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Showing posts with the label exercise

Still Alive

You're probably wondering if I'm still around after announcing my big intentions yesterday to exercise. Well, I'm still here-- quite sore, but still here! I have to say, it was a good workout. I really enjoyed the video and I would recommend it if you're in the market for one. Vince and I have watched the last few seasons of The Biggest Loser and really enjoy it ( as we sit on our couch stuffing down chips or something equally healthy ). There's lots of drama, of course, it is a game. But it's really great to see how the contestants improve their health and transform their bodies and self-images. It's inspiring even. It was fun to see some of our show faves on the video, too. So, I think I'm going to stick with this. The dvd program is broken up into three different workouts: weeks 1 & 2 , weeks 3 & 4 and weeks 5 & 6. So far I've only done the first one. It has a warm-up segment, the main workout, and a cool down. I was familiar with m...


...what I'm starting tonight. Wish me luck!

Exercise--Or the Lack Thereof

Well, we finally returned *home* to Alabama last night after a week away visiting family. It's always good to sleep in you own bed again! Although I wasn't very happy with what the bathroom scales told me this morning. Traveling and all the eating that comes with it is wreaking havoc on my weight. The five pounds that I'd lost this Spring are back --and they brought a few friends (how rude, right?!)! I am not very happy about that, to say the least. So I've got to start being very good with my eating habits, starting with cutting waaaay back on my cream and sugar with my coffee this morning. I'd love to learn to drink it black, but that hasn't happened yet. Next, I've got to develop--and stick with--some sort of exercise routine. I realize that's imperative for me, and it's one of the hardest things for me to do. I always use the excuse that I don't have time (or something equally lame). I've been thinking that a good video workout might be...

The Season's First Picnic

I don't know about where you live, but here in Northwest Alabama it is a beautiful day--around 70F! This only increases Spring Fever, ya know? The kiddos wanted to eat outside for lunch and I was happy to oblige. Something about the outdoors just makes you eat better, I think. So I fixed them tuna salad (for the first time, too) and they loved it--or maybe the weather just made it taste delicious. Speaking of Spring and all, that means swimsuit season is on the way--yikes! For my husband's b-day I got him a membership to a fitness center--he's been wanting one forever, so I wasn't just trying to give him a hint or anything. He was so excited! He's been working out almost every single day since and has already lost over 5 lbs. I'm so proud of him! He's eating better, too. Sooooo, I thought I'd better start being a little more diligent in the fitness area, too. A girl at our church (she's a personal trainer) has started a (FREE) workout class for women...