Sunday, August 11, 2024
Friday, August 2, 2024
Green Morning
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Friday, June 7, 2024
Already a week into June. I can't keep up!
Friday, May 3, 2024
April 2024
Surely things are going to slow down soon...right? :-o
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
The 2024 Calendar And New Note Cards
I remember back in grade school being asked to figure out how old we were going to be in the year 2000. 2000 was sooo far away. We were going to be in our 40s! 2000 is now just as far away...but the other direction. I can't believe we are preparing for 2024.
Once again we are offering a farm calendar for sale. These calendars started as just a fun way to share some pictures with friends and family, but gratefully grew into a "bake sale" way to help our small flock of sheep support themselves.
I had a good group of photos to choose from this year and I was drawn to the quiet peace in all of them, especially sweet Maggie, who starts the year. I find her picture especially meditational and I hope it creates great ripples of calm throughout the rest of the year.
There are of course pictures of the horses and cats and I've already shown a preview of Bea's month. There is a special guest in the B Garden and two of the biggest characters on the farm each get a feature as well and a couple other beloved characters round out the year.
Once again I added a short story to each month and even added one of those new fangled QR codes to further tell the story on one month. Lots of mini pictures fill in the blank spaces and add extra fun and tell further mini photo stories.
I've had a few requests for note cards the last two years. I'm hoping that's a sign that letter writing or at least thank you notes might be coming back in style. I wonder if that's a holdover from the Covid lockdown as I'd had no inquiries about farm cards in several years prior.
I love getting notes in the mail, but have been guilty myself in not sending them. This year we made a set of note cards to go with the calendars and I really like the idea. I hope you do as well. Maybe pick a favorite picture (with the story on the back) and drop it in the mail to a special friend and make their day :-).
It is still unrealistic for a small farm to "upgrade" to a fancy online shop site so once again we are doing the old time ordering system where you send me an email letting me know what you'd like and where it should be shipped and I'll include an invoice and return envelope in your package. Add an extra note if you'd like :-).
Those notes are how I learned that several of you don't turn the calendar pages until it's time so that each month is a surprise. I love that idea and now do that myself. Even though I made the calendar, by about March I've forgotten who comes next. I love being surprised.
That spoiler factor is also why I've put all the boring text up here and hidden the sneak peek calendar and card shots below. Don't look if you don't want to! Or you can peek...but goreallyfast ;-).
2024 Equinox Farm Calendar $25.00
Companion Calendar Note Cards $12.50
Buy together and save $5.00 $32.50
Extra note: Auntie Reg and I have made up some fun 'make your own' wool wreath ornament kits. Since the calendars are so late getting listed and the holidays are at least a month early this year (right?) there could be a postage saving overlap if anyone is interested. I'm going to do my best to add them to the website today and share them to the blog tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Friday, July 21, 2023
No, this account has not been hacked. It's really me, posting three days in a row :-o.
I saw a beautiful goldfinch working the sunflowers this morning and did a quick grab with my camera. I didn't have enough time to think about my camera settings. It's not terrible and I'm glad to have it, but hopefully I'll get another chance.
In the meantime, here's a fun new puzzle.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
What A Brain
I've been trying to take pictures of the B Garden all spring and summer and had yet to get even one that I'd liked. The B Garden has been Beautiful. So much color, so much depth, sooo many bees, some butterflies and a few birds...but none of the pictures ever captured any of that. I've been unhappy about it for Many Weeks.
Of course I was using my iPhone...that does take some really nice pictures...but when it doesn't, I have a tool that can fix that. I even set out it where I had to step over it to get in and out of the Wool House. I stepped over it for Several Weeks and then finally put it back away.
This morning I tried to take a picture of some yarn from the Tour de Fleece and could not get a picture that truly reflected the softness and the rich creamy color with just a hint of halo and shine. Even adjusting some settings on the phone didn't help...but I knew what would.
(blows dust off big girl camera)
Yep. Sure enough. That was the picture I was going for. The picture of Ellie's yarn...looked just like Ellie's yarn.
Hey, while you've got your head out of your... you have the camera out, why don't you go take some pictures of the B Garden!
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Here is a link to the video tour. For some reason it won't let me embed it here directly like normal. It's worth a watch :-).