Showing posts with label bloggy-friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bloggy-friends. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2011

raindrops on roses...

a few 
of my favorite things!

It is  officially fall.
We went from 90 degrees last weekend
to 54  yesterday and today.

Rain, gray skies, fuzzy blankets, 
space heaters,
and baking goodies.

My girl and I made this 
caramel-apple-upside-down cake
(found on pinterest)

recipe found here

Fall cleaning has begun,

my first soup of the year is simmering on the stove,


white pumpkins are promised for the weekend.

I am  hoping there will  be just a few more roses.

I am enjoying every. last. one.
Have  you been following any of the 
31 days postings?

There are over 700 posters.

Here a few that jumped out at me:

31 days to rebuilding your house and your heart
at life in grace
(you might remember that Edie's home burned to the ground last Christmas)

31 days to change the world
at chatting at the sky

31 days of lovely limitations
at Nesting Place

31 days of purging
at marla taviona .com

and my favorite

31 days of letting go
at flower patch farmgirl
but then again I love everything this girl writes.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

it's a keeper...

I wanted to show you a bit of  

It hasn't been all work
and no play around here.

One of the things 
I am trying to keep in mind
I sort

Do I love it?

Does it reflect me?

This met my requirements.

It is

I do love it.
It does reflect me.

It is unique, old and so pretty.

It has handpainted roses and words

I've had it for a long time
it has looked like this for years...

the dark green mat is from my victorian decor days
not right for today's look

in order to really make progress
I also need to finish projects
so after deciding that it was a keeper
I set aside an afternoon to work on it

I painted the mat
then went after it with my spritzer of coffee

much better, don't you think?

to address my last post.
I'm not sure why I posted all of that
I tend to be like that.


But what I did not expect was 
your response
as raw and as real as my post was
your response was equally so
humbling, tear-producing, honest
you encouraged me to keep going,
you understood me-you struggle in this area,too.

because of you, my load is lightened.
of course, these comments from my girls mean the world to me.

I wish I had read this when we were visiting earlier! Becuase I would have told you that I CAN see a difference!! This post is real, and real is often raw, bringing tears. Keep at can do it and still love your house!
By Mrs. MK on where am I ? on 3/22/11

I'm proud of you Mom. You are making great progress, and I am so glad to see you trying! :) Love you tons. And you should check out this:
By Mrs. G on where am I ? on 3/23/11

I have all of your comments, sitting in my inbox,
to read again 

I will publish  them as I make my way to your place
because they deserve a personal reply
YOU deserve a personal reply.

if any of you are concerned about the lack of comments,
don't be.
they are there.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

playing catch up...

You girls just never stop...
always encourage me
always bless me
always amaze me

Your comments are straight-to-the-heart awesome.

I've been trying really hard to get back to your blogs

(I leave the comments un-modererated until I do)

on this one
I'm gonna have to push publish

There are too many.

you're awesome

 if you don't hear from me


I hear you 
next up:

was so sweet  to award me 
with this:

Thanks, Theresa!

check  her blog...she has are some great ideas.

Tell her I sent ya.

I'm supposed to tell you 7 random things...hmmm
I'm not very good at this...I'm gonna have to think ...
I have been working on my Etsy shoppe

a lot

I am on a mission 
to de-clutter
Believe me, I have a long  ways to go

here are some of my  new listings

and those shoes from a few weeks back?

They will be there (etsy) by tomorrow
So if any of you,  dear readers, are interested
let me know and you will have first dibs.
They will be $22.00 for the pair
or $12.00 for one
plus shipping
(I can't decide which way to sell them)

I really need to get back to work now.

Every flat surface I have
is covered
from all of the sorting I am doing.

mama and baby are going home this afternoon

Guess where I will be this evening?

I can't wait.


Monday, February 14, 2011







have a sweet day,
full of hugs and kisses
(another blast from the past)...
White Wednesday @ Faded  Charm 

Monday, January 24, 2011

a bit of sunshine...

our january skies are gray

and just when i needed  it

this was in my inbox

 ...Your blog is always so inspiring to read and I thank you for all the 

time and love you put into each post even though sometimes they 

may be difficult to send out into the world. You seem to be one of 

those lovely souls that many are attracted to and love to call 'our 

own' and please know that even as strangers we still think

of you and yours as family and keep you in prayer.

now, don't get me wrong
i love all of your comments
they mean the world to me
this really  touched my heart.


Monday, May 17, 2010

with a thankful heart...

have been given
some very special gifts.

 mother's day roses
 from my girls
they get prettier by the day

And I won a giveaway!

Or a giveback 
as Shelly from Sweet Pea 
called it.

It arrived 
in this gorgeous brown hatbox.

It was filled with goodies:
yummy lotions, a candle, and one of her favorite cd's

a wonderful unique frog 
(I've never seen one like it before)
 a cool metal "R"
beautifully handstamped ribbon
some cute tags
awesome vintage clock faces

and my favorite of all

a square (my first) brown transfer butter pat
(I have just started a butter pat collection!)
I was blown away by her generous heart!

THANK YOU, Shelly!

And then I was so touched.
Sandi, of Wayside Treasures,
 sent me this book.

just because.

She thought of me and all of our trials
when she saw it.
I didn't get very far into it before the tears were flowing.
It is so encouraging.

"God is waiting outside the door of your heart to walk you through the rain.  This may not be what you would have chosen, but it will be a journey you will always remember."

Thanks, Sandi!