Showing posts with label Surge. US Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surge. US Politics. Show all posts

Thank You to the Blog "Another Black Conservative"

>> March 27, 2010

Another Black Conservative has chosen the Robot as one of his Blogs of the Day! I'm humbled and honored by your generosity Sir. Much obliged.


Excellent Post...

reminding us from whence this putridity sprung...

Socialism is fueled by a world view that is diametrically opposed to Christocentric concepts regarding the human condition. Christianity holds that man was created in a perfect condition, sinned/fell from grace and because of sin requires a Redeemer to satisfy the righteous judgement of a Holy God. The problems of the human condition will disappear once sin is finally dealt with.

Socialism is an expression of humanism; humanism is a system of belief wherein Man does not need to be redeemed, he needs to be ruled. Once a perfect government is formed, then all the problems of the human condition will disappear.
Read the whole thing.


TEA Party Surge

>> March 17, 2010

This should come as no surprise, but for those who have been under a rock or watch the MSM, there was another march on DC yesterday. Isn't there one every other day now?

Smitty at The Other McCain has a bazillion links here, here, here, here, here and here and still has time for a fisking! The Other McCain, is there anything it can't do?

Also, in a disturbing turn of events, I have missed the chance of entry in a Sweater Puppy contest. Must find a more opportune time to recharge the Robot's batteries.

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You win the "I scrolled to the bottom of the blog award". Which is an empty paper bag of hot air. But then, if you made it this far, that is exactly what you've received. Glad you stopped by.
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