the autumn leaves from our yard.

I decided to scan them...

...although, I'm not sure what to do with them.

Maybe you have an idea? Please feel free to use them:)


Friday, July 31, 2009

The Pink Artists Drawing ~ Part 2

Read about Part 2 then be prepared to be awed!

Do you recall a special drawing held last year for the Pink Artists Doll? Do you remember how beautiful she is?!

The Block Art Quilt is every bit as beautiful! And again, the funds raised by the drawing will benefit breast cancer research. This is where you go to view the quilt and to be awed!

This is where to go to view other wonderful prizes you could win in the drawing!

And that Pink Artists button at the top right of my blog...that's where you click to learn where to enter and how to donate to Breast Cancer Research.
Last year, $3028.34. This year, ?????


Friday, August 1, 2008

The Pink Artist Drawing, Day One

Today is the day! It's time to celebrate!
Starting today and all the way through October the 15th, you can enter The Pink Artist Drawing for a chance to win
The Pink Artist Doll!

Just click this think pink image for details:

Be sure to check in often with Monica (girl-gone-thread-wild) who has lots of things she's going to be sharing about
The Pink Artist Project and "Susan G. Komen for the Cure".




The Breast Cancer Site
it's another way you can help!


Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Pink Artist Drawing

Do you remember her? Of course you do! She's "Love Squared", the Pink Artist Doll that was created with two by two inch art squares lovingly made by 182 artists from all over the world. The project and the doll are devoted to raising awareness and donations for breast cancer research.

From August 1, 2008 through October 15, 2008 there is going to be a huge blog party. On behalf of the 182 Pink Artists everywhere, you are personally invited to join the festivities! During this time you will have an opportunity to make donations in any amount that will then be sent on to "Susan G. Komen for the Cure". PLUS for every $10 donation you make, your name will be entered twice into The Pink Artist Drawing for a chance to WIN the fabulous Pink Artist Doll!!! Go here for ALL of the details or click the "Think Pink" button at the top right side of my blog. Then get ready to party!!!


Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Love Squared" Revealed

Monica, on her blog "girl-gone-thread-wild", has revealed the COMPLETED Pink Artist Doll or "Love Squared" as she has been named!

And she is...


Monica has posted tons of amazing photos. The ones I am showing here are but a few of the photos that her husband, Jeff, has taken and has so graciously allowed us, The Pink Artists, to share with you on our blogs. However, you really must go look at ALL of them, not only for the sheer beauty, but also for the emotional experience. There is an incredible amount of love, hope and dedication alive in this elegant creation!

By the way, I found my little square in one of the photos! It is located second from the bottom, on the right:

This has been, and continues to be, an unbelievable experience. I'm so thankful to be a part of it!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"The Pink Artist Doll Project" Update

I wanted to share my excitement with you about The Pink Artist Doll! Monica (girl-gone-thread-wild) has two posts on her blog with photos showing the progress of our girl. I think it is FASCINATING and Monica's comments are always a delight.

Check it out: The Pink Artist Doll Project


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"the pink artist"

Back on the 1st of February, I stopped by Chel's blog (she's the founder of ZNE) and noticed that she was participating in ONE World-ONE Heart, a giveaway event that originated in 2007 with the idea of bringing bloggers together from around the world who may never meet ordinarily. It was quite successful last year and even more so this year with over 3 times the number of participants. It sounded like a fun time to me so I started visiting some of the blogs and was pleased to discover a number of artists that I will most definitely check in on again!

There's one that would have been a real shame to miss...Monica was there that I learned about Monica's "the pink artist" community art doll project for charity. She created a 37 inch doll and is collecting 2" x 2" squares from artists, using their chosen medium, that she will hand sew to a piece of fabric and then add to the doll as the main focal point. The doll was recently named "Love Squared" and is eventually to be auctioned off with all proceeds to benefit "Susan G. Komen for the Cure" for the fight against breast cancer.

As of February 8th, there were 122 creative souls signed up to participate. As one of those 122, there is much that I love about this opportunity: 1. You just gotta love finding a place where personal passion can be a part of a bigger cause, a place to help make a difference...2.  the "Susan G. Komen for the Cure" and their dedication to many issues surrounding breast cancer through research, education, empowerment and much more...and 3. Being part of an art collaboration will surely be fun...not only the anticipation of seeing the completed art doll, but also seeing the incredible art squares as they come in.  There are several squares already posted on Monica's blog and it's an amazing sight! You can follow the progress of "Love Squared" on her blog, too.

So, here's my part...the four squares I'll be sending off to Monica tomorrow:

What a fun project--I'm thrilled to have found it! What else do you suppose is out there awaiting discovery?
