Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 17

Elizabeth Mitchell, my uncle, and my 80s

We listen to quite a bit of children's music. Most likely, we have favorites in common with many of you. Laurie Berkner, Justin Roberts, Dan Zanes, and Putumayo Kids (such as World Playground) are a few on regular rotation in our cd player.
Most recently, I've gotten on an Elizabeth Mitchell kick. I say "me" because these are children's music artists in the category of "not likely to provoke parents to poke their own eyes out," which means I enjoy them as much or more than my children. And I've been enjoying Elizabeth Mitchell's You Are My Little Bird and You Are My Sunshine.
I'm not much for reviewing music, but I can say the cds include a lovely combination of folksy tunes that are either catchy and upbeat, but not overdone, or simple and soothing. Some songs are fun reminders of singing in my own childhood and some are new to me, but now happily familiar.
I happened to have the privilege, growing up, of having a drum-beating, piano-playing, guitar-strumming uncle who taught my sister and I some fun songs in the comfort of our grandparents' brown and gold living room. Every time I hear Elizabeth Mitchell's version of "Crawdad" ("You get a line, I'll get a pole, honey") I'm transported back there and singing in my head with my uncle, my sister, and my purple legwarmers. Good memories.
If you're looking for some delightfully old but new folksy tunes for your family, try Elizabeth Mitchell. And, as you listen, be sure to picture yourself in short shorts and tall socks.

Tuesday, April 15

Get ready to romp!

Random, but sort of related, links and recommendations.

We checked this book out from the library recently and my kids have been LOVING it. It has great rhythm, rhyme, repetition and encourages movement (and conversations beginning "Why don't we see dinosaurs outside?"). Mine have memorized portions of it and insist on reading it multiple times throughout the day. Here's an excerpt:

Laurie Berkner's We Are the Dinosaurs cd is great, too, for dino-song and dance (and a bunch of non-dino song and dance). We've never seen the video, but I hear it's fun. I feel like her music is unique because it's sing-along/move-along kids' music without being cheesy or annoying. Most of her songs are original so it's not the same old repetitive action songs you're used to. We just recently took this one out of our car, after an extremely long run, and replaced it with her Victor Vito album. I've enjoyed both.

Jean at The Artful Parent has a great post on picture books about making music. Be sure to read the comments for further recommendations.

A friend of mine has recently checked out a load of art books for kids including some in these series: Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists, Artists in Their Time, and Smart About Art.
The Crafty Crow lists several books for teaching kids about art and for encouraging making art. I'm sure the library would be very helpful, as well. We have yet to tap into this category so I don't have any personal recommendations, but I'm looking forward to trying some of these next time I'm at the library thinking, "Now, what should we look for?"

I may have to get a copy of Mollie Katzen's Pretend Soup for helping my kids with reading recipes, following directions, and having fun in the kitchen. With illustrated instructions, it sounds so much more interesting for them than watching me read from my own cookbooks or scribbled recipes. Check The Artful Parent again for pictures from the book and a more detailed review.

Thursday, January 31

Graceland and family vacations

I love this album. Thanks to my parents, I've been listening to it for decades, now.
It's rare that I remember to take a cd of my choice to the car, but I did the other day and enjoyed a few minutes alone with this one. You know how you can have sight/sound/smell associations with things from your past that seem to stay with you forever? Well, for me Graceland is not only a great album that's fun to listen to and sing along with, but it's an escape through the Smoky Mountains and along part of the East Coast. It's nice to go on vacation for a minute or two.
On that particular vacation (or maybe it was a different one....I tend to blur them all in my mind, but figure those details aren't that important), my sister and I each took our "My Friend" doll (she had Jenny, I had Becky) as customers of our personal beauty salons. We took bowls of hair barrettes, ponytail holders, hairbrushes and combs. Funny, I never learned to do anything with my hair.
And, while on the subject of sensory-related memories and dolls, every once in a while I smell something that reminds me of my early 80s Strawberry Shortcake Blow Kisses doll. I had Angel Cake. You squeezed her soft tummy and she blew a powdery-sweet smelling kiss. It's amazing to me how long things like that stick with you.

I do intend to make some unnecessary but fun crafty things in the next few days and will definitely post about them. I'm a bit stuck in memory lane just now, though, as we've had lovely family company the last few days.

(Oh, and like a nerd, I did play this title song repeatedly while my husband and I drove by the actual Graceland on our way through Nashville one time).