Showing posts with label celebrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrations. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2012

baby bump...

Last week, I took an evening to take maternity photos
for mr and mrs g
I need to hurry and post ...her due date is tomorrow!

Before you were born I carried you
under my heart.
From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment
I leave it,
I will always carry you
in my heart.
-- Mandy Harrison 

A great Joy is coming.
author unknown

Is her name A_________ or is it M______ ?

I think they're leaning towards M______.

 Life is always a rich and steady time
 when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.
-- E.B. White, Charlotte's Web

"The instant of birth is exquisite.
Pain and joy are one at this moment.
Ever after, the dim recollection is so sweet
that we speak to our children
with a gratitude they never understand."
Madline Tiger

We are in the final days, 
when I go to bed with the telephone close by,
wondering at each ring if it "is time?"

I am remembering my moments of giving birth.

I am terrified for my girl, knowing what she will endure.

I am confident that she can do women for all time have done it.

I am excited beyond measure to see my girl with her girl in her arms;
knowing that she  will never be the same.
knowing that she will now experience a love that I have only been able to tell her about,
with words that were completely inadequate.
(I tear up just thinking about it)

I am thankful for the One who created motherhood,
and who has my girl and her girl in HIS hand.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

my children...



my heart.

I am so thankful
to get to wear the name of Mother.

I don't think I have ever 
properly introduced 
my family
so since this is Mother's Day
you will have to indulge me this one time (right)
while I brag about my children.

Meet my oldest daughter Katie 
with her Mr. Wonderful
3  (busy) boys. 
She is kind, compassionate, and creative 
and such  a delight to  me.
We have shared some hard times together;
I consider  her one of my very best friends.
She can sew and garden like no other...
 traits that remind me so much of my grandmother
definitely not from me.

since this photo shoot
Baby James has been added to Katie's brood
(I think it is almost time for another shoot)

 Next in line is my oldest son, Jason

loyal, patient, hard-working

I miss having Jason at home;
he was my debater 
my fix-it man.

I love watching him parent  his batch of triplets
and being a husband to his sweet wife, Tasha.

My son, Brian

 conservative and hard-working
I miss his teasing...he kept us laughing.

He is married to Sheila...
and Dad to these 2 (tractor-loving)  boys, 
with another one (it's a boy, too)  on the way.

  If you've been a long-time reader,
you know my 4th, Mrs G with her Mr. G,
otherwise known as Grace.
She is my delight.
She is creative in the kitchen and on the computer.
She is kind, determined, organized and a hard-worker.
(I'm noticing a pattern-they are all hard-working-must be because I love to work:)
I am so looking forward to meeting Baby (GIRL) G soon.
due May 25
Grace is going to be a great mother!


This girl keeps me young, makes me laugh
and plays the most beautiful music. 
She is a threat on the basketball court,
volleyball court
on the golf course.
She is the reason, I  am still teaching algebra
and still answering the infamous question
"Will I ever use this in real life?"

She keeps me on my toes
and challenges me to live by grace.

And just because
this is my most favorite pictures of my
Not pictured:
Baby James
and the two in the oven.

Thank you for bearing with me...
as I celebrate these perfectly wonderful blessings.
I have to say this is one of the most unique
Mother's Day, yet.
Celebrating is in the heart
and celebrating, I am.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I heard an old, old story,
How a Savior came from glory,
How He gave His life on Calvary
To save a wretch like me;
I heard about His groaning,
Of His precious blood's atoning,
Then I repented of my sins;
And won the victory.

O victory in Jesus,
My Savior, forever.
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him,
And all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory,
Beneath the cleansing flood.

Resurrection Sunday Morning Sunshine

Thursday, March 8, 2012


that 's how many years 

we've been man and wife

I love this picture of us.

more than any other ever  taken

I see so much love and joy in my husband's face.

We are truly at peace with each other.

I wish I could say that we have it all figured out

and that everyday is like that moment


it is 


There are many days when I see this face

I see a man with sad eyes.

 My heart breaks for him

and misses the man he used to be.

(his story is told here~he lost his twin brother to suicide)

Then there are the days when I am not the wife I should be.

I may be a bit too opinionated.

In fact, we are having a hard time of it right now.

Last year I wrote this post.

I have gone back to read it 1, 2 , many times

over the past year.

to encourage me.

 Love is  always will be a choice.

I love this man


I count him as one of my greatest gifts.

I always hesitate to write a post like this. 

 I want to be real

want to share my life with you. 

 my real life.  

I don't want you


think for one minute

 that it is all white paint and roses over here.  

And that all I  do is  dream up a project 

and that my 

husband does it.  

No, we are real people with real feelings that 

often get hurt, 

real people with tempers that often are set off,

and real people that desperately need a Savior.  

A real Savior to teach us grace, forgiveness and mercy.

And so today, even though we are struggling,

I give thanks...because...

all is grace.

Friday, December 2, 2011

friday fun...

Stepping away from the computer;
specifically, from pinterest.
pinterest, we love you.
you are a huge distraction.
 I have already pinned more ideas
 than I could possibly ever do in my lifetime.

But if  you are in need of a tiny break
you can check it out here:)

while I'm cleaning...
(can you guess which room I am supposed to cleaning?) is a bit of good news.

Yes,  baby G is on the way...
we are  a bit nervous scared excited
to rejoice 
in life 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

giving thanks on tuesday...

To give thanks

 is an action 


rejoice is a verb 

and these 

are not mere pulsing emotions

While I may not always feel joy, 

God asks me to give

thanks in all things,

 because He knows 

that the feeling of


begins in the action of THANKSGIVING.

Ann Voskamp ~One Thousand Gifts


visit  Hope-filled living  to see 

my guest post

on one of my favorite holiday traditions

It's a rare Christmas post before Thanksgiving...

Remember to sign up HERE 

to win this book if you haven't already.