Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Saturday, February 13

Family night and Valentine's fun

I was challenged by an older and much wiser mom recently to institute regular family nights into our routine. It's not a new idea, rather one we've always liked the idea of, but never put into regular practice.
The good thing, for people who shrink at the thought of having to create new and exciting activities from scratch every week, is that we have so many holidays and special occasions as a family, as a country and across the globe from which to draw inspiration. More on that later.
Our family values giving gifts made by hand and sharing kind words through home made cards. We don't, however, manage our time particularly well and have always had trouble separating the kids and giving them each a chance to make something special for their siblings and parents. I mean, you wouldn't want to see your card being made, right?
After hearing another family's experience in card-making, though, it occurred to me that I could go about this in a completely different way and actually accomplish our goals of enjoying a creative activity together and blessing everyone in the family with a heartfelt gift.
We set aside time Friday evening to be home together making Valentine cookies and cards. We brought all the cookie ingredients into the dining room so we could all fit around the table, versus crowding up in one chair in order to reach the available corner of counter space in the kitchen, and mixed up a batch of those peanut butter blossoms from the back of the Hershey kiss bag.
While the first pan baked, we cleaned the table and brought out some card-making supplies. Felt, buttons, glues, papers, craft foam, scissors, markers, etc. After pressing the kisses into the tops of the hot cookies, we began making cards. The goal was for each of us to make one card for every member of the family.
My husband surprised us and turned out some very cute and catchy cards. (He doesn't expect much from himself in the craft department). My oldest daughter quickly made two cards for everyone, losing momentum as she went until her final card (mine) simply said Mom on one side and featured a minimalistic spiderweb-ish design on the back. My youngest daughter had to be put to bed before the cookies were completely mixed and therefore didn't attempt making any cards. My son made four cards all illustrated with a multi-humped camel flying over a land dominated by moles. And all for his older sister.
I foresee many cards in the future starring the Heep family Valentine camel.
We had some unpleasant bumps and some very pleasant quality time. Today, however, everyone was thoroughly excited to exchange Valentine cards and eat cookies. We had lunch together (kind of a rare treat for us) and then distributed the cards. They loved the personal messages from their dad, the pretty pictures from their mom, and the sheer receipt of anything from their siblings. I gave them each one of the decorated pb jars filled with a box of animal crackers (my sister's genius idea), a couple chocolate kisses, and a couple mini raisin boxes. They were thrilled. I think they're discussing their Valentine's day adventures as I write, wishing they'd fall asleep, which is pretty cute.
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you enjoy time spent with your family this weekend.

I was going to write a bit more on family nights, in general, but realize I've written a lengthy narrative on Valentine's Day alone. This just means I'll have to blog more.

Wednesday, August 5

"Kids are funny, " I said.

It is so very true that kids say the funniest things. From the time they start putting words together, they're comedians. Unintentionally, usually. Of course, I have not been very good about recording all the funny things that have been said in this house in the last 4 years, which I do regret, but thank goodness, they're still putting on a show.
I have been entertained most recently by my children narrating the lives and comments of their toys and of themselves. First I started hearing comments followed by a slight pause and a "said So and so" tacked onto the end. Like, "I want to use that coloring book,' said Thomas." I found that hysterical enough. And seemed to be proof they're listening when we read books, which is nice.
Then they made it a little more complex by accompanying each comment with an action, (again, speaking for a toy, as a toy, or as themselves). For example, my son as they were playing with trains yesterday, "'Where's that train turner?' I said, going back in my door." Or as we were on the way to the playground this morning, "Maybe it is,' I said, picking up a stick." Or when served taco salad for dinner, "'I really don't like tomatoes,' I said, taking them out."
These are just samples of the funny and almost constant narration we have going on around here. I'm really enjoying it.

By the way, the picture obviously has nothing to do with this, but I thought it was funny. I said.

Tuesday, July 14

Kids and goats

We have been visiting the zoo fairly often and recently paid a visit to the goat pen. I find it impossible to not chuckle and take pictures of my precious children, frightened by overly friendly goats (like my baby in the bottom left, clutching my leg). Apparently, my mom is the same way. That's me in the top two pictures. (Nice beard, Dad). And my kids in the bottom set.

Commentary: When I looked at that top picture, I totally thought that poor baby goat was about to be pulled apart at the middle, like a wormy roll of clay where it gets too thin. Then I finally realized his feet are tucked up under him and it's the body of a different goat behind us.
And how about that front-butt look I've got going on up there in the thigh region? (Thought you'd like that, Amy).

Wednesday, June 17

My sister is funny

Well, things always work out a little differently than you imagine, don't they? I mean, especially when you're dealing with children. Last year when visiting our family, I had much more opportunity to blog or read or watch a video of my choice, but this year time alone has been rare. Different ages, different stages, I suppose. So, anyway, it looks like I will be blogging VERY sporadically.

For now, I thought I'd share a bit about my sister. She was here with us for a week but has since returned to balmy San Fran. How nice for her! My sister and I have a good time together, due in major part, I'm sure, to her sense of humor.
She arrived at our parents' house before we did. Upon finding a frame hanging above the window still empty after being mounted a couple (or a few?) years ago, she decided to have some fun with my mom. (Don't be embarrassed, Mom, you know I can relate and I'm sure many others can, too!) The phone number is a bit of a family joke, but the rest is obvious. Isn't she clever (and a little sarcastic)?
Now the only question is how long will the billboard remain?

Monday, June 8

Summer 'Dos

Well, the kids have had their hair cut for summer and we're on our way to Texas. We have been so busy with an out of town conference, out of town company, last days of preschool and gymnastics, and preparing for our annual visit to the family down south that I just haven't had time for blogging. My sister's on my case about a new entry, though, so here it is until we're settled with my parents and I can steal away for some computer time. (You'll have the kids, right, Amy?)
Thanks for sticking with me last week despite my disappearance. I hope to have some fun things to write about as we get creative outside during the next few weeks and I hope to catch up reading about the fun things you're doing!
Happy summer!

Monday, January 5

My family, including me

I haven't posted many pictures of myself here and it's been with good reason. The primary one being we just don't have many. The secondary being, of course, that I have even fewer at which I can tolerate looking. But we do always try to get a family shot around the holidays. Usually the picture is taken by my husband and the tripod while we sit in front of the Christmas tree. This year, though, we were lucky to have a good friend, who happens to be a wonderful photographer, take some of us while we were playing around in her home. This ended up being one of our favorites. Tickle session on the couch.
Thanks, Jen!

Saturday, January 3

Go to California then get a new computer

I highly recommend it.
Seriously, though. Happy New Year! You know, I mentioned previously that I'd been out of town for a bit visiting my sister. I had a really nice time, despite having a nasty cold and feeling like my head was going to explode all over the inside of the plane cabin, and I'm looking forward to future visits to the Bay area.
The purpose of my trip was two-fold: help my sister (you know my name is Megan, so I will call her Amy) with wedding preparations and enjoy some quiet time away from my 3 small children. Amy and I got some important wedding things accomplished, enjoyed a lovely shower with her very warm and welcoming girlfriends (so nice to meet you Heather, Amy, Missy and all!), and discussed, as we do so often, the merits and shortcomings of the 1994 movie version of Little Women.
I highly recommend going to visit your sister if at all possible.

On another note, we did get a new computer. Ours died over Thanksgiving (making my posts here very infrequent since then) and we've finally gotten most of our new systems in place. We are missing our master calendar due to some manufacturer's failure to produce upgrades and I feel like I'm operating a bit in space without it, but hey, I can blog again.
Which brings me to one exciting new feature: our photo organizer. I thought I was just ignorant when it came to manipulating digital photos, which is pretty true, but I've just found (within the last few minutes) that with better software I can give the impression of being more skilled than I am. See above, my first photo collage. I didn't take great care in choosing, cropping and all that but I'm still pleased. It's a whole new world for me!

Anyway, I'm up and running again and I'm excited to be posting! I can't guarantee that I'll come up with any more time to do so in the new year, but I'm thankful to have the resources. It was a nice Christmas present.

Thursday, February 14

Valentine Snacks


Thursday, January 31

Graceland and family vacations

I love this album. Thanks to my parents, I've been listening to it for decades, now.
It's rare that I remember to take a cd of my choice to the car, but I did the other day and enjoyed a few minutes alone with this one. You know how you can have sight/sound/smell associations with things from your past that seem to stay with you forever? Well, for me Graceland is not only a great album that's fun to listen to and sing along with, but it's an escape through the Smoky Mountains and along part of the East Coast. It's nice to go on vacation for a minute or two.
On that particular vacation (or maybe it was a different one....I tend to blur them all in my mind, but figure those details aren't that important), my sister and I each took our "My Friend" doll (she had Jenny, I had Becky) as customers of our personal beauty salons. We took bowls of hair barrettes, ponytail holders, hairbrushes and combs. Funny, I never learned to do anything with my hair.
And, while on the subject of sensory-related memories and dolls, every once in a while I smell something that reminds me of my early 80s Strawberry Shortcake Blow Kisses doll. I had Angel Cake. You squeezed her soft tummy and she blew a powdery-sweet smelling kiss. It's amazing to me how long things like that stick with you.

I do intend to make some unnecessary but fun crafty things in the next few days and will definitely post about them. I'm a bit stuck in memory lane just now, though, as we've had lovely family company the last few days.

(Oh, and like a nerd, I did play this title song repeatedly while my husband and I drove by the actual Graceland on our way through Nashville one time).