Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts

Judge Orders Notorious Terrorist Freed From Gitmo

>> March 23, 2010

That figures. Read about it at Gator Doug's place.
Me? I'm off to sharpen my pitchforks and oil the torches.
One can never be too prepared.


The Obligatory Exploding Breast Implants of Death Post

>> February 5, 2010

There have been recent reports of breast and/or buttock implants being used by Al-Qaeda to conceal incendiary objects in the body so as to bypass our screening techniques. This is disturbing to say the least.  From Associated

Terrorists with al Qaeda are creating ever more inventive ways to smuggle bombs onto planes, trains, and subways. Thus, federal authorities must keep up and find ways to identify when a terrorist is loaded with explosives and capture him or her before they set off the bomb.
I know that our NSA and CIA and HAS have this situation well in um hand, however, please let me be the first to volunteer for inspection duty. Or at least I'll volunteer my imaginary robot.

That is to say I will happily-er reluctantly don a robot suit and pretend to be afraid to fondle -er um inspect said breasts of questionable origins. I do solemnly swear there will be no caressing, undo squeezing or gratuitous massaging of said breasts, titties or boobs; nor will I gently cup with my hand any buttocks of unfortunate female terror suspects in any way that could be interpreted as a  profiling manner.

Please, I'm a professional here.

I would also like to offer a personal list of questionable breasts that should be examined immediately.

Pamela Anderson

Megan Fox

Halle Berry
Carmen Electra
That is all.

Oh yea, I almost forgot. This post might be considered by some (mainly Smitty and R.S. McCain of The Other McCain) to be a Rule 5 post. If so, so be it; although I would never willingly admit so using such crude methods of attracting traffic to my blog. Unless of course it worked.

In less inflated or perhaps more inflated news, Judicial Watch Announces it's List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2009. I wonder who's on it?


I'm Not Sayin' I Believe It...

>> November 6, 2009

but the whole timing of the Fort Hood shootings sure is fishy to someone who has seen the movie "Wag The Dog". Is it just me? Is there an element of subterfuge in the works?

Things that make you go hmm...

Let's make a quick examination of the facts. Michele Bachmann, Mark Levin, Jon Voight and a cast of tens of thousands descend on the Capitol for a rally which could in effect save the country from socialism and while the halls of congress are literally filling with constituents, to hold their congressmen's feet to the fire, so to speak, Bam! Here comes Mr. Gunman, effectively derailing what would have been another front page news story.

Did someone make a sleeper cell phone call? Pull a lever? Say the magic words "Allah Be Praised"?

We'd better check the phone records and all correspondence to and from Mr. Gunman post haste!
Hey Alex Jones! Someone call George Noory! There's a story here! Charlie Sheen, are you paying attention? Do you have plans to fake an interview with our new president? Get to the bottom of this!
There are questions that need to be asked and answered honestly.
I'm not a conspiracy theory guy but, what if?

I'm just sayin'...

Of course, the phone call or orders wouldn't have had to come from anyone in our government to achieve the goals of our enemies. It could have come from Bin Laden himself or no-one at all to do that. Because if it derails the Healthcare opposition, if this vicious attack serves to distract us from defending liberty in the halls of power, if we blink and let PelobamaCare pass, then the long term goals of our enemies are made easier.

By funneling billions and trillions of our dollars into socialized medicine then we will break the bank and go the way of the Soviet Union. Just as Ronald Reagan broke their bank with defense spending and Star Wars, we will have weakened ourselves economically, and more important, emotionally as well, giving in to the entitlement mentality, the dependant mindset which would ultimately break the will to succeed of most Americans anyway. After all, who wants to work to succeed if you're only going to be punished for it?

Whether or not this was an act of terrorism is immaterial. The fact is that these were soldiers of freedom  who died in service to their country. We shouldn't let our grief for them serve to weaken our resolve. We should honor their memory by fighting harder to preserve the freedom they died for.

I'm just sayin'...


American Journalist Accused by Canadian Court - Wait ~ What? CANADA?

>> October 3, 2009

Dr. Paul Williams and Hamid Mir

Next week, investigative journalist and author Dr. Paul L. Williams will be tried in a foreign court for his investigative work on reports of al Qaeda terrorists at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
But he broke no American statute and his alleged violation of Canadian law took place not in Canada, but at his home in Pennsylvania.
Williams got into a legal jam with the Canadians while discussing his book The Dunces of Doomsday on the nationally syndicated “Coast-to-Coast AM” radio program with George Noory.
To make matters more bizarre, Williams had been advised by the Ontario Provincial Police to issue warnings to his fellow Americans about terrorist activity at the Canadian university that placed the lives of countless millions of Americans in jeopardy.
The case is significant since it represents the first time an American journalist is being forced to submit to Canadian law.
Williams has been stripped of his Constitutional rights and forced to deplete his financial savings to pay for his Canadian lawyers.
“The matter would have gone away if I simply signed an apology,” Williams said, “but what kind of journalist would I be if I apologized for telling the truth?”
He estimates that the cost of the lawsuit already has topped $500,000.
Don't give up the fight. Support Dr. Paul L. Williams here.


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