Showing posts with label Sparkle Friends 06. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sparkle Friends 06. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sparkle Friends Ep10: What Becomes of the Broken Gungi

Well, this is it, the last episode of Sparkle Friends. Amazingly we got away with ending it on a cliffhanger (hoping kids will demand a 2nd series).

Check it out at the usual spot under animation at

By the way, check out our inspiration for the title and title card of the episode. How did we get away with this stuff!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Sparkle Friends Ep9: Sparkle Show

Hey folks,

Well here's episode 9 of Sparkle Friends. Getting close to the end now. The series has actually finished on New Zealand TV a few weeks ago. Feedback has been great, kids seem to love the show, so that's good news for us. This episode in particular seemed to sit well with the kids, which made us happy, as it was quite a bit different from previous episodes.

As always, we can't post it here, but check it out under animation at

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sparkle Friends Ep7: Sparkletron

Hey folks,

here's episode 7 of Sparkle Friends for your viewing pleasure. This is by far the most......ummmm......insane ep we've made. I even got to record my first big 80's hit for the soundtrack.

Check it out on the cartoons page at


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Some sketches...

Heres some sketches from Episode 6 of "Sparkle Friends". Seeing as we've got a cast of 6 regular characters, the one thing I look forward to on this show is designing new characters, so when the idea came up to put a Gunge monster in the episode we were all pretty excited at what the outcome would be. It's kinda hard with a week turn around and such a small team, to do some decent character desgn or development, but I gave it my best and here are some of the results.....


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sparkle Friends Episode 6:

Hey all,

We tried to push ourselves a little further every week with this show and this is the episode which we kinda went a bit crazy on.

As if our 1 week turnaround wasn't insane enough, for some reason we thought, "hey, why not do a video game episode with each character in a different video game, that sounds easy".

Foolish boys.

Although it was an insanely hard week, we're stoked with how the episode turned out.

Check it out on the cartoons page at
Hope you like it.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sparkle Friends EP5!!

Hey all,

here's episode 5 of Sparkle Friends for your viewing pleasure.

We were really pleased with how this ep turned out. We kinda pushed the limits of our crazy one week turnaround on this one.
Hope you all enjoy it, and we'll see you back here same time next week for episode 6.

Check out ep5 on the cartoon page at

Friday, June 09, 2006

Sparkle Friends Ep3!!

We just posted up "the real" Episode 3, so go check it out on our website!!!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sparkle Friends Ep4...

We've had a few sound problems with Ep3 so we thought we'd post episode 4 instead!
Due to some weird tv rules the network wanted us to make the forth episode first, seeing as this was our first attempt and we were plunged straight into the deep end, it kinda shows, we still dig this episode but the pacings a little off when compared to what we're doing now, we've definatley got more ambitious with our ideas. So check it out on our website.

And heres some drawings and stuff from it!!