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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

WFMW Putty Knife?

So let's say you're mopping and you come across a stubborn spot. You know, the kind where you let it soak for a minute, then come back to it, and it still won't come out. What do you use then, your fingernail? Gross. I use a plastic putty knife, about 1"-2" wide to scrape the spot right off. When I'm done with an area, I wrap a paper towel around it and use it to clean that crevice next to the baseboards. Ugh. You can pick one up at the hardware store for a buck or two, but if you're a do-it-yourselfer, you probably have one lying around that you can recycle. Make sure it's plastic, so it won't scratch anything. I wouldn't try it on a waxed surface, but it's good for tile, linoleum, and laminate flooring.
While you're here, check out the archives, then head back over to Rocks in My Dryer for more more handy tips.


Anonymous said...

Good plan! I know we have a putty knife around here somewhere...

Marlene McGarrity said...

I only discovered this idea a short time ago. It's great to bring the putty knife into the bathroom as well. Mine is plastic so it can get the stuff off the tiles and not scratch them.

ames said...

Great tip! I bet it's even more useful than that, I'll have to pick one up.

ttelroc said...

That is an excellent idea. I usually resort to the fingernail approach because walking ALL the way across the room to the toolbox is TOO MUCH. LOL For a few dollars, I could probably buy an extra one and put it in the bin under the sink.


Peggy said...

That is an excellent idea! I'm sure it would work better than the unpredictable butter knife method I use. Thanks for the tip!