Showing posts with label Reed Bunting.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reed Bunting.. Show all posts

Monday 28 December 2009


So after the christmas festivites it was nice to get out and enjoy some freah air. Took the drive up to Stithians Res to see if there was anything special about. Things on the water were very quiet with on a few distant Tufted Ducks and Gull on the main res. I then took the short walk across to the Southern Cutoff where I met Simon the Warden and Steve Rogers, They also comfirmed not much wildfowl activity but plenty of action around the feeders. After a few minutes chat they left to see if they cound find a Long Tailed Duck that had been reported the day before ( that would have been nice). I settled in to photo some of the feeder activity, after a short while the door opened and in came JR, Sue and Chris which was a pleasant suprise, it was good to hear about their trip to Gambia and all the things they experienced. So it turned out to be a very enjoyable morning nothing unusual on the bird side, but nice to catch up with some friends.

Below I have included a few images of the mornings Photo shoot.