It's summertime! And for our family that means a break from schooling for the kids and lots of planning for the next year for me. Of course, for me, that is something of a domino effect. Planning means sorting curriculum and books that I already have. Then I have to purge books we no longer need or want to keep. And finally comes the organizing of what's being kept ( which is always too much ). So that's what I've been working on for the past few days. Cleaning off shelves, making piles of books to sell, piles of books and resources to give away, and since I've put this off for so long ...a piles of my kiddos' used-up books that I need to take samples from for their portfolios then dispose of the rest. So a lot of piles. I am trying to be a bit more ruthless this year with the purging. I have such a tendency to collect lots of great resources, only to put them on a shelf and forget about them all toge...