Showing posts with label Alex paintings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alex paintings. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Hey all just a quick post to let ya know I've set up an Etsy page where I'll be selling my artwork when I can!!!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010


...ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!!! Here's my contribution to the up and coming tribute book! Thanks to Chogrin for asking me to be a part of it...


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wild Things Are Here....

I ‘ve been visiting the blog Terrible Yellow Eyes for a while now and love the idea to bits! I asked Cory if he’d be keen for me to contribute and said he loved my stuff so here’s what I put together, it’s really cool to be involved in such a cool project…


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Didney Lan!

Being obsessed with everything Disney as a kid I don't think there's anywhere more inspiring to be than Disneyland, and these little buggers are a direct result of my recent trip there with my wife. We also visited Comic Con where our buddy Martin Hsu convinced me to do more paintings on wood, ta daaa...


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I recently did a couple of paintings of 2 of my favourite comic characters growing up, the stories always seemed a little over my head when I was real young but I absolutely loved the artwork!!

They're acrylic on canvas (Obelix- 5"x7", Asterix - 6"x6") and are for sale if anybody is interested! $45 US each including postage (via paypal).


Friday, March 20, 2009

Donatello does machines (That's a fact, Jack!)

Here's my latest paintings, turned out a little different than my sketches but I'm still pretty happy with 'em!! They are acrylic on 6x6 canvas and for sale if anybody in interested! - Alex

A little while back I also asked my "blog buddy" Johnny Yanok to do a drawing of Patrick Starfish I wanted to get tattooed on the back of my neck, here's the result...

Thanks dude, I love the drawing and think it turned out pretty cool thanks to the tattooing skills of my awesome wife Karla!!!

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Here's some more paintings I've just finished. There's a bunch more characters I wanna do from the Masters Of The Universe but there's only so many hours in the day!
As always they're acrylic on canvas! All my paintings are for sale if anybody is interested, $45 US each including postage! -Alex

Thursday, January 08, 2009

First post of '09!!

Howdy all, Alex here, just thought I'd do the honours of the first post of the new year and give ya a peek at what I've been doing in my spare time over the last few months. I'd been wanting to paint some small canvas' to sell at at Kraftbomb (a craftfair my lovely wife Karla and her friend City have set up) and I thought it'd be fun to paint "classic" characters from movies and cartoons that I loved growing up! So where to start, oh yeah, Star Wars... (sorry about the quality of some of the pics, they were taken with my digital camera which sometimes isn't that great!)

I've also done some of the wrestlers I was into when I was a kid...

At the end of last year I was also asked to contribute to a charity show to help raise money for a local cat shelter. The theme was, of course, cats, so I painted my cat Nardis (again!)

I also did some paintings as Christmas presents for the other Muks...

Gizmoduck from Duck Tales for Ryan
Chorlton from the old British "stop-motion" show Chorlton and The Wheelies for Jeremy.
Zebadee from "The Magic Roundabout" for Tim
And a Doozer for Tims Fiance Tam!

I also painted my friends dog for her birthday, his name's George, he's a pug and constantly has his "lipstick" out...

More soon!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Alex stuff...

I painted this for my mum for Mothers Day!

I also recently got these tattoos. Firstly I decided, since I paint my cat Nardis all the time, I should get him tattooed on me. It's the first tattoo I have that is one of my drawings...

I also just got this done, it's on the bottom of my fingers and done in UV ink. It's a bad photo but it only shows up under black light...

My wife Karla did these on me.. she's awesome!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Painted Thingys...

Here's 2 of my latest paintings. The first, the dog, was for a buddy, to give to his sister for her wedding and the other is for another friend, Cam. His girlfriend is surprising him with a transformer and I picked Soundwave coz he was one of my favs as a kid!! Sorry for the bad photos, I can never seem to get really descent ones of my paintings:( -Alex

Monday, February 18, 2008

I done this a while ago...

For my brother's 21st birthday, he's really into 300 so I did a Spartan type fella fighting some beasties. As always it's acrylic on canvas -Alex

Monday, February 04, 2008

NEW Painting!!!

2 of my good friends are moving to Melbourne with their little boy, so I decided to do a painting for them and since Gabriel (their son) is obsessed with diggers I combined his favourite thing with my favourite to paint at the mo... my cat Nardis!!!