Showing posts with label puppets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppets. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2010

A little green...

A week or so ago we created a permanent green screen in the Mukpuddy studio (our landlords were gracious enough to let us deface a wall!). We thought it would be a nice feature to have on hand whenever we needed to jump in front of a green we often do......wah?

Anyhoo, to give the new toy a whirl we grabbed Tim's puppet, Ember, and ad-libbed a bit of puppet tomfoolery. We filmed it with an old digital camera (which is all we had on hand that day) then took the footage in to After Effects and threw in some BG elements we already had made up etc, and this is what we produced.

It's a tad rough, but it's only a test. We have plans for some time we might try proper lighting as this test had none. Hopefully they'll only get better.

Stay tuned.