Left Wing Propaganda Forced on TX Teachers
>> January 27, 2010
In this installment of The Peter Morrison Report:
Public schools in Texas are already steeped in political correctness, but the never-ending assault on our children's minds by way of liberal indoctrination is getting even worse. A recent report from a whistle blower reveals the far left-wing agenda being pushed on our children in the guise of education.
Click here to send a fax to TEA Commissioner Robert Scott to let him know Texans do not want their teachers to be subjected to left-wing propaganda:
Commissioner Robert Scott
William B. Travis Building
1701 N. Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas, 78701
Phone: 512-463-8985
Fax: (512) 463-9838
Email: commissioner@tea.state.tx.us
Full report:
Recently the conservative website WorldNetDaily featured a shocking report from someone in the process of applying for teaching certification in Texas. As part of the certification process, he
was required to read several extremely disturbing online articles. He chose to remain anonymous for fear of being punished for speaking out, because there are radicals deeply entrenched in the
Texas educational system who don't want this information to be made public.
Some of the materials that this prospective teacher was forced to read if he wanted to be certified to teach in a public school had absolutely nothing to do with education as most people understand it. Instead, their purpose was instilling in future teachers the idea that their role in kids' lives is to act as agents of "social change" in the classroom, all in the name of "multiculturalism."
Multiculturalism is one of those liberal buzzwords that are so dangerous precisely because they can mean whatever the speaker or writer wants them to mean. In the past few decades, innocuous sounding terms like "social justice" and "celebrating diversity" have become code words used to sneak a radical left wing agenda past an unsuspecting public. Extreme liberals now want to use teachers to indoctrinate our children in the name of multiculturalism.
On one of the websites that is required reading for future teachers, there's a discussion of what multiculturalism means. Even this site admits that there's no fixed meaning; but all the
definitions they propose make it clear just what multiculturalism is all about - indoctrinating our kids with a radical left-wing agenda. One of their suggested definitions is "education change as
part of a larger societal transformation in which we more closely explore and criticize the oppressive foundations of society and how education serves to maintain the status quo -- foundations such as white supremacy, capitalism, global socioeconomic situations, and
This ideological jargon makes it perfectly clear what our kids will be learning if we don't put a stop to this. They'll be taught that white people are a bunch of racists; free enterprise is unjust and socialism means fairness for all; and the main reason third world nations are impoverished is because they've been exploited by greedy, oppressive Western countries. In other words, instead of being given a real education, our children will be taught the philosophy espoused by Barack Obama and his former pastor Jeremiah Wright, who famously said "white folk's greed runs a world in need."
That's just the beginning. If there's one trait all left wingers share, it's their unrelenting hatred of traditional family values. The new "certification standards" that liberals want to impose on
Texas teachers are no exception. Future teachers are warned that they must not harbor any feelings of "heterosexism," and that one of their main functions as a teacher will be to eliminate this same "heterosexism" in their students. This is apparently just as important as teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, if not more so, because schools now serve a higher purpose, which is "the transformation of society" to eliminate all forms of "prejudice" and "oppression."
Heterosexism is the radical new PC term for the belief that homosexual conduct is immoral, or in any way inferior to heterosexual behavior. It's now established liberal doctrine that homosexuality and heterosexuality are moral equivalents which should be treated exactly alike, and anyone who disagrees is guilty of "hate." Of course, traditional Americans don't view homosexuality as being on an equal plane with opposite sex attraction, and part of the teacher's job is to eradicate this "privileging" of heterosexuality in the minds of our children. The ultimate goal is the very "transformation of society", in the words of the radical left wing website future teachers are required to read.
What would a "transformed society" look like to these people? Look no further than a book published in October of last year by Sarah Schulman to see what they have in mind for us. Schulman is a lesbian activist, as well as a professor at City University of New York, College of Staten Island. She's also a Fellow at New York University, and is considered one of the leaders in the fight against "homophobia" and "heterosexism" in America. Here's what one reviewer says of her book, Ties That Bind: Familial Homophobia and Its Consequences: "In her book, Schulman offers a strategy for dealing with homophobic trauma: Homophobia should be identified as a sickness, with families court-ordered into treatment programs." To be clear, Schulman is not talking about people who physically assault homosexuals. She's talking about people who regard homosexuality as immoral. She says they're "sick" and they should be forced into "treatment" until they're "cured."
That's just one aspect of the "transformation of society" agenda Texas teachers are now expected to take part in. These social engineers want Texas schools to teach this moral insanity to our
innocent children, in order to lead the next generation into their brave new world, where free enterprise is oppression, Mom and Dad are racists, America and the rest of the Western World are the cause of third world poverty, and Christianity and traditional moral values are labeled as hate.
It's imperative that we raise our voices against our schools being used to perpetrate this outrageous radical agenda. This sort of stuff is the last thing our future teachers should be reading, but some of them are being forced to if they want to become teachers. When WorldNetDaily contacted the Texas Education Agency about this, their spokesperson downplayed it, saying these new "standards" aren't statewide; Texas schools are divided into 20 Education Service Center regions, and so it's only a regional issue, as if that settled the matter.
That's not good enough. None of the Education Service Centers should be requiring prospective teacher to read through this radical left wing propaganda in order to become certified to teach.
They shouldn't even be recommending this sort of material in the first place. Our children are our most precious heritage; they're not pawns to be programmed and used by liberals to accomplish their radical goals of "transforming society."
Contact Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott and demand that he put a stop to this practice of forcing prospective teachers to read these materials, no matter where in Texas it's happening:
Click here to send a fax:
Commissioner Robert Scott
William B. Travis Building
1701 N. Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas, 78701
Phone: 512-463-8985
Fax: (512) 463-9838
Email: commissioner@tea.state.tx.us
Link fixed.
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PO Box 8742, Lumberton, TX 77657, USA
Thanks Peter!