30 April 2014

easter festivities

the girls slept outside in a tent in the backyard with their dad and cousin harley friday night. i thought for sure they would be too cold and come in in the middle of the night, but they all stuck it out. i think the big, hairy dog lying on lucy's sleeping bag helped her stay warm.

matt was working in the yard before i even got up. he made arrangements to get sand for the sandbox. the girls ran around with their cousins. i was happy watching them play in the backyard while i did the breakfast dishes.

we had back to back family parties on saturday. we had a spiritual message, hunted for eggs, swung on the tire wing, had a delicious lunch and colored eggs at grandma sandberg's party. both the littles fell asleep and we weren't quite done with the festivities, making us late to grandma given's party that afternoon.

{i wasn't sure i would get lucy to wear this dress. i'd seen it at tj's a few times and once it was on clearance i had to pick it up. it has a collar and buttons and it's blue. all "boy" related in her little mind. she did wear it and looked adorable.}


grandma and grandpa givan out did themselves yet another year. the Easter party they did for their grandkids years ago is now put on for their great-grandkids! i don't even know how many there are. a lot. i wish they would let us help pull off this grand party, but so far it's "their" thing and they will ask for help when they want to. they are the sweetest people i know and i have loved them from the second i met them over 12 years ago. many at the gathering are a bit awkward to talk to or shy...but those sweet grandparents hold us all together.

{harley looks cute. my girls and those fake smiles??}

it was so nice to come home early that evening and just hang out around the yard. we do have a lovely backyard. and now with an awesome sandbox!

{there was a bit of family miscommunication that weekend. it has since been resolved and i feel much better about the situation. i'm glad for the communication that came because of it all}. 

29 April 2014

molls @ 9 months

this is such a fun stage. we're crazy about this gal:

16 pounds
27.5 inches

her first word/sound was "ba-ba" and a few weeks later "ma-ma!" hooray. she's the first of our little people to say that before "da-da."

she nods her head and waves. her left hand is usually in motion, i'm hoping for another lefty!

she can clap and do patty cake. she also gets excited when we all clap for whatever trick she does.

she sits like a pro. and the last few nights she's been rolling onto her tummy to sleep. i found out last night that her dad is rolling her back over before he goes to bed...just to be careful. cute dad.

she's a little baldy. so funny that michelle's B thought we shaved her head! ha. her little hair is growing but we won't plan to have enough hair for a barrette for at least another year.

she loves to be perched on my hip. she likes to swing in the baby swing. and jump little bounces on the trampoline with her dad.

she eats everything i offer her with the exception of peas. she didn't care much for those. she flaps her gums at whatever we are eating. it didn't take her long at all to get the finger/thumb grab down.

she sleeps well at night. in her crib. still in our room.

she still breastfeeds several times a day.

she had her first ear infection last week.

she knows when she's home and knows who her people are. she can be bashful and coy.

everything about her is cute. 

28 April 2014

monday date night

the girls had an off track sleepover with their grandparents last night, so matt, molly and i had our fhe at tsunami. i used to think sushi was trendy and weird...but come to find out....we really like it!

we tried the jenny roll and the fire breathing dragon. both good. and shared a combination dinner plate.

we stopped by the wolfgramms on our way home to peek at new baby bennett who was just a week old.

we left with a freebie bike that phil had and are that much closer to being able to bike ride as a family. we gotta get our hands on a bike trailer now.

22 April 2014

the swing

The Swing

How do you like to go up in a swing,
   Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
   Ever a child can do!

Up in the air and over the wall,
   Till I can see so wide,
Rivers and trees and cattle and all
   Over the countryside—

Till I look down on the garden green,
   Down on the roof so brown—
Up in the air I go flying again,
   Up in the air and down!

we used to memorize poems over the breakfast table when i was little. 
this was one of them. 
i still have it memorized.

15 April 2014

thumbs up tuesday

i was shocked when i weighed in this morning (tuesday-weigh in day) after my workout that i had lost anything...my weekend eating was not stellar. i'll be happy to restock the fridge with fresh produce tomorrow. slow and steady...

we stopped by the DI with a drop off and then just had to stop in to treasure hunt. for a few bucks i found a dress for annie, a frame and two books.

i was starving when we got back home. lucky for me there was left overs-black bean and ground turkey in a wheat tortilla. baby ate tiny bite size peaches and got quite a few in her mouth actually.

dan and april found out they are having a baby girl! we're so excited for them. they sent a group text as we were eating lunch. i think they plan to name her "lou" after he father who passed away.

i showered while lucy and the baby played in my room. the baby went down and lucy and i read our new 101 dalmation book from the DI. we were feeling tired and both laid on the sofa together for a little afternoon snooze. she smelled like peanut butter and her blonde hair tickled my face. i scratched her back for a few minutes before we both fell asleep. a perfect moment.

i snuck away after i had a short nap to change the laundry and start the full dishwasher.

i got out the paints for lucy when she woke up. i may or may not have left lucy in charge of the house, with baby sleeping upstairs, while i raced to get annie. three minute pick up is quick!

annie wanted to get back into our book, "charlie and the chocolate factory" as soon as she walked in the door. i talked her into washing her hands, having a snack and then we were able to read a few chapters while baby played on the floor by us.

i'm so happy to be reading some of these fun books with annie. she always wants to get the cheesy magic puppy kind of books at the library, and we have read a few of those, but i've got a long list of must reads with her.

lucy wanted to play school. we all went outside for recess. all three girls had big smiles and laughs while i pushed them on the swings. we bounced the beach ball back and forth playing our made up game on the trampoline. another perfect moment.

14 April 2014

one car family

matt sold the accord last friday. i was sad, for a second. i loved that car. it made us honda people. but i won't miss two car payments. he sold it while at work which meant he needed a ride home and early so he could prepare for his campout.

we raced back from molly's dermatology appointment to pick up annie from school. dropped her at aunt susan's for art lessons and raced over to the east side to pick up our dad...then back again to pick up annie.

he took his dad's truck on the campout (they were down south), that worked out well...especially since he has the lovely scout trailer (which is now parked at our house) to pull.

he will most likely get a cheap commuter car but he's been browsing motorcycles. i'm zero percent on board with that idea. 

he took the van to work on monday leaving us without a vehicle but that didn't keep us home. i thought i would break out the double stroller and go for a brisk, long walk (as opposed to our regular walks with me carrying lucy by the end and pushing the stroller). i barely made it into the shed...that place is a hazard right now! matt "cleans" out the shed all the time (lindsay and i joke that it is one of his hobbies), but really we don't get rid of anything and it ends up just being shuffled around. i located the double stroller at the top of the shed. that wasn't going to work. i stuffed both little girls in the ninja (my new for baby three britax) stroller and we were off. we walked up to jordan landing, which is so close but i've only ever done that one other time. i purposely left my wallet but was wishing i hadn't when we made a quick stop in old navy and tj's. so much cute stuff. must go back. sans kids and stroller, with wallet.

we'll see how long this one car thing lasts. he carpooled with a coworker today. 

12 April 2014

saturday wrap-up

matt had his first camp last night as "the master" (as lucy calls it). i thought he would need/want my help to get ready with food and such, but mr. eagle scout did everything and got off without a problem.

kathy schow took the two older girls to the park with the other neighborhood kids with picnic dinners, so molls and i ran up to jordan landing for some shopping. i found a new outfit for me and a few things for moll doll.

we went through the drive thru at arctic circle for a treat once we were all back together. and then it was off to bed for most of us. the girls were tired and worn out.

i talked the girls into starting on annie's messy room on friday before they left to the park..so we wouldn't have such a big mess to clean on saturday. that helped as we had plenty of other household chores to do saturday. that huge laundry pile that was on the couch, and then moved to my bed and then moved again on top of the cedar chest FINALLY got folded and put away. the girls were quite helpful. i wanted the house to be sparkling clean and tidy when matt got home so he wouldn't have to worry about doing any housework.

i got cleaned up after my chores and in my new digs in hopes that i would be taken out...but after trying 4 sitters we decided to make it a family date. we had dinner at the bombay house. annie liked the naan bread and chicken masala. lucy ate a little but wasn't a huge fan. baby smacked her gums watching us eat and sat in a restaurant high chair for the first time. i gave her tiny bites of rice.

we wandered into the shoe carnival after dinner since it was right next door and the girls are desperate for shoes. it is a serious job to keep growing kids in clothes and shoes.

annie is still interested in the dang "twinkle toe" sketchers shoes...that some of her friends from school have. besides being way over priced and ugly, they are heavy and do not appear comfortable for play shoes. that place was no carnival. i'm fairly certain i won't ever go there again.

we ran over to ross. that was no picnic either. i did chuckle watching matt and annie together. she's not the most fun person to shop with or for right now. he was getting frustrated with her and i was enjoying having him experience a tiny bit of what i do to keep us all clothed. i was hoping he would give me some props for doing what i do...but he didn't and wouldn't-even when i asked for the pat on the back!

it really is a big job to keep growing kids in the right size and season of clothes. times by 3. and i do this on a very tight clothing budget. i think i do a pretty good job.

back at the homestead...matt worked on the sandbox and i wrestled the kids into bed.

11 April 2014

dr hansen

molly has had a little rash on her left cheek for a while. it changes from better to worse but i can't get it to go away for good. i took her into the dermatologist a month ago and saw a young, female doctor that i did not like and will not go back to, but dr. hansen, (the best in the west), was booked until the next month. after the snooty doctor made me feel bad for using a strong cream on her face and correcting me on how often to bathe my child-i left with a hydrocortisone cream.

but after a month it was not cleared up. i called to make another appointment. this time it must be with dr hansen. after all, he's our dermatologist hero and we've seen him for years. they gave me a 12:15 appointment that very day.

the whole staff was loving molly. she is his youngest patient. she was as good as gold. even when we laid her down on the exam table and he scrapped off a bit of the sore to check for fungus. no fungus. or anything else scary. he assured me we would get to the bottom of this and also told me i could go home with less guilt - that cream i had tried earlier has not caused the problem nor has it done anything damaging to her face. i told him i tried to see him the month earlier, but i couldn't get into him. he told me i should call him. that's the moment i should have requested his cell number. 

he is having me use the same cream but a different regimen. and instead of wiping her face with a warm wet wash cloth in the bath or after food, i'm to dab it with some cetaphil cleanser and a tissue. avoiding wet to dry. i'm suppose to go back in three weeks if its not gone away.

09 April 2014

spring has sprung

the girls and i spent time outside this morning, pulling weeds and cleaning dead leaves from the flower beds. it's so fun to see tulips and other flowers blooming. i wish i knew what i was doing with the flower beds. i'd like them raised in mounds with some bigger bushes...but i lack the know-how on pulling that off.

matt had the lawn aerated and fertilized on saturday. i hope it will green up! i'm grateful matt finds therapy in yard work. i enjoy it too and it feels good to have a nice looking yard.

lucy and i had a nice afternoon together. we played chutes and ladders then moved to the sofa to read our new library books. i could tell she was getting tired. i knew if we were in the car she would ask, "do i have time for a little nap?" and then she would instantly fall asleep. she doesn't nap that well at home. i suggested we take a little rest. she grabbed a pillow and blanket and made a little bed on the ottoman. i napped on the sofa next to her. i only needed a few minutes and woke up with a jolt wondering if the baby was crying. baby was still asleep when i went upstairs. quick! everyone is asleep...what do i do??!!

{i must have found something to do but i didn't finish this post...}

08 April 2014

when did you feel loved today?

our dad asked us at the dinner table, "when did you feel loved today?"

lucy was first and piped up about when she went on a wagon ride and rode a pony. dad thought she was making things up. but no, she really did that. but i was hoping to keep it a secret from annie so she wouldn't be sad she missed out while she was in school. we went with the allens to farm country at thanksgiving point on their pass for some picnic fun.
sidenote: the allen kids are all so sweet with molly and love on her. and go on about how cute and happy she is. even 10 year old griffin. i love that.

annie said going to get ice cream with her cousins. 

we had to race to pick her up from school...with all the allens still in tow. we hit up the arctic circle for ice cream and play land play then we ran them back to their car in riverton where we had met up earlier. my 8 seater was a 9 seater for a small jaunt today. love that van of mine.

i felt loved while cuddling my baby today. 

dad said he felt loved when he came home from work. then said he feels loved everyday when he comes home.
we do try to spoil him with love every time he walks in the door.

i read to the girls from annie's chapter book after dinner, with the dirty dishes in the sink. then i ran off with susan hughes to visit greta and new baby in the hospital. phil had called earlier and asked if some of us would show her some love and drop by to visit. baby drew is tiny and adorable. i'm happy for them. i've said it a million times...i cannot believe how fast times flies. and that molly was that small just 8 short months ago. 
when i pulled into my glorious garage, i could see matt through the window with the baby on his hip. i love that image. the girls were in bed and the kitchen was clean. bam. he's awesome.
i watched some lame TV (why do i care about the plyg shows) to unwind while matt studied in the office.

07 April 2014

lucy on a monday

having a 4 year old is so fun. she says such cute, innocent things and i love her sweet voice.

but if i don't document her funny/cute saying in my phone right after-i can't remember it! my memory is sad. i cannot remember what word she mixed up with derriere, but it gave me a good laugh.

last week after the park i told lucy my head hurt. she gave me a soft kiss on the head then said, "maybe we spent too long at the park or maybe you fell on top of your head."

she was getting frustrated with a puzzle she was doing and blurted out, "i have rough times with puzzle pieces."

today when i was doing her hair (i actually did her hair today), we had this conversation:

me: i love that you're my little girl.
lucy: don't worry i won't grow up for a long time. but when i do grow up i'm gonna have chihuahuas.

on the drive home from the library this afternoon:

lucy: don't worry. i know you're still a kid.
me: i'm still a kid?
lucy: yeah. grandma sandberg's kid.

and did i document when she said,
"when i grow up i'm gonna have a house full of cats. you won't want to come over." hahah!

while playing "school" she told me, "pretend i'm 10 and have my own phone."

we played school and did math, had lunch at the "cafeteria" and played baseball at "recess". she doesn't appreciate when i try to change a load of laundry in the middle of our playing or get distracted in others ways. this girl is so excited and ready to start preschool. i'm going to miss her when she goes.

when i ask her to unload the silverware she replies, "no pwoblem."

yesterday she told me: "you're the best mom i've got." and "i love you even when you're cranky." (slam, i wasn't even cranky)


i felt discouraged this morning as the house was in complete shambles from the weekend. i didn't really want to get the place back into shape and all the work that it would take and even had the thought to go on strike this week but then remembered i was hosting a baby shower on wednesday. i put on some music and we started in on the downstairs. everything feels better when the kitchen is cleaned up. laundry got started and the vacuum came out. i went through the never ending stack of papers on the counter and cleaned the girls bathroom while lucy was in the tub and the baby napped. i got a call from phil farmer while we were playing school. greta is having the baby today! no need to mop the floor. this is the third baby shower i've hosted where the baby has come early! we will postpone until a later date.

04 April 2014

friday. i'm in love.

amongst the getting things done and running to and from.
i stopped and thought to myself-i have a beautiful life.
then i texted matt to make sure he knew how happy i am with our life together.

feeling love-y today.
loving that i am able to stay home with my girls.
loving the home we share and are making our own.
loving that General Conference is this weekend. ready to be inspired.
loving good friends.
loving that kevin and denise and i shared laughing fits late last night.
loving that it's spring and good weather is approaching.
loving that my sisters and i have ongoing text messages everyday.