Thursday, January 17, 2008

Exhibition Piccys!

Heres some more pics from the exhibition I (Alex) had with my wife Karla at the end of last year (sorry for crappy photos)...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Two Double O Seven is over!

Well, 2007 has come to an end, and to be quite honest it's been awesome.....if not slightly....surreal. Come with us as we take a stroll down memory lane, it's a bit on the grubby side, so please wear shoes.

We started off the year with our 2nd season of Sparkle Friends. The second series was leaps and bounds ahead of the first season, thanks in part to far more prep time. Obviously we were still cutting our teeth on the whole episode a week dealio......but we managed to create bigger more involved story lines and introduce new crazy characters each episode. It was a wicked, if not completely draining, experience.

Somewhere in the middle of the chaos that was Sparkle Friends S2, we managed to find 48 hours to make a short animated film, Camp Fear, for the 48Hours NZ short film festival. It still makes us warm with giddyness to think that we made probably our fave Mukpuddy "thing" to date in a stupidly short amount of time. It helps when the guys you work with all share one brain. Did I mention we also managed to win Best Film in our city's final.......yeah......we did......and it was awesome.

Oh yeah, and while this was going on, Jeremy was moonlighting as a live action director on a NZ kids show to help bring in a few extra bucks to Mukpuddy.......thus giving us the spare mullah we needed to fly our Mukky bums to the U.S of A. Where we did things like go to the San Diego Comic Con, attending parties where we hung out with Peter Petrelli and Sylar from Heroes and were mistaken for Australians by Stan Lee. Then it was playtime at Disneyland for 4 days, then a few days of pitching to CN, Nick and Disney. Then because we were completely exhausted.....we headed to Las Vegas where Alex married his Girlfriend Karla in the presence of Elvis himself........I know.........I thought he was dead too!

Upon arriving back in NZ, it seemed like we had become the go to guys for "corporate revenue animation presentations" or C.R.A.P for short. It's not something we love doing, but hey, when the river runs dry......sometimes you have to fill it.........with crap? I'm not sure that's how the saying goes, but from where I'm sitting it seems pretty prophetic.

We ended the year with a few animated TV commercials and a music video that we'll show you in the next few months. Now we've got a few weeks off to recoup and get ourselves jazzed to do it all again in 2008.........yes I said me you'll all be saying it soon.

I must say, looking back at the awesome things we've done this year, I'm so glad that I get to do it with people who are my closest friends, it's not very often you get to mix work and play everyday, but we do, and I'm so grateful for that. Makes me realise that Mukpuddy has something unique going for it and there's a reason we're still around after 6 years.....oh god, that means we're getting old.....ish. Cheers you nutty Muks!

Oh yeah, and somewhere in there my wife had our beautiful little girl, Ilah. High five.

2007.......what a crazy

P.S In case 2007 wasn't busy enough. Alex decided to do an exhibition with his wife Karla just before Christmas no less. It all looked awesome.....and one of the paintings is now hanging in my daughters nursery.....but I've rambled enough. Look at the crazy man's talent below.

A kids school desk...
And some small skate decks...
More pics soon!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sweetie treats!!

Heres a bonus, since we're feeling jovial and wanted to make things busier for ourselves, we're posting 2 Overbite's week. Just a little Christmas cheer from your friendly neighbourhood Mukeroos!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lucky Legs Eleven

And a little message from Santa to get you all in the festive mood...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Tonight is the opening of the exhibition I'm (Alex) having with my wife Karla, it's our first solo show together so it's a little nerve-racking, but we've done a bunch of new stuff that I think people will dig. It's always scarey though, having your stuff on display for people to "judge". I'll post some pics of my new paintings in the next couple of days but heres a little sneek peek in the mean time...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Hatty Porrer!

Since the last strip got no love we thought this might tickle your bits...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Latest and Greatest!!

Alex and his wifey Karla have also made some toys of their cat for an exhibition they're having next month (December 11th-22nd @ Satellite Gallery, Auckland City)...

Check out some more pics here

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Another one for ya...

We've been getting a really great response to these, we're glad peeps are digging them. Heres a new one....

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007


Two weeks ago something came out of my wife, that something was a baby, and her name is Ilah. She's tiny, pink and absolutely perfect.

It's been a pretty crazy few weeks, coming to grips with my new found fatherly responsibilities and a lot less sleep. But thankfully I work with a supportive bunch of Muks (Uncle Muks now) who have been no less than amazingly patient while I disappeared from the animation world for a two weeks.

Anyway, I'd like to introduce the first Mukbubby. Ilah Cooper

Aint she cute!
- Ryan

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Fred-O-Ween!!!

Check out the awesome Halloween episode of Channel Frederator!! Our short "Camp Fear" made it in so we're happy little ghoulies....

A big thanks to Jeaux and the rest of the Frederator team, we owe you our lives!!

Also here's this weeks comic...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

3rd comic and sum paintings...

Heres another batch of small canvases I've been working on, still need to add a few small details but they're mostly finished... mostly.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Comic 2!!

We're having heaps of fun making these retarded little suckers so we'll post them up each week!!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Happy Holloweener!!

We made some plushies, check out some of the process here!!!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A new Mukpuddy Comic!!

So we've been given the opportunity to make a weekly comic for a local gig guide here in New Zealand and we wanted it be super retarded, this is the result...