Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Colour A Pocket Protector!

We've had some people asking for some Pocket Protector 'colour-in' pages so we threw these together...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The quality is a little naff but this will give you some indication of how crazy the last little bit of Sunday was for us...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So we participated in the 48hour film comp again this past weekend, as with last years effort, it was a hard slog but we're really happy with what we made. We'll put up a more detailed account of the process once we go through some of the footage we filmed but in the mean time here's a poster we threw together...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Guess what we're doing this weekend?...

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Less Than Meets The Eye!

Pocket Protectors is an idea that's been floating around in our heads for a few years now. It's an idea that came from nothing more than us joking around with stationery in our studio and imagining a show based on robot stationery, that would have probably come when ideas were stretched pretty thin in the late 80s. So late last year when we had the opportunity to pitch a new short series to a local kids variety show (What Now), we decided to flesh out the bare bones Pocket Protectors concept and see if we could create something heartfelt and funny from a pretty silly idea. It all came fairly quickly... and before we knew we had a cast of endearing... although completely delusional characters (the perfect formula). We wanted to keep one foot firmly in the 80s when it came to the Pocket Protectors themselves... but the show quickly became more about a kids observation of the world around him and how these strange little robots play in to the milestones in his childhood. We could ramble for ages about this because it's a project that we are truly passionate about... but for now... here's the first episode and a whole bunch of development sketches. 
- The Muks

Monday, April 23, 2012

What to do when you're waiting for stuff to render...

More of us being dicks around the office...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sneaky peek!

Here's taste of what we're currently working on, the opening titles/promo for our newest cartoon series, Pocket Protectors. Full episodes start on TV2's What Now Sunday April 29th (then will go online shortly after). But for now... get the theme song stuck in your head!!

Thursday, April 05, 2012


Once again we've teamed up with the ever talented Ilah Cooper (Ryan's 4 year old daughter) to bring you our 2012 Easter message. Feel free to share it around, we'd like that... alot :) Have a fun and safe Easter everyone!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

World's fastest drawer lives at Mukpuddy...

Just a little update on the creation of our new series 'Pocket Protectors'...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A New Mukpuddy Cartoon...

So here's a sneek peek at what we've been working on lately, it's our brand new cartoon for What Now and it'll be hitting New Zealand TV screens and international internet screens at the end of April...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Caper Babypants Take 2...

Last year we were fortunate enough to team up with Caspar Babypants (Chris Ballew of 'Presidents of the United States of America' fame) to make a video of one of his super catchy kids songs, Mr Rabbit (check it out here). So we were thrilled when he asked us to tackle another of his songs, My Flea Has Dogs. We've always wanted to something with a 1920's cartoon feel, so when Caspar said he was keen to do something black and white, rubber-hose style we jumped at the opportunity. So... along with some process work, here's the final video.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

So your favourite Drunk Santa is back again spreading Christmas cheer...

Happy Holidays to ya and thanks for all your support this year! And as an added treat here's a wee clip of Ryan recording the voices of the above skit...

Friday, December 09, 2011

A NEW Mukpuddy sketchbook!

That's right ladies and gents, the sketchbook we put together a few months back for this years Armageddon Expo is now up on our Lulu store. We'd appreciate your donation to the "Feed A Muk Foundation" so feel free to go BUY IT!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Bird Crap!

Here's a little something we've been working on for a while now, just doing bits and pieces here and there in between some paid work. It's actually an idea we came with last year when we were pitching our services to some local "youth" shows here in New Zealand and we thought it'd be cool just to make an example of exactly what we could make for them, so yeah, it's pretty local (not sure if anybody outside NZ will get it) but it cracked us up and here it is...

UPDATE...If you enjoyed the cartoon why not buy the shirt!

Friday, November 25, 2011

He's A Fun Guy Not A Fungus!

We made this pilot at the end of 2008 for a company with an "orange logo", it didn't go anywhere past this stage but we had fun making it and hopefully one day we can make more of them...

Monday, October 17, 2011

More silly voices!

This one is a bit "late in the game" since we completed the "How To Draw" shorts for What Now way at the start of the year but we had a footage sitting there and thought it'd be fun to cut something together to show all the different stuff Ryan was doing. Over the 10 shorts he did about 11 voices and, as always, he made for some hilarious out-takes...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Support NZ Made!

For all our kiwi mates that don't like the "hefty" postage on our other merch we've just set up a shop with the awesome peeps over at 'Print Mighty' so now there's no excuse for not owning your very own piece of Mukpuddy... CHECK IT OUT!!!