Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A New Mukpuddy Cartoon...

So here's a sneek peek at what we've been working on lately, it's our brand new cartoon for What Now and it'll be hitting New Zealand TV screens and international internet screens at the end of April...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Caper Babypants Take 2...

Last year we were fortunate enough to team up with Caspar Babypants (Chris Ballew of 'Presidents of the United States of America' fame) to make a video of one of his super catchy kids songs, Mr Rabbit (check it out here). So we were thrilled when he asked us to tackle another of his songs, My Flea Has Dogs. We've always wanted to something with a 1920's cartoon feel, so when Caspar said he was keen to do something black and white, rubber-hose style we jumped at the opportunity. So... along with some process work, here's the final video.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

So your favourite Drunk Santa is back again spreading Christmas cheer...

Happy Holidays to ya and thanks for all your support this year! And as an added treat here's a wee clip of Ryan recording the voices of the above skit...

Friday, December 09, 2011

A NEW Mukpuddy sketchbook!

That's right ladies and gents, the sketchbook we put together a few months back for this years Armageddon Expo is now up on our Lulu store. We'd appreciate your donation to the "Feed A Muk Foundation" so feel free to go BUY IT!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Bird Crap!

Here's a little something we've been working on for a while now, just doing bits and pieces here and there in between some paid work. It's actually an idea we came with last year when we were pitching our services to some local "youth" shows here in New Zealand and we thought it'd be cool just to make an example of exactly what we could make for them, so yeah, it's pretty local (not sure if anybody outside NZ will get it) but it cracked us up and here it is...

UPDATE...If you enjoyed the cartoon why not buy the shirt!

Friday, November 25, 2011

He's A Fun Guy Not A Fungus!

We made this pilot at the end of 2008 for a company with an "orange logo", it didn't go anywhere past this stage but we had fun making it and hopefully one day we can make more of them...

Monday, October 17, 2011

More silly voices!

This one is a bit "late in the game" since we completed the "How To Draw" shorts for What Now way at the start of the year but we had a footage sitting there and thought it'd be fun to cut something together to show all the different stuff Ryan was doing. Over the 10 shorts he did about 11 voices and, as always, he made for some hilarious out-takes...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Support NZ Made!

For all our kiwi mates that don't like the "hefty" postage on our other merch we've just set up a shop with the awesome peeps over at 'Print Mighty' so now there's no excuse for not owning your very own piece of Mukpuddy... CHECK IT OUT!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Goodbye Sparkle Friends!

For those of you who have followed Mukpuddy for a few years there's a good chance you know we make an animated series called, "Sparkle Friends". We started making Sparkle Friends back in 2006 and much to our surprise have since have created 43 episodes.

Sparkle Friends plays within a kids variety show in New Zealand called, What Now. This year was What Now's 30th Birthday and we thought it was a good opportunity to make a Sparkle Friends one-off special that, while playing tribute to What Now, also marked the end for the Sparkle Friends (a "good" end... not a "death" end, sillies!!).

Seeing as the cast of Sparkle Friends has changed over the years, each time coinciding with new presenters appearing on What Now, we thought it was only fitting to bring back all the old Sparkle Friends for a final adventure. We also thought it would be nice to cameo some old school What Now presenters from when we were kids.

Working on Sparkle Friends has been quite the experience and one that has really shaped Mukpuddy into the studio we are today. 43 episodes was an awesome run and one that we thought deserved an epic send off... So that's what we did!

Friday, September 23, 2011

"Pastie White Englishman"

Here's an update from Muk HQ...

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

NEW Muk shirt!

So this clip was getting passed around the New Zealand interwebs yesterday...

And some of the stuff being said in it cracked us up much we were inspired to create this t-shirt design...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Black, White & Red

A little while ago we created something called "Black, White & Red" which is intended to be entertainment for infants. It's widely known that infants as young as a couple of weeks old respond well to high contrast colours, specifically, Black, white and reds. So when my son, Cohen was born I went searching for something that he would respond to but that my 3 year old daughter would also get some sort of entertainment value out of... I couldn't find anything like that. There were plenty of black and white "showreel" type animated clips but nothing that had character and enough cartoony-ness to keep me happy. So we saw a gap and decided to fill it... These are what we have created so far.

If you know any proud new parents, please pass this on to them and we'd love to hear some feedback.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lance Loves to Draw...

Sorry for the slack updates here on the blog, things have been pretty busy here at Muk HQ the last couple of months, making things and pitching ideas around, some of which you'll get to see here soon but in the mean time check out the last of the "How To Draw's" we made earlier this year. What Now loves them and we love Lance so there will no doubt be more of these next year!

Monday, July 04, 2011


So about 2 months ago now we took part in a short film competition that takes place in New Zealand every year. It's called 48Hours and basically, like the names suggests, gives you 48 hours to make a short film.

So all the teams gather on the Friday night and are given a genre and a bunch of elements that they must include in their film and all of which change every year, we got the following:

Genre: Quest
Character: Bobby Young - an ex-bully
Line of dialog: "What have you got?"
Prop: Bent piece of wire
Technical: Freeze frame ending

Quest was an unexpected, but pleasant, surprise. Although... it did play a huge part in making what we had always hoped would be no more than a 3 minute film... in to a 6min epic.

It was a super tough weekend for us... our "slightly ambitious" idea had us awake for 60+ hours once all was said and done... There were moments during the weekend that had the 3 of us doubting our film and also questioning whether we would actually finish it... but we did and we're extremely proud of it and super proud of our 3rd place and "best animated film" wins in the grand final

So, here it is...

And here's us with our bronze "Apee" trophy...

One of the best things about the competition is the fact, if all goes well, you end up with a film, characters and story you would never have thought of otherwise, and also something that can exist outside of the competition. We're really keen now to see what interest our film gets and what we do with the characters and world we created on that crazy blur of a weekend!

UPDATE >>> here's an interview Alex and Ryan did on U Live about the competition and making cartoons...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Onwards and UPWARDS!

Well colour us CHUFFED! The National Grand Finalists were just announced for the 2011 v48hours and low and behold our film is right there amongst our mates in the finals. Considering how proud we are with our effort over that 48Hour weekend and how stoked we are with the finished short... we must say we're pretty bloody thrilled that to top it off, we were "hand picked" by Sir Peter Jackson himself...

Here's a little vid we filmed in the last minutes leading up to the announcement of the finalists...

So the Grand Final is next weekend, July 2nd, no doubt we'll experience a whole new level of nerves but we are truely stoked to be there with the best films out over over 800 teams that entered!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Auckland Finals!

So a couple of nights ago we had the City finals for the V48Hours and to our surprise we walked away with "Runner Up" and "Best Animated Film" for our short, Meanie Pants... Considering the caliber of films on the night we were honored to get anything.

Each team that enters the comp has to make a 30 sec intro to their film, we thought it'd be fun to try something a little out of the ordinary (no surprises there), perhaps we went a little over the top on this one but it was a fun experiment all the same...

We can't post the full film just yet (have to wait and see if we get in to the grand finals) so we've quickly thrown together a teaser trailer to tide you over... and we really wanted to have a go at making a trailer, so it was a good excuse.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


Well the wait is over, after winning 'Audience Favourite' in our heat we now know we're in the Auckland City finals for the 2011 V48Hours! As you'd imagine we're pretty excited and to make the top 13 out of 270 teams in our city is pretty awesome and to make things even more exciting (read: nerve wracking!) we're in there with a bunch of sweet film makers and some good buddies so it should be a good night! As always, we don't do things in halves and thought it'd be fun to throw together an "official" movie poster for our short...

And we've also cut together some of the footage we filmed of us making the film over the weekend, it's part behind the scenes part sleep deprivation experiment, so enjoy...

If you're in Auckland and want to come along you can grab tickets HERE!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I thought this would be fun to throw together, might do a few more too...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Done and dusted!

Well we did it! We actually completed another 48hour short film, it was bloody hard, way more than the last time we entered the comp in 2007, and we didn't sleep for roughly about 60 hours when it was all said and done but we've come out the other end with a 6 minute, fully animated short that we're pretty proud of, at least it makes sense to us, we just have to wait and see what the judges think.

We're not allowed to post the film online until the competition is over but we'll be posting bits and pieces along the way, if you're on Facebook check out some of the photos we took over the weekend...