Showing posts with label home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2011

a is for abigail...

My baby just turned 15.

A few photos to help me to remember these days
(current photos taken by her biggest sis.
the ones at the end of the post are from our family photos last fall)

She's my 
fun lovin', 
guitar  pickin', 
 football throwin',  
pie makin', 
basketball dribblin', 
piano playin',
keeps me on my toes,
on my knees,
always puts a smile on my face

She's sugar and spice with just a  bit more spice.

This girl has the gift of laughter.
She laughs all of the time
She makes me laugh.
Every. single. day.
The kind of laughter that comes quietly and then doesn't stop.
The hold-your-stomach, laugh-till-you-cry  kind of laugh.

I wanted to show you these
so you would know where I was coming from
with her bedroom re-do.

(my 3 girls)

She  is her own girl with  her own style.
We were going for a feminine look, but in a different way,  
one that reflects her personality.

So come back tomorrow.
I can't wait to show you!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Even if something is left undone, 

everyone must take time to sit still 


watch the leaves turn."

Elizabeth Lawrence

Isn't that a lovely thought?

maybe, someday.

But  today  our days are full,

full of winter prep

full of heart to heart talks

full of last minute painting before the snow flies

full of school, sports, and music lessons

full of family celebrations. 


Today our hearts are 

full of love.

Friday, September 30, 2011

30 days hath september...


I don't have enough to do.
I gave myself a challenge...

one  photo per day
Remember, one of my goals for August?

learn more about my camera

This is the only way to do it, right?

Just use it.
get out of auto
take pictures of different things
so I did 
(i did kind of cheat~ there were days I missed so i picked 2 subjects the next day)
same result

here. it. goes.
be warned: roses are my favorite subject;
they sit still
are always smiling.

sept 1: ruffled roses straight from the bush and into my heart

sept 2: more of the same

sept 3: opening day of college football...
I am a fan of this team...
go figure

sept 4:  view of home

sept 5: the beginning of the library/craft room re-do...
it was supposed to take 3 days...3 weeks...3 months?
time will tell

sept 6: these zinnias jumped into my cart at the produce stand

sept 7: details i love

sept 8:  howdy, neighbor

sept 9: getting my craft's been since forever since i have created

sept 10:  family fun on the ferris wheel

 sept 11: a gentle reminder

sept 12: pretty pink

sept 13: sweetness

sept 14: look, more roses!

sept 15: young love~still newlyweds

sept 16: the pink lady

sept 17: my girl loves her some converse

sept 18: peach pie on pretty pink plates on the porch

sept 19: teamwork...and a finishing touch
reveal coming soon

sept 20: across the street

sept 21: a peek at progress

sept 22: sunrise

sept 23: sunset

sept 24: it's my birthday...NO, it's my birthday...waaaah, it's MY birthday!

sept 25: a little lotta denim love

sept 26: my front door...never before seen on this blog

sept 27: tradition continues

sept 28: my youngest grandbaby

sept 29: I'm almost done and I'm out of words. yes, it happens.

sept 30: and finally, more pink roses.
What can I say?
My roses are a reminder to me of grace.
I so do NOT deserve them.

As for my camera, I did learn a bit. 
I did get out of auto...sometimes.  
I did learn (I think I already knew it) 
that what I really like to do is
to sit in the evening and photo edit.  
It's like decorating 
 I don't have to move and I don't make a mess. 

You do not  know 
what a boost 
it gave me to finish one of my projects.
Maybe, there's hope yet?

I have been away (from the computer) for a couple of weeks...
keeping my head down and focusing on the work at hand.  
I am getting there. 

It feels good.

I will be back soon,

with project reveals and a giveaway.

Have a lovely weekend.