Showing posts with label MAMBI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAMBI. Show all posts

Friday, January 18, 2019

TN- All about my pineapple

As you may or may not know 
I have about 17 pineapple plants that actually 
produce the most, bestest sweetest 
pineapples in the world.
Of course they always ripen when we're traveling.
 So imagine my delight when we came home
and a new plant was growing a pineapple.
And we were gonna be there to harvest it.
 And of course I had to document it.
I did root the top and gave it to my pal and awesome
next door neighbor to plant.

Studio Calico, Mambi

Friday, May 5, 2017

More magic from the wayback box

Love it.
So in looking for something else (I know you're surprised)
I found these photos of Shane & Nick (below)
and weren't they adorable as kidlets.
 So in some places I used the same cards because they
worked and these pages are front to back
so there ya have it.
Man time flew by sooooo fast - it seems like yesterday.
Love how this turned out.
Love that they are scrapped.
A couple of stories have been noted but for the
most part these are school photos.
Sadly, not all had dates on it however, there were a ton
in the package so I'm sure somewhere notes were made.
I have no idea on the cards except some are Studio Calico,
Paper Studio die cut words, MAMBI, Cosmo Cricket and Tim Holtz.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Random photos in one page

I've been getting into pocket pages and I absolutely love doing them.
Not all the time, but this past week and especially the
weekend my mojo done took a hike so
I've been reading and doing other
things because sometimes just stepping back helps.
Of course I stalk the videos too which I love too.

Anyhoo, I had all these photos chosen and printed and
they were getting overwhelming since I couldn't make a decision on anything
so then I had this brilliant
idea to just stick them all in a pocket page.
Shocking, I know, that it took awhile to think that one up. LOL.
But, I found that I had either scrapped them before
some going in other albums OR I really didn't have a story.
Not that I need a story but sometimes the story helps in the page design.
It happened that I got all the grandkids on one page
AND my two kidlets.
How cool is that.
And I really like the randomness of the pocket pages.

I used some Tim Holtz stuff, WRMK PL cards
there is Studio Calico bits, punched hearts, QK and Mambi.

Friday, March 24, 2017

A Tuesday Kind of Love

Love the cluster that came together for this page
from Tim Holtz. It just worked out
and gave this a sort of monochromatic type look.
 So Tuesday is the newest member in my granddaughter
Amelia's family and she looks to be a beautiful,
sweet Weimaraner.
Adjusting nicely both are settling in for a nap.
I could use a nap.
I love naps.
I need a dog with my naps too.

Studio Calico, Tim Holtz, Mambi alphas.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Going round in circles

Broke out the ole circle scissors.
I have a love/hate relationship with that tool mostly
because I'm highly uncoordinated.
Using the packaging technique with mists I pulled the colors
from the washi tape that came in the Studio Calico November kit.
I miss my firework, splash, grass punch.
It just disappeared one day and I KNOW I would NEVER
have given it away.
These splats are courtesy of my pal Holli who punched
a bunch in advance for me.

I think this turned out to be very fun with the circles and the mists.
Once again are those MAMBI alphas.
Studio Calico.

Owen riding the waves....

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Fixing up an unwanted smudge

Nothing worse than having an accident on an almost completed page.
In the upper left corner where that flower sits innocently
I was adding some Nuvo dots.
I was quite successful adding them on the right side of the flower
and down by the butterfly but on the left side
the dots ran together and looked like a bug so I took
a wipe and made a huge black smudge
that no amount of cleaning up was gonna make it right.

Of course I was annoyed, really annoyed. 
Since I cut the paper down to 8x8 I had extra so I cut
a 1/2 inch piece and decided to run it all the way down the side.
Which looked well stupid.
I added stitching and now it looks like I meant to do that.
Love it when a plan comes together.
Cough cough.
Studio Calico, WRMK, and MAMBI alphas (again).

Monday, December 5, 2016

Tags that can be Tree Ornaments

Hoping the grandkidlets will love them as they
did the ribbons and maybe think about hanging them
on their trees!

Had a fun time making these - mostly all hand 
and fussy cut and really so easy to do.

The trees were made from various project life cards that
sort of had "Christmas" colors and
it was easy to just slice on the diagonal.
The "Merry Christmas" was a stamp I found when cleaning
out my stamps. (Who knew).
My thought was to layer up different size tags, 
thus the gold color but it looked
well goofy and cluttered
so I just fussy cut the sentiment out and ditched the 
multiple tags idea.

Stamped the date with a library stamp from Studio Calico-
love that stamp by Shimelle and use it ALOT.
 Those MAMBI alphas that I didn't think I'd love
seems to be appearing on ALOT
of projects lately.

The stars are punched from some gold glitter paper I picked up
and love having on hand so I'm not running
out of enamels AND I use them with my heart punch
or with any punch which is not only very cost effective and unlimited uses.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Really little mixed media

I found this paper in with a stash of cardstock.
I'm assuming its Studio Calico.
As then, and now,  I wondered what I was going to do with it
which is probably why it was stashed far far away.
 Well as I mentioned before I took Ashli Oliver (aka Soaphousemamas)
Embellish DIY class and felt the need to channel.
First thing I did was back the yellow to the black because 
those colors really rock and then glue the
cutouts back.
Then I traced with white/black pens and splattered some mist.
And wow did I go wild or what.
I added some gesso and white paint to cover up a few ooppssies.
 I started out with another photo in mind but
it just didn't work as well, and this one
of Cavin happened to be laying on my desk and well
his yellow sticker just called my name.
And then layered that baby up.
 Added the owl because I had a ton leftover and
a couple of do-dads and decided I liked it.
Cards are MAMBI, houndstooth tissue Paper Issues.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Continuing in busy paper mode

And using more stash.
Like the Creative Cafe tag. 
Love them and I think my supply may be dwindling.
Also, the stars, that worked out perfectly by Freckled Fawn 
highlight the top of the page.
 Shimelle's die cuts and stickers came in real handy 
and it feels great to move some product along.
 And the MAMBI sparkly letters have been around a long long time.
However, they are perfect - but the popular letters
are all but gone. 
Creative titles need to be considered.
Wa-la - this Studio Calico paper has been laying around.
I couldn't decide if I needed to whack it up
or use it all.
The perfect photo happened and there ya go.
Amelia on wheels - has to be scary.
Love the concentrating tongue.
Very important.
I did let it marinate overnight and decided that some gesso
and watercolors need to be included and it helped soften the busy up and also
points you to the photo.

I have a lot more stash to go.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The color white has many different shades

I decided that I wanted to challenge myself and do an all white 
scrapbook page. I do have the perfect photo.
How hard can it be.
Well. I knew I wanted some flowers on there, but I wasn't loving the flower dies that came with the branches. It took a long time to find "white" ones. There is soft white, grey white, off white and only 2 white white. I tried to paint an off white flower and it looked "off white. 

After I put it mostly together on a design I had going on in my head I decided it looked plain and I wasn't sure how to fix that. I found that white enamel paint isn't "white white" nor gesso and I was afraid to slap it on there because I had a limited amount of this white bazzill cardstock.

WHITE RUBONS! Now I had to find them. So digging around in the old stash I found some Making Memories and did a sample that really looked good.

Embossing might have done it as well only I wasn't sure how to apply it to the majority of the page. 
I then discovered I had some "white white" puffy stickers from MAMBI as something more was needed. Also the corners I felt were a little bare.

I filled in the corners trying to not get real carried away.
Found some "white white" rick rack and from the scraps I punched
out some butterflies.

I also agonized over the alphas because I pulled out the ole white white thickers and didn't both sets  lack some important vowels with no way to frankenstein any of them soooo..... *head slap* 
I do have alpha dies. 
QK Emily came to mind and its perfectly girly for what I wanted on this page and eked out the letters, again from scraps.
The only color other than the shadows are Amelia's pretty blue eyes.
And yes..I went with angel eyes.
I couldn't be helped.
I used bazzill cardstock from my Studio Calico stash, Tim Holtz birdcage die, Sissix dies, Martha Steward butterfly punch, Paper Studio rick rack, Mambi puffies, MM rubons, Michaels wedding ribbons, Bazzill flowers and QK Emily alphas.

Another challenge: DO an all white page. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Inspiration from a new punch

A Martha Stewart doily punch to be exact.
I love doilies and figured I'd use this a lot - beats buying
doilies all the time and running out when you 
really really need some.
 I took a 12x12 sheet of bazzill white and punched away.
FYI....intricate punches like these require
a bit of muscle. 
I decided that some misting would be required and the Studio Calico pizza box that delivers my awesome kits each month is great for spraying. Especially in and around my desk. I have aiming issues and that box keeps them contained.

So I used Heidi Swapp.

Love her mists - they don't clog (or they haven't yet) and the colors are really pretty.
I decided to do a mix of misting (say that 3 times fast) hues/shades. 
And I included the negative as well because it looks like big flowers. Took me 2 times to get the negative "flowers" right - as I decided that the inside needed to be outlined. And I don't have a steady hand. 
Fun layers and some bling.
A very cool shot that I wish I could claim finishes the page.

Studio Calico papers, MAMBI alphas, Paper Studio buttons & rick rack
and Authentique.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Finally got that title....whew!

Most of you that know me, always know I'm
usually in search of a title.
April is my go to as well as my pal Holli, 
my husband and and a title book that has 
come through in a pinch.
This time I asked my blog buddies and you came through.
Thank you!
Pointing out Amelia's pretty red lips I came up with
"Sugar Lips".
And that brought me to remember a bouncy tune from Al Hirt
(a trumpet player) called Sugar Lips.
And didn't that just date me. 
 So I got my Wilna from in the mood to scrap from 2peas on. 
I love her stuff.
There are mists, inks, stamping, glitter and paper tearing going on.
A lot of fun.
The thickers are the ones that you can "customize". 
 So I did with Martha Stewart's glitter. Her glitter
isn't scary - because its like a salt shaker.
Just shake it on out and it mostly goes
where you shake it.
I designed this page and put it all together then
I needed to search for a photo.
And because of the pre-done mat I needed
a 2.5x4 photo. 
I love the runs and dots of the ink amongst the
generous misting and stamping as an additional layer.
I also broke out the sewing machine to give
it a finishing touch.

Bazzill, Paper Studio, Primas, Ranger alcohol inks, Heidi Swapp & Mr. Huey mists, Abbey Road brads, MAMBI hearts, Thickers, Inkadoo stamp, Studio Calico do-dads & pattern papers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ready to fly...

Love getting instagrams or iphone photos of the grands direct to my phone. And usually said pix get the mojo flowing.

For example, this baby came in yesterday (or now the day before) and that same day a page was done.

All done in scraps. 8x8 makes it easy to do that because the base was a scrap. The only malfunction was when I used permanet adhesive to adhere the papers I had the flowers upside down. No worries, I flipped it around which changed the design/layout sort of. I think it worked out better now in hindsight.

I also had a peek at Mz. Ashli's page Nice kitty where she used dots. I didn't do that. But she did use die cut circles behind  her 2x3 size photos. What I did instead so I wouldn't be an exact copy cat, I used a QK die cut of scalloped rings and stuck them behind the photos and in some areas popped them up.

I know. Pop dots know no bounds in creativity. LOL!

Saw banners somewhere that had been punched out, so I did the same with a small heart punch. Then had a couple sparkly hearts left over from the MAMBI sparkly alphas.

Mama also said that she expected to be able to fly once the wings were donned. Grunting and groaning trying to fly "like Tinkerbell" she said. Well Grammy may have gotten the wings but she didn't promote any Tinkerbell flying. Darnit.

And would you look at her pretty blonde hair that I'd pay big bucks to have.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Potty Girl

She is a total mess and I love it. 
However, it appears she herself has announced she
is ready for potty training. 
Doesn't get any better than that.
My boys didn't get it until way later.
Love the baseball cap
and pretty blonde curls around it.

I used some really old papers on this - Making memories 5th Av
for one and then some Bo Bunnies. (I don't know the gold one).
Love the MAMBI alphas - but beware they stick to the photo like um...
glue so make sure they are where you want them.
Full disclosure-not exactly where I want them and even undo 
kinda let me down on this. 
Used a gel medium to tack down the confetti from Studio Calico kit and
also flung a bit of glitter about the confetti.

Rode down to Hobby Lobby yesterday 6.6 miles round trip.
Was a nice ride actually.
Broke the rules and road on the sidewalk.
My bad.
Anyway I was after the ATG glue gun from Glue Arts.
I'm taking it back today.
Its bulky, the tape isn't smooth and doesn't cut off sharply
or in anyway easy which causes clumps.
I was really disappointed.