Ornament from the recycle bin
Like most people, we did celebrate Christmas two months ago.
But I didn't blog over the holidays and hate the thought of letting them go by completely unmentioned.
We realized a few years ago that if we want to avoid broken ornaments and the guilt and disappointment that goes along with broken ornaments, we need to stick with the home made variety. Most of our ornaments haven't lasted from one year to the next. I'm totally fine with that. As long as we enjoy making and hanging the ornaments (and hopefully looking at them), I'm satisfied.
This year, my kids ended up using Sculpey clay molded into balls, squares, discs and a lot of free form shapes, pipe cleaners and colored beads for theirs. They turned out pretty cute and weren't demolished during the stay of our tree.
I had been thinking for some time about making trees out of lids from our recycle bin, though, and managed to finish one. I drilled a hole in the center of each lid and strung them together with basic white string. I used a couple Sculpey balls and a disc to create a stronger resemblance to a tree.
So, totally belated, but there it is.
Speaking of belated...O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, You've overstayed your welcome....
Confession: Our (artificial) tree is still piled up on a table in the living room awaiting its return to its box and our basement. This year's ornaments are also still in the living room awaiting their trip back to their dark and creepy home. You know how when you let something go for a while, you start to get used to it being there, even if it's unwelcome?