I'm going to try something new. I've actually been thinking about doing this for a couple of years, but apparently needed the FB debacle to push me to actually do it.
The Plan - even if I do some blog posts throughout the week (the ideal situation), I'm going to try to do a Weekend Wrap Up post that picks some important IG posts and shares them over here and on FB.
I hate that there are so many good (frequently really good) memories stored over on IG that never make this searchable blog. While I don't care much at all about FB, I do care about the people who follow me over there and who are now missing all the daily posts.
At some point maybe I'll figure out a way to fix the FB issue, but at this point, a few posts are hopefully better than no posts.
And while there is much of this past week that I'd like to forget, that's not how life and farming works, so without further ado...the first Weekend Wrap Up.
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I'd like to start off by saying thank you for all the kind comments, messages and notes about Blossom. I knew that was going to hit a lot of us really hard. I still can't believe she's gone, but I hope she's out grazing along the creek with Hank and dancing in the moonlight.
If you'd have asked me last Saturday, I'd have said shearing went great. It did, as far as shearing goes. Once again, after weeks of really nice weather, we got hit with a horrible cold snap and honestly I think it was worse than last year because it was still blasting us with a miserable cold wind today, eight days later.
I am definitely not going to forget any of that because it's going to dictate how I schedule things next year. In the meantime, let's remember everyone out grazing that afternoon, the last warm day, and enjoy seeing Biscuit and Muffin still grazing side by side just as they have done since they were lambs :-).
Here's a short flock walk from Monday evening:
While I don't like the story behind this picture, I do like the picture.
Jared was miserably cold. On Wednesday, he finally felt well enough to leave the barn and sneak out to get his special second breakfast. I nearly cried. He started improving every day after that and was almost back to normal this afternoon.
On a happier note, I heard the first Purple Martins chirruping Friday afternoon. They'd have been happier a week or two ago when it was warm and there were bugs everywhere, but they'll be happy tomorrow when it warms back up.
This was a screen capture using the Merlin Bird app. If you aren't already familiar with that, check it out. Big fun!
While it might appear that I've just been wandering around lost in the Alaskan wilderness, I am still working on my Iknitarod project. We'll get there eventually.
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Okay, this wasn't too hard and on a better week, might actually be pretty fun to put together and hopefully I'll do more than just hit the high spots. There were more pictures on IG and some pictures that never even got shared over there, so maybe I'll do a couple of catch (further) up posts.
On to the new week!