27 September 2011
random tidbits of lucy at 2
i am loving lucy at 2. i did not however love 21 months. not sure if molars were coming in or what but we had a few rough weeks a few months back. i thought it was the terrible twos setting in a tad early but we're over that craziness and i'm in love with my "baby" once again.
she talks so cute and says or tries to say anything we ask her to say.
her bedtime routine with dad is funny/sad. he kneels by her bed tucks her in, sings her a song, gives her a kiss and as he's walking out her door they have this on-going dialogue:
dad: good night sweetie.
lucy in a sad voice: good night.
dad: love you.
lucy in a sad voice: love you too.
dad: see you in the morning.
lucy in a sad voice: ok
lucy in a sad voice: and have an otter pop?
dad: yeah. love you.
lucy in a sad voice: love you too.
alright already!!
(we always brush teeth then say prayers in annie's room. this routine is not to be broken, little creatures of habit).
she copies EVERYTHING annie does. she absolutely does whatever annie is doing. she will walk the same way, fold her arms the same way, run the same way. you name it.
she cries when her dad goes to work and tries to go with him. he sometimes has to take her on his lap around the block in the car before he goes to work.
she asks to watch "a muzee" every morning. usually tangled. if we're up early i let her watch parts while i wake up on the couch next to her.
she comes into our room around 7 am. i bring her into bed with us but that only lasts a few minutes before she is requesting a drink and breakfast.
she is sleeping in her crib turned toddler bed really well. i've found her on the floor only once. she jumps in and we shut the door and she stays put. (it helps that she can't actually open her bedroom door).
she loves to get in the "tubby."
she likes to sit on the potty for .2 seconds and does nothing more than a tiny toot.
she is small and still wears some 18 month clothes.
her hair is blonde and growing. it may be time to have the mullet cut off again.
she's the first offender of a black permanent marker on my walls (the front door, entry closet door and office bay window). grrr.
she loves to swing in the "baby swing" out back and has mastered climbing the steep ladder to the slide. she is loving the new child seat on my bike. i am loving our bike rides.
she is doing much better in nursery but insists on bringing her binky and blanky. she pretty much insists we bring them everywhere. i pick my battles.
she has entered the "why" phase. "why mommy?" and anytime you ask her why she's doing something she replies with "because."
she sings, "we will, we will...rock you!" which is totally funny. she also got pretty good at "happy birthday" the past few weeks. she requests "child a god" every night and at other times. she can carry a tune and hit right notes. very funny.
i strung balloons on the mantel for her birthday and she was quite pleased to see those purple balloons the morning of her birthday. "balloons, i like em." we went on a bike ride, played with her new cash register and mixer. we had a small family party that night with rainbow cupcakes with whip cream. it was a nice, low key day except for the kirby vacuum lady that stayed for 2 hours! NEVER AGAIN.
lucy is a doll. she is strong and can hold her own with her sister, but is so lovable and sweet. i am crazy in love with my two year old.
25 September 2011
george washington park - labor day
we grabbed subway and drove up parley's canyon to meet up with the sandbergs at the george washington park. we weren't the only ones with that idea but we still found a nice little spot to picnic and relax...which is what we were doing when a frisbee conked lucy right in face. ouch. she got a nice bruise right between the eyes. poor thing. we collected golf balls and played with the wiffle bat.
we met up again at our place for a bbq that night.
love those monday holidays!
12 September 2011
sunday, august 14th 2011
i've been wanting to hike ensign peak with our little family for several weeks. when matt suggested we go one sunday afternoon i packed us some water and snacks and was in the car ready to go.
annie is a good little hiker and little stuff too (her dad carried her a lot too). we stopped for a starburst break half way up.
the view is always amazing. we reminisced about a seminary council meeting we had up there and when warren biffed it hard right at the top when they were making the seminary video. our first kiss happened up there too. not at the council meeting, although that would have been funny.
i spied a rattle snake on the way down which made me nervous. my first encounter with a real live, in the wild rattle snake. we hiked down in half the time and decided to stop at temple square on the way home. we walked up to see the Christus and threw pennies in the fountains. we saw the cool temple exhibit in the south visitor's center.
we sang our "chinese ladies" ditty on the way back to our car because we're cool like that. lucy thinks it's super funny and laughs every time we turn around and bump bums.
we made a quick stop by the parentals to borrow "three amigos." i haven't watched it in years but can still quote the entire movie. i've gotta get out more.
"you were suppose to fire up. we both fired up!"
"oh great, real bullets."
"it's like living with a six year old."
"looks like somebody's been down here with the ugly stick."
a fine sabbath day.
11 September 2011
ladies hike
i was sick the day i was suppose to get together with michelle. luckily it was short lived and we were able to hike wednesday. the night before, i was telling annie our plans for the following day and was telling her about my friend, michelle. she was laying in her bed with her hands behind her head and looked up at me all serious and said, "do you think she'll like me?" of course it only took about 10 seconds for annie to fall in love with michelle the next morning. she was so sweet to both the girls and we had such a great time. it was a beautiful hike and i loved getting the scoop on michelle's love life and travels. the girls did great hiking with only minimal complaining.
when we got to the lake the girls both wanted to jump in. michelle being the spontaneous, fun person she is stripped down to her makeshift swim attire and got in with the girls. it was cold. the swim didn't last long and before i could get lucy's diaper back on she had sat on michelle's shirt and wet on it. sorry. you don't mind hiking back shirtless do you?
lucy napped in the backpack on the hike back and annie took a nap on the car ride home.
michelle and i talked and covered any and all topics we could think of.
it was a doubleheader when we met up to swim the next afternoon. we were rained out of the wj pool. michelle was hoping to relive her lifeguarding days. we ended up at gene fullmer and had a ball. we invited josie along and she quickly became friends with michelle too. somehow our high school fashion (or lack of) came up. we got such a laugh out of the things we used to wear. seriously. who were we looking to for fashion guidance? "clearly not people," michelle said. my high school wardrobe deserves it's own post. i will save that for another day.
it's always so fun to see and visit with michelle. new york or bust!
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