Showing posts with label Quilt Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilt Show. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Selvage Quilts

Here are two selvage quilts from the quilt show.  I can’t tell you how many people asked me if they were made by me.  Unfortunately there wasn’t a selvage quilt from me this year but I do hope to have one for the next show.  I really liked both of these.

0615 Selvege 1

0615 Selvege 2


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Last Day of the Quilt Show

The show closed last night.  It was a great show.  One of my final jobs for the show was to organize giving all the quilts back to their owners.  Lynda and I had a great group of volunteers that helped us and we were done ahead of schedule.  Of course there were a few people who were late, including one who completely forgot she was supposed to pick her quilt up.

There about 20-25 quilts that were shipped to me and they also came home with me.  I will package them up early in the week and get them ready to ship back.  Most of them came via UPS and there is a prepaid shipping tag to put back on the packages.  I will then call UPS to pick them up and my job will finally be over for this show.

Here a photos of some of the One Block Wonders that were in the show.  I somehow missed taking a a photo of Brian’s beautiful quilt.

0615 OBW 1

0615 OBW 2

0615 OBW 3

0615 OBW 4


Friday, June 12, 2015

Best of Show–Georgia Celebrates Quilts

The Best of Show is by Virginia Greaves.  The name of the quilt is Worn  You can see more about her at her website ( or her blog (

You really need to see this quilt to believe it.

0615 Best of Show

It won first place in the Pictorial category, Best of Show and Quilters’ Choice. Quilters’ Choice was chosen by all the people who attended the preview party.  One more award will be given tomorrow at the end of the show and my vote is going for Worn.  Here is a close-up.

0615 Best of Show Close-up


Thursday, June 11, 2015

East Cobb Quilters’ Guild–Georgia Celebrates Quilts

Today was the first day of our quilt show.  It was well attended and everyone seemed to have a great time.

Here are my quilts that are in the show.

Kaffe Meets Bonnie Hunter (pattern by Bonnie Hunter)

0615 Kaffe Meets Bonnie Hunter

Many Scrappy Batik Strips (pattern by Bonnie Hunter)

0615 Many Scrappy Batik Strips

2014 Hexie Block of the Month (pattern by Julia Wood)

0615 2014 Hexie Block of the Month

More tomorrow.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Quilt Show Entries

0315 Quilt Entries Waiting to be Entered

Here is part of the stack of entries waiting to be put in the database for our quilt show.  Still a lot of work to go but the deadline was extended to next Friday so hopefully the end is in sight.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Many Scrappy Batik Strips

I managed to get the blocks all turned the right direction this time.

0315 Many Scrappy Trips

Now to decide how to quilt it!


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Quilting Live Show in Georgia

I have been working at the Quilting Live show for the past couple of days.  The show closes today – it has been fun and hard work.

Some of the exhibits have been very interesting.  One that I liked a lot had old quilts from eBay that were quilted by modern longarmers.

0914 Old 1

0914 Old 2

0914 Old 3

0914 Old 4

0914 Old 5

I have a few old quilt tops that are now tempting me to quilt.


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Beautiful Raffle Quilt

Here is the raffle quilt for the East Cobb Quilters Guilds for 2015.  It is beautiful!

0814 Raffle Quilt

Here is a close-up of a small section.

0814 Appliqued blocks

I appliqued a couple of these blocks but of course have no idea which ones.  It was fun to be a part of making such a wonderful quilt.

I will have tickets for sale next month for the quilt and it will be raffled off at the end our our Quilt Show on June 13, 2015.  I will post again when I have tickets in my hand.


Sunday, June 30, 2013

One Last Photo from the Quilt Show

I loved this hexie quilt! 

Also, there was a Mariners Compass quilt class yesterday at the shop.  Each person got one section completed and they hung them up together.

0613 Mariner's Compass

Looks great doesn’t it.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bonnie Hunter Quilts at the Show

There were three of Bonnie Hunter designs at the show.  First was mine – Easy Street.

0613 Easy Street at the show

Next is Terry’s

It has at least a million pieces.  Last is Michele’s quilt.

Lots of pieces in each quilt – typical of Bonnie Hunter designs.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

What I Brought Home from the Quilt Show

At the quilt show last week one of my favorite areas is the small treasures auction.  Guild member make and donate small quilts for a silent auction.  I have bid on quilts other years but for some reason or another, I never won one.  This time I was determined to get a particular one, although I bid on several.  It worked!  I brought home this wonderful little quilt by Stella.

It is the same bright colors and reminds me of the raffle quilt.  I love it.  I still haven’t decided on the perfect place to hang it.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Quilts From the Quilt Show–Part 2

Here are a few of the more realistic quilts that were shown.

I love this type of quilt but don’t think it is in me to make one.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Quilts from the Show–Part 1

Thought I would share a few quilts from the show over the next few days.  First I finally took a photo of my third quilt that was in the show.  This was made for a guild challenge and I named it Dresden Sky.

Next are two quilts that I quilted.  They are from the same retreat pattern but look quite different.  First is Jennie’s quilt.

And then Danielle’s

Next is Alicia’s beautiful wool quilt.

Here are two quilts from my Magical Slice and Dice class.  First is Patrick’s.

Here is Marti’s from the class.

Marti had a second quilt in the show from my Sampler Savvy class. She won a honorable mention ribbon for this one.

More tomorrow!


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Last Day of the Quilt Show

It is hard to believe that today is the last day of the show.  We worked so hard for so long and it is almost over.  Today I thought I would share photos of my three quilts hanging.

0613 Easy Street at the show

0613 Winter Wonderland at the show

I guess I forgot to take a photo of my little one.  Will be sure to get it done today!

Off to the show.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Quilt Show–Day One Review

Today was a great day at the Quilt Show.  Here is a view from the back of the top floor.

0613 From the back of the show day 1_thumb

After the excitement of the Tornado Warning during the preview party, the weather today was perfect.  I spent most of the morning outside welcoming our guests and it was lovely out.  Unfortunately, the Civic Center got a new air conditioner and it really works – we almost froze to death so sweaters are in the list for tomorrow.

I haven’t taken many photos yet but hope to find time to do it tomorrow.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Quilt Show Opens Today!

We had the preview party in the middle of a tornado watch last night.  Fortunately the Civic Center is a designated shelter and everyone was safe but it was a scary time.  It was a wonderful party and is a wonderful show.  My friend Charlotte and the talented quilter Shannon won Best of Show.  Their quilt is unbelievable!

0613 Best of Show

Here is Charlotte with her first place and best of show ribbons.

0613 Charlotte and her quilt

The raffle quilt is hung and looks beautiful.  I bought tickets and certainly hope I win it.

0613 Raffle Quilt

Almost time to pick up Lynda and be on our way – hope to see some of you there!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Last Day of Judging–Almost Ready for the Quilt Show


The show starts on Friday with the preview night on Thursday.  We will be finishing the judging today and the quilts will be moved to the Civic Center.  The above photo is of the Raffle Quilt – there is still time to get tickets.  The quilt is a Kim McLean design and made by guild members. I had the pleasure of quilting it.

Hope to see you in Marietta, Georgia for the show!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

First Day of Judging

We made it through the first day of judging.  Here is the staging area after the first category was judged.

After a couple more hours, it looked like this.

At the end of the day, it looked like this.

Lots and lots of quilts have been judged and are ready to be transported to the Civic Center to be hung on Thursday.  They will all move on Wednesday evening and spend the night at the Civic Center before actually being hung and ready for the the preview party on Thursday evening.

Lots more to come today.


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