Showing posts with label House Martin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Martin. Show all posts

Monday 5 April 2010


Early start yesterday morning, met with Mark at 07.00am and headed along the coast road from St Ives to Lands End. The target for today was a Pallid Harrier that has been seen on and off for the past few weeks, needless to say we did not locate it although we had a brief and distant view of a ringtail type harrier but no good identification.
Next stop was at Pendeen Watch where A short seawatch produced two year ticks being Manx Shearwater and Kittiwake.
It was then on to Kenijack where we found our first House Martin for the year, so spent  around 30 minutes trying to get some flight shots of this quick bird. So below is about the best I could get and is really only a record shot.