Showing posts with label shooting stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shooting stars. Show all posts


The season of bears and flowers ~

Wandering the woods, breathing with trees, photographing spring treasures, I heard a unique scrambling sound. 
One is wise to take note of sounds while in the wilds of this NW corner of Montana. 
For we live with the critters of fairy tales. 
Looking in the direction of the sound I saw a black bear scurrying up a tall conifer tree, bark flying as she did. 
Since she was kind of far and up a tree I snapped a few photos. 

But really, she got up that tree so fast, she could have gotten to me before I knew what was happening. 

Later I learned that my camera captured her two little cubs! She had sent her cubs to safety and followed after them. 

A good bear encounter!

Each May, when wandering the woods, my eyes scan the forest floor for fairy slippers, the calypso orchid. 
 Absolutely thrilling! 

shooting stars

a little past its prime
yet still a thrill to find
the highly sought after morel mushroom

moss is growing
and so beautiful up close!



Sunbathers ~

I rarely find white shooting stars
seeing them is like finding this treasure

I think the above photo shows so well 
their name
Stars flying in different directions

even from behind they look like a celebration of life

truly petite little beings

when the sun comes out
sunbathers rise from the water 
to soak up warmth

the little fairyslipper from my last post
has opened all the way
I visit it once in a while
(with bear spray on my belt, as we have evidence of a grizzly)

this lovely winged creature
landed on my finger 3 times
I felt honored
Spring is picking up momentum!



Buck in Velvet

he rose 
to leap over bushes

leaving his scent 

looking in all directions

wearing his antlers of

shooting stars:

joining: Saturday's Critters
click to see others critters


White Shooting Stars

a forest walk reveals
spring flowers scattering the earth
for my first time i did find
shooting stars cloaked in mostly white


some a lovely mix of cream and violet

more commonly they are a vibrant violet pink  



Spring Snow and First Flowers

one day this week
winter appeared to
three inches of snow fell from the sky
snow is merely
one of the masks Spring likes to wear
today she wears sunshine
a warm breeze
song of birds
moist stillness

Yesterday I made my annual drive south
seeking my first wildflower this year.

Not only did I find the lovely Yellow Bells,
but to my surprise
also merry Shooting Stars:


Visit OSI for poetry with the prompt: mask
To visit flower images around the world, visit: Today's Flowers