Thursday, April 5, 2012

Devrayan Durga

What going to unfold here is just not an interesting story, but a roller-coaster ride. It was some time since we went on an outing other than regular shopping on weekends. So we decided to go out for family lunch on Sunday. But after discussion with couple of family friends the lunch changed into picnic cum site seeing to Devrayan Durga 65 kms from Bangalore

It was uneven path all the way to the top through the bushes, trees and over the steep boulders. But, it was a exciting adventure of hiking to the top and for the kids first of its kind.

The path is so narrow at some places people can move only in one direction while people in the opposite direction have to wait for you to pass by. Finally we made it to the the top and the cool breeze at the top even in the summer rejuvenates all.View from the top is awesome and the temple at the base of the hillock looks great from top. 

After refreshing for some time we started to move back from the summit. While on our way back we were more confident and wanted to do it on our own without support of others. At one of the place a member of our team slipped and fell down and had to sit their for few seconds before starting again.

We have given the exact spot name of the person as "The XXXX Drop" One will surely not miss this spot as that is the only route to the top. All said, this was one trip we will not forget for our lifetime. It was fun, excitement, adventurous and kids truly loved it.

There are two temples in this area located at different levels which are worth a visit:


Teamgsquare said...

Very lovely place.....

Geeta Singh said...

what is xxxx drop? ...btw nice post :)

Lowell said...

Fascinating. Sounds like a very good time (except for the person who fell!)...these rocks/boulders are very similar to the ones on our daughter's property in Colorado!

My Unfinished Life said...

its always nice to go off picnicking to such spots rather than go to malls....lovely images!!

joo said...

What a beautiful set of photos!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh what a great adventure for all and a wonderful opportunity for the kids. Something they'll always remember for sure. A beautiful spot as well as exciting!~

Sylvia K said...

What a great hike you've taken us on through your wonderful captures, Rajesh! Gorgeous skies and a fascinating place!


Carver said...

The rock formations are so beautiful. Looks like a great place to hike.

Unknown said...

Isn't hiking wonderful!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Pearl Maple said...

Fun collection of photos from your hike and opportunity to see the temple from another angle. Thanks for sharing with Sky Watch Friday.

Joyful said...

Very nice photos. It is wonderful to get out and explore and enjoy the day in wonderful scenery! For the children you are making happy memories of childhood. Happy weekend to you and your family.

momto8 said...

wow!! what a fun it must have been for al of you!

eileeninmd said...

Sounds like a great time for the whole family and your friends. The view is beautiful. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing.

Al said...

I love trails like this, thanks for sharing your adventure.

Martha Z said...

Very interesting, except for the beautiful temple it could have been California or Arizona.

Kavita Saharia said...

I so envy you .

Anonymous said...

What a magnificent place!

Leovi said...

Excellent photos, I like this wonderful trail.

Ramakrishnan said...

Nice picnic & adventure! Great way to spend a weekend. What was on the menu for eats :)

Linda said...

Very nice photos and description of your day! Glad no one was hurt in the fall...

eden said...

What a beautiful place to visit! Beautiful photos as always.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

A beautiful place.

Regards and best wishes

Thomas Lee/Lee Lip Pang said...

Interesting climb.

Cassie said...

Wow Raj, that looks like quite a hike! Lovely photos, as usual.

Kelly said...

What a fun day! (except for the fall, of course)

The view of the temple from above is beautiful. Well worth the climb, I'm sure.

Jeevan said...

That sounds great adventure and exciting hike tough! The view on the temple from top was just amazing.

Anonymous said...

The hike up looks like well worth the time and energy! Beautiful view.

George said...

I'm glad you had a great day and that no one got hurt coming down the hill. I must admit that I usually have more trouble coming down than going up. The view from the top is gorgeous -- I really like seeing the temple from that perspective.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Nie place and you have documented your hike very well in photos.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story in photography. I love the first and third photos, so filled with wonderful textures and tones.

Schaffer said...

legal muito intreresante queria anunciar meu blog

RNSANE said...

Good grief, Rajesh, I would never have been able to do that.

I, very tearfully, left Mumbai on the 5th. Am finishing up a five day stay in Hong Kong...a great contrast from third time here...last visited fourteen years ago. I head home to SF tomorrow.

My Shadow Shot is at:

Unknown said...

these rocks are awesome! and the location of the temple is interesting. great shots.

my MYM

Full-On-Forward said...

Awesome my Friend! Great captures!!


Karen said...

What a great adventure!

The French Hutch said...

What an adventurous walk, such a beautiful place! I would love to do it……….


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the kids had a lot of fun.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Family adventure is always fun.

Your beautiful contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday 2 is greatly appreciated!

Arti said...

Loved the excitement that went with the trek! Wonderful narrative and a truly incredible journey.

Rajesh said...

Thank you all for liking this trip.

Geeta: XXXX stands for name of the person.