When they were younger, Alysa was the extrovert one & Adik was the introvert one. Nowadays, Adik dah improved in her social skill... She has become so talkative sampai tak terlarat nak layan celoteh dia. If we meet people & relatives, she'd be the first one yang pegi salam & kiss them on the cheek. It was so different from when she was a baby. She'd wail at the sight of strangers. It was so difficult if we went to people's house. Asyik nak berkepit je..Now dah ok since she can play with other kids at ease.
On the other hand, Alysa was called 'smiling baby' by our neighbours. She smiled all the time when she was a baby. She liked to meet people. So most of her baby photos would show her smiling face..She still has a smiling face now tapi kalau jumpa new people tak le seramah dulu..well, depends on her mood.
Now mmg mood malas giler nak masak. After bertangguh for quite some time, I managed to make the choc cake that i've been wanting to try. Not bad... It was nice & moist. But I only made half of the ganache recipe which did not quite cover the whole cake. Here's the recipe by Rinn Chan...
Rich Chocolate Moist Cake
Bahan:A: 170gm butter
300gm gula halus
3 biji telur
B: 2 st serbuk nescafe segera
1 sb air suam
1 st esen vanilla
1 st choc emulco
C: 225gm tepung gandum
65gm serbuk koko
1/2 st garam halus
1 st soda bicarbonate
1 1/2 st baking powder
180ml air sejuk dari peti sejuk
Cara:1. Putar bahan A sehingga kembang.
2. Campur sebati semua bahan B. Titiskan ke adunan A tadi. Putar seketika.
3. Ayak bahan C. Masuk selang seli dengan air sejuk ke dalam adunan tadi. Kaup balik adunan.
4. Bakar pada suhu 175C selama 40 minit.
Ganache:1 tin susu pekat, 90gm serbuk koko, 100ml minyak jagung @ butter cair, 1 st esen vanilla
Cara:Panaskan susu. Masukkan serbuk koko diikuti butter & vanilla. Kacau selama 5 minit. Biarkan suam & tuang ke atas kek yang telah sejuk.
For lunch this week I made Ayam Halia as one of the dishes for Mak & Ayah. Saje try very simple recipe that I normally ate at restaurants, but never cook myself! The recipe was taken from a cookbook by Chef Hanieliza. Bought the book at Popular year end sale which I went a few days ago. Some of the books were worth buying as they were reduced up to 70%. Glad that I managed to buy some books by Sidney Sheldon & Johanna Lindsey at very good price. Now, I have to find time to read them..:-) Reading used to be my hobby, but now it's soo difficult to find time to do it..sigh..
Ayam Halia
Bahan:500gm ayam
3 sb sos tiram
1/2 cwn air + 1 st tepung jagung ( dibancuh)
1 sk serbuk lada hitam
1pokok daun bawang ( I omit this )
1 tomato ( potong 4 )
2 sb minyak masak
Bahan hiris: 5 cm halia, 3 bwg merah, 3 bwg putih, 3 biji cili merah
Cara:1. Panaskan minyak. Tumis bahan hirisan hingga layu.
2. Masuk ayam & kacau rata. Tambah sedikit air &masak hingga ayam lembut.
3. Masuk bancuhan tepung jagung & sos tiram. Biarkan pekat.
4. Masukkan tomato & daun bwg & kacau rata. Sedia dihidangkan.