Showing posts with label COMMON WASP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMMON WASP. Show all posts

Sunday 15 November 2009


Well we did survive the biggest storm of the winter so far on Saturday,and boy it blew a hoolie with a good washing of rain for good measure. Anyway today was a big improvement Dry and sunny with a moderate Southerly wind. So this morning I went to the small Parish of Gwennap about a mile from home as there is a good diversity of habitat in this area. On pulling up in a layby  an adult Jay landed about 50ft in front of the car, good start but I could not get out with the camera as I would spook it. Took two shots through the front screen but they were rubbish.  So it was around to the back  to get the tripod,looked over the hedge and across the small field in some trees were two pairs of Bullfinch's feeding, but to far off for photo's. This was how it went for the rest of the morning, saw Ravens, Buzzards, Chiffchaffs Finch flocks, various Tits even a pair of Mallards in a small pool, but everthing was off before I could get shots.Went home about 10.30am as I promised the wife we would go out for a few hours,very frustrating morning but some good sightings for future reference.

On returning home this afternoon I went out to replenish my bird feeders and on the fencepost by the back gate was this very large Common Wasp which I took to be a Queen, so it was out with the Macro lens and ringflash, at least I would get a few pic's of something to end the day. So I leave you with these two images.