Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tag. Show all posts

22 December 2008


8 things tag

8 t.v. shows i like to watch:

what not to wear (someone please nominate me)
good things utah
studio 5

the today show
the office

8 things that happened yesterday:

sang with the ward choir
shared one of my favorite christmas stories by elder faust with my young women
hung out with all my siblings, except for elder trev
ate multiple scones
made a veggie & beef soup and everyone loved it. matt even requested i make it again tonight
rode trax
saw the lights on temple square
witnessed a beautiful priesthood blessing

8 places i like to eat:

texas roadhouse
the roof
firehouse pizzeria
the olive garden
the garden restaurant
chin wah

8 things I'm looking forward to:

christmas morning
trevor coming home
dad's 60th birthday
matt's masters program
having more kids
owning a home
visiting hawaii
going on a cruise

8 things on my wish list:

to travel more
for my photo albums to be current
to understand manual setting on my camera
health insurance at a reasonable cost
a better memory
to see my grandparents again
a new truck for matt
world peace

8 people I tag:

cara, julie, danalin, avree, karamea, angela, tracy and elsha

10 July 2008

the memory post...

Do you remember when?

Here are the rules.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends or if you're a blog hopper who happens upon my blog regularly...leave me a comment. There must be reason you keep stopping by! Say something! If you don't have a blog or don't know how to sign in, sign up for an account! You won't regret it!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog (if you have one) and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty fun to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you... either on your blog, in my comment box, or I will email you back!

3. If the memory happens to involve my husband, please include him!

This is your chance to let me
know you're checking my blog!

Give me a shout out!

06 March 2008

10 things i want to do before i die...

1. be a skilled photographer
2. go on a real vacation with my siblings and spouses
3. fly in a helicopter
4. be an excellent gardener
5. own my own home
6. learn and speak a different language
7. have great hair
8. relax in hawaii
9. go on a shopping trip to new york and see the sights
10. visit the hamptons

ali, julie, and missy...what are your 10 things???

15 February 2008

love is in the air

i'm finally getting around to this tag from months ago. i'll incorporate it into my valentine post:

my happiness in life has a lot to do with this guy. i knew when i first became friends with matt there was something unique about him. he has such a kind heart and not a mean bone in his body. he loves his family and works hard to support us. he really is my greatest friend. i'm so glad he's my valentine this year and every year.

Where did you and your husband meet? we met in high school of all places. i think we were sophomores. he remembers that we met at the drinking fountain in the seminary building. i honestly have no recollection of that meeting. he had a great group of friends, which quickly became my group of friends. these guys knew how to have good, clean fun AND be nice guys...that doesn't happen nearly enough in high school if you ask me. he was always respectful and kind, qualities that drew me to him.

1st thing said...i don't know what was said at that special drinking fountain moment but i'm assuming some kind of introduction. i DO remember him encouraging me to run for student government and giving me the extra confidence i needed.

1st date...i classify our first date at the sports park in august 1998. our first and ONLY date before his mission. he wouldn't classify this as a date, he said i was like his sister back then. but he paid for me to mini putt and ride the fast track. so it was a date. his gang had brought along their "girlfriends" (kyle & boof, phil & danielle, zane & heidi, jared & jill, cody & stacey-surprisingly 3 out of those 6 couples ended up married) and at the last minute he was dateless and asked if i wanted to go. OF COURSE I DID! i remember we stopped at 7-eleven and ate hotdogs before the sports park. gross but funny. i remember laughing the whole night and learning how funny matt really was. i still have our mini putt score card. matt won, with jared in 2nd.

1st kiss...february 23, 2001. he was home from his mission and we were "dating." he had planned a special date for my birthday that happened two days before. he told me to dress nice and pack a change of clothes. i knew i was in for a fun night. he took me to the roof for dinner. we ate delicious food and had a spectacular view of the temple and downtown salt lake. after dinner we changed clothes in the denny's restaurant bathrooms and headed for ensign peak. perfect place for a first kiss eh? we hiked to the top and enjoyed that amazing view. i was freezing after a short time of being up there (it was february). i was ready to go back down. i could tell he wasn't ready. i think once he got the courage he said, "i want to kiss you." and the rest is history.

Long or Short Courtship/Engagement...we had been friends for more then 4 years. we dated for a year and a half before we were married. breaking up here and there. if you'd like to know THOSE details contact my mother. she hasn't forgotten anything! we got engaged on my 22nd birthday and were married 4 months later.

Where did you get engaged?...matt ALMOST proposed in the olympics security line since we had to remove EVERYTHING from our pockets and the ring was in his coat pocket. he managed to communicate with the armed guard what he was trying to do without me noticing and he let us through. matt ALMOST proposed at the roof restaurant where we had dinner but wasn't sure how he was going to get through another metal detector into the building (there were metal detectors EVERYWHERE during the olympics). but matt DID propose downtown in front of the chuch office building fountain and joseph and emma statue (where we had stood years before posing for funny seminary council photos). he got down on his knee and told me he wanted to come home to me and other sweet things. it didn't matter that his plans had been ruined, it was perfect. and wasn't my family surprised when we came home to tell them our story of matt setting off all the metal detectors. they said in unison as i remember, "what was setting them off" and i held up my hand with my beautiful solitare ring! they had no idea and were so thrilled and shocked! and btw, it was the ring BOX not the ring that set off the alarms. dang little box.

Where were you married? salt lake temple. june 13, 2002. it was an amazing day. i felt beautiful (and skinny). i still remember what was said in our sealing, believe it or not. we were surrounded by our loves ones and it was the very best part of the day. there were probably 50 other brides that june day but i don't remember noticing many of them. we had our luncheon at the joseph smith memorial building on the 10th floor where we had good food and program. both our parents spoke and my sisters gave tributes.

How did the reception go? our reception was a total party. my parent's backyard looked lovely. the weather cooperated. we danced. so many friends and family came to celebrate with us. we ate delicious desserts. one of the best parties i've ever been to.

Where did you go on your honeymoon? we went to california. lots of sunshine. just the two of us. we had a great time. we saved the expensive cruises and vacations for later when we can truly appreciate it..can't wait!

Do you have a song? matt chose "from here to eternity" by michael peterson as our song for our wedding. i thought it fit us good.

kind of a lame question to end on but i didn't make up this thing....


and my other valentine. my annie girl. at 15 months this little one is EVERYWHERE. i was so spoiled all those months she was content to just sit in one place and play. she walks around with confidence and thinks it's the coolest thing to be mobile. she is a very good eater. her favorite snacks are bottled peaches, string cheese, crackers, raisins, and celery with peanut butter (she basically just sucks the peanut butter off the celery stick. i recommend this snack only if you are in the mood to COMPLETELY overhaul your child afterwards). she loves sweets just like her mom. she recently mastered the stairs. she LOVES dogs and makes "woof" sounds. she is a great sleeper. she grabs her coat when she wants to go outside. her latest favorite toys are socks from her hamper, magazines, fridge magnets and her toothbrush. she can do the signs for "more" and "please." she blows kisses but doesn't have the release of the kiss down very good.

i am so thankful to have a healthy and happy little girl.
happy love month to all!

05 November 2007


I've been tagged by my cute friend Karlin!


1. List the link to your tagger and also post the following rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird, etc.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your blog also leaving the links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are "tagged" by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I really loved being pregnant. I wasn't sick at all which made it easy to enjoy. I didn't mind my growing belly. I loved feeing the baby move. I had a great labor and delivery. I found out I was pregnant on March 9 and exactly 8 months later to the day I delivered a beautiful baby girl. That's cool math eh? I'm really excited to have another.

2. I am left-handed and think that's cool. My mom is a lefty too which made learing how to write all the easier. I hope some of my kids are lefties.

3. I LOVE fresh fruit and veggies especially pineapple and asparagus but not together. If only I didn't love chocolate and sweets too.

4. I rarely say, "I wish I had my camera" because I usually ALWAYS have it with me and it's HUGE. I'm slightly obsessed with photography right now. It's nice to have such a cute subject always willing to be photographed. Maybe when my knowledge, skill and confidence improve I will have a little side biz. (I get my love for photography from my father).

5. Matt and I met in High School but I don't really like telling people because I feel like everyone assumes we've been sweathearts since 4th grade and that's really not how it happened...not that it really matters. We hung out in the same crowd and got to be good friends but we didn't actually date until he came home from the Philippines. It makes sense to me now why the guy I loved in college didn't like me back! It all worked out in the end.

6. Telemarketers and door-to-door salespeople drive me crazy! I could never do their job. I try to be nice but that doesn't always happen. You can imagine my reaction when I came home from work one day and found a certain salesman IN my home playing one of the movies he was trying to sell in my DVD player, trying to talk Matt into signing us up to pay a gazillion dollars a month to own these videos. The sweet fella asked if he should start his sales pitch over when I walked in the door...that's a heck no. Load up your duffel bag and be gone! (Matt was just being polite and remembering his missionary days of going door to door and was just letting the guy give his schpill so the guy could get a gold star or whatever they get for giving their pitch).

7. I have ESP when it comes to bugs in my home. I just know when there is an intruder. And I really don't like bugs, especially spiders. I don't know why I'm so creeped out by the tiny things but I am. This is why I have encouraged Matt to invite his father to accompany him back to the Philippines someday and leave me home where the spiders aren't quite as big as humans! (p.s. i just called matt at work to see if he would come home and kill a spider for me....ugh, he told me to be a man)

And now tag from Christina dear...

1. Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
  • Breezing my way through my senior year of high school. Life is tough when your schedule consists of social dance, student government, concert choir, and college prep english!
  • Waking up early monday mornings for 6:00 am seminary meetings.
  • Hanging out with fun high school friends at sconecutter.
  • Hostessing at Grandpa Maddox restaurant in South Jordan.
  • Chalking someone's driveway.
2. Five things on my to-do list today:

  • drive back to logan from salt lake
  • shower
  • aerobics
  • photoshop class
  • care for and nurture my child

3. Five snacks I enjoy:

  • ovaltine
  • cheeseball and crackers
  • chocolate chips
  • cookie dough
  • celery with peanut butter
4. Five songs I know the lyrics to:
  • The Star Spangled Banner (1st verse)
  • A Child's Prayer, Janice Kapp Perry
  • I Just Called To Say I Love You, Stevie Wonder
  • I Just Can't Wait To Be King, Lion King
  • Let It Be Christmas, Alan Jackson
5. Five things I will never wear again:

  • Unit outfits
  • the corner T-shirt holder thingys
  • a tight perm
  • peg legged jeans
  • claw bangs
6. Five of my favorite toys:
  • my digital SLR camera
  • my lovely computer
  • my ipod
  • my cell phone
  • the internet

So....I tag...(if you ladies want to...)

Brynn (

Mindi (

Kristen (

Elsha (

Ali (

That's all folks. Congrats to you if you made it this far!

30 August 2007

i'm getting asthma from all this tag....phew...

1. Who is your man? Matt

2. How long have you been together? 5+ years

3. How long dated? a year and a half after his mission. although i loved him back in HS and we probably would have dated then if it wasn't for seminary council rules.

4. How old is your man? almost 28.....aggghhhhh!

5. Who eats more? he does, unless its sweets we're talking about...then for sure me.

6. Who said "I love you" first? he did.

7. Who is taller? he is.

8. Who sings better? me, just cause i can read music. but he can sing.

9. Who is smarter? depends on the subject matter. accounting...totally him.

10. Who's temper is worse? we're about even steven on this. he gets silent mad, and me, not so silent when angry.

11. Who does the laundry? he probably does more laundry than i do. he's a keeper.

12.Who takes out the garbage? he does.

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? i do. and we tried to switch sides the other night and we seriously couldn't sleep...lame.

14. Who pays the bills? he does but im trying to take that over from mr. accountant. i kind of like paying bills...i mean not really paying from my pocket but the procedure of it all.

15. Who is better with the computer? he's pretty good but i'm a computer guru.

16. Who mows the lawn? the apartment maintenance crew. but we both like lawnmowing. it's relaxing.

17. Who cooks dinner? me. if he's in charge we go out to eat.

18. Who drives when you are together? he usually does.

19. Who pays when you go out? he does.

20. Who is most stubborn? me.

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? me, since i'm usually wrong??

22. Whose parents do you see the most? mine.

23. Who kissed who first? matt kissed me first.

24. Who asked who out? matt asked me out.

25. Who proposed? matt did, although i was beginning to wonder if he wanted ME to!

26. Who is more sensitive? me.

27. Who has more friends? me.

28. Who has more siblings? same. 6s

29. Who wears the pants in the family? we share the pant wearing. we're a pretty good team.

I tag - janet, brittney and ashley p.