Showing posts with label Morel mushrooms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Morel mushrooms. Show all posts


Evidence of Spring


Throughout the day, my inner voice whispered.... take a walk, look for morels. They were beckoning.

I wandered the places where in past years I found one here, one there..... nope. Then a wee village of morels appeared before me. Imagine my delight. Just enough to add a kiss to dinner.

Did I hear them calling, absolutely. Did I also know that the earth has finally warmed to a temperature that they like to fruit and that spring is their season, yes to this also.

Does this all feel like magic, indeed it is. The magic of listening with heart and spirit, no different than listening to a friend tell their tale.

Instincts and intuition enrich life in an intimate way.

Listen to and honor your inner whispers. 

Spring flowers are bringing heartfelt joy,

the lovely pasque:

Sweet yellow bells:


Always an awe filled delight to see the Great gray owl:

We love our trilliums, I love how there is a light area where the stem of the flower rises from the leaves, it catches my eye:

Spring is more obvious daily

inspiring hope, delight and awe.

I hope this finds you enjoying the details of new life as I am. 

Lovely spring to you!





Summer Solstice

as we step from spring into summer
fields are bursting with canola flowers

my three poppy buds have opened their petals
in celebration of life

the skies offer beauty that beckons one to walk the woods

finding wild orchids, lady's slipper with one raindrop

this is the first harebell I have seen this season
lovely rosy dots upon it's style

morels like little gnome caps rising from the forest floor

raspberry and purple mushrooms here and there

it is a wonderful planet we call home
with marvelous findings 
to meet

I wish one and all a lovely summer
be it winter on the other side



The More You Look

the  more you look

the more you see

when you slow down

and take a peak

one's heart may even

skip a beat