Showing posts with label stupid computers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stupid computers. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2020

It's Okay To Be A Fossil

I spent part of yesterday learning (a little about) using Zoom.  Luckily the friend I was talking to video chatting with is one of my very favorite people to talk to and while I've never seen her be anything but smiley and cheerful, I know she understood when I got sad and gloomy and it was okay.  Yeesh, what a weird year...

Still, it was pretty nice talking face to face.  And even though it would have been better if we'd been sitting together in one of our messy kitchens or out in our sheep barns, I can see how this technology stuff can (sometimes) be helpful and fun.  I'm hoping I can learn to use it to "open" the Wool House to "visitors".

Meanwhile back at the "calendar store", I am going to hold fast to my old fashioned way of ordering something from the farm shop.  Yeah, there are several other ways I could sell more efficiently online and look more professional and probably even get my shipping labels printed for me and everything put on a spreadsheet...or whatever...but if all you have to do is click a "buy it now" button then I wouldn't get to hear how you, too, found some joy looking back or who your favorite sheep is or how much you, too, still miss Hank or what your favorite story was or how much you enjoy the puzzles...


Here's a new puzzle :-).

"Keep the cards and letters coming."  I'll be returning emails today.  I was mired yesterday and wasn't that fun to talk to.

There are several emails I'm going to run through a spam check because I've gotten so many orders for Maisie Orneries that I'm suspicious she's been up to something ;-D

Tim is working to get the calendars put together so they can hopefully start being mailed on Monday...if I can once I figure out the shipping stuff!

I have some fun pictures to post this morning that I took while sitting in the wash room typing this out because it was too chilly to sit out on the porch and work...but the door was open the whole time so it's really not any warmer in here and I missed the sunrise.  One of these days I'll get it all together...maybe.

Good morning!  

The sunset last night.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Internet Broke My Dog/Blog

Kate isn't really broken.  She was just happily rolling around after playing with her favorite toy on a sunny day that obviously wasn't today...again.  

As far as the blog...I don't know why it works for some people and doesn't work for others or sometimes works for everyone and sometimes doesn't work at all.  Or works on the phone, but not the desktop or with certain browsers or...  I'm assuming it's a blogger issue, but I can't find an online fix and I just keep looking off to the side whistling while I quietly sneak back to the barn hoping it will fix itself.  


*     *     *     *     *

Updated - here's a possible fix.  If the page doesn't load, try doing a Ctrl plus F5 to force it to behave.  

Saturday, June 3, 2017

A Picture Of My Cat

Because I can't get anything else to work well enough to post.  

Now, not only do I not have internet access on my desktop, I can't even get it to boot up so I can download camera pictures, transfer them to a pin drive, move them to the laptop, that I have powered by my cell phone, so I can upload them to my blog...

Biscuit looks good this morning.  He was great on Thursday, not quite as good Friday, but not as bad as Wednesday...  Maybe he's getting over the hump.  Now if Saint Tim can just fix my computer.  I have to live with the unusable albeit "unlimited" speed until the start of the next billing cycle.  Always read the fine print ;-).  

And have a great weekend!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Not A Laughing Matter At ALL, But...

That last help topic provides some possible insight :-o.  You'll probably need to click to biggify and this is just a screen shot (a picture of what I'm seeing on my screen), so none of the links work...from this picture...but if you ever, ever need to click that last one, do it!!!  

*     *     *     *     *

I am still working on website issues, but not being a "tech" person...I'm probably not getting very far. In fact, I can't even figure out how to google "Can I hire someone to look at my blog and figure out what my problem(s) are?" correctly.  

One thing I've done is change the number of posts you can see on each screen.  I hate having to click to new pages to read back a few days, but I saw that mentioned as a possible cause of slow loading. Maybe this will help?  Let me know!

In the meantime, how about this cutie?

"You o-right out here, baby?"

"My momma loves me :-)."

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Lavender And Bees

Well, I've just wasted 20 minutes trying to sign into my youtube account to post a short video from this evening, but for some reason I can't get in and now it's really late and I'm so tired I can't think of what I would normally write about the lavender and the bees and the big job it was, once again, to get everything cleaned back up, but boy it sure looks nice now, so I hope you enjoy just the pictures...

Comby, hiding in the jungle.

Much better :-).

Night all!


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