
Showing posts with label Potatoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Potatoes. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2011


 Hari ni Baby Adalia sebut perkataan baru yang buat we all tertanya2. Bangun je from her noon nap, asyik sebut " nonoi". ?? Blur le we all. Guess macam2. After she was frustrated coz we didn't understand what we said, finally Hubby main agak je lah amik ubat demam from the fridge. ( Actually dah tuang ubat tu dlm measuring cup be4 dia tido tp tak sempat bagi...). Terus dia senyum & minum ubat tu. Betul le tu agaknya. But we still cannot translate the exact word for nonoi, ubat? demam?


Updates: Actually Nonoi tu meant Roti canai. May be she wanted roti canai lps dia bgn tidur. Tok dia found out a week later..Tp since kitaorang tak paham, dia pun malas dah nak mintak time tu..:D

For lunch today we had western food. Had Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes and Nestum coated fish. I like using nestum to coat the fish instead of breadcrumbs as the coating is crunchier & fluffier. It has the melt in the mouth effect..:-). Senang je nak wat. Hubby lak wat Starfruit juice. Banyak pulak belimbing madu kat belakang rumah. Besar lak tu..

Our Lunch

Nestum Crunch Fish

1kg Dory fish slices
1 cup nestum ( blend )
1 egg
salt & pepper to taste

1. Pat the fish slices dry.
2. Season with salt and pepper
3. Coat with egg then nestum.
4. Fry until golden brown.
5. Serve warm.

Friday, May 28, 2010

What's in the name?

 Currently, I ( actually, my company ) have a new project. We're producing and lauching a new range of products. So, of course la one of the most important thing is to find a name that has commercial value  and also has a sentimental value to Hubby & I. My name has been used for a different line. So, nak kena cari nama lain. Anak ada 3, so kalau pilih satu nanti nampak cam pilih kasih le pulak..hehe..But finally we have decided on a name. Ada le criteria why we chose this name. Nanti bila dah confirm project ni baru boleh wat official announcement. :-) Hopefully in a month or two...
 Sehari dua ni ada le masak benda lain selain dari main meals yang memang nak kena masak. Actually, I dah tak tau nak masak apa. The other day I told Hubby I tak lalu makan ikan. So, he stocked up our fridge with chickens & beef. Almost hari2 I masak chicken sampai now ni I pulak yang dah naik muak dgn chicken. Baru ni masa I balik kg, boleh pulak makan ikan. So, I told hubby I tak larat dah telan chicken. Tadi, pagi2 buta dia ke market beli all the seafood. Tapi yang pasti I mmg tak lalu udang. Even during my 2nd & 3rd pregnancies. Masa pregnant kat Alysa I tak lalu langsung dgn chicken. Udang / lobster suka pulak. Mcm2  tekak org preggie ni..
 Yesterday I made Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes to eat with mutton shoulder. Resepi kat sini. Oklah since dah lama tak makan western ni. Alysa mmg suka beef & mutton steak. She ate with tomato sauce which I found yucky. I rasa now I dah turned off tgk tomato sauce coz Alysa ate everything with lotsa tomato sauce..*sigh*..
 Last nite pulak nak menghabiskan stok mango yg Hubby beli kat Tapah, I made mango mousse. Alysa tak suka but Adik & Baby love it.

Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes

Mango Mousse
Source: here  

Bahan-bahan ( 3-4 orang )

200g yogurt tanpa perisa ( I used yogurt perisa orange carrot )
100ml susu segar
1-2 biji mango
16g gula
5g gelatin + 1 sudu besar air panas

1.Kupas kulit mango. Masukkan semua bahan kecuali gelatin ke dalam blender or mixer. Mix sehingga semuanya sebati.
2.Masukkan pula gelatin. Mix lagi dalam 1-2 minit.
3.Tuang ke dalam acuan. Sejukkan dalam peti sejuk.
4.Hiaskan dengan mango yg dipotong dadu sebelum dimakan.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Since it's school holiday, ( won't affect me though since the princesses are not in school yet.) everyday we have wedding invitations. Yesterday we went to 2 weddings at Mamak Zakaria's & Hj Jamil's ( the ADO ).

Since lunch was loaded with rice, I made simple dinner last nite. Just Grilled Cheezy Dory & Potato Salad. Alysa & Adik loved the fish.

Grilled Cheezy Dory & Potato Salad

While talking to mak on the phone last nite, she said my nephews & nieces were coming over today. So Ila & I made plans for dinner. She'd prepare her signature dish, fruit salad and also a new recipe...( We made plans at a wedding!).

The spread we managed to prepare..

Clockwise: Durians given by mak (yum..yum..), Ila's fruit salad, Roasted Chicken ( so juicy....), Fettucine with Creamy Tomato Sauce, Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes, Creamy Orange Sauce, Ila's Cup cakes ( Don't know the name but it tasted good.. Alysa polished off 2 ).

With all the creamy & cheezy stuff that we've eaten tonight, some people would have to go on diet for a week! ( including me too...hehe..). Tapi since ada orang yang buat air sedap (Hubby la tu..bodek sikit haha..) yang ala2 masam tukan, to pacify those on diet, kira potong calories la tu..look who's talking! Other health & medical professionals who read this , pejam mata jelah with this theory okay? Wakaka...

Hubby went to play badminton tonight to burn off the calories he had loaded at dinner. Dia sorang je yang exercise. Other people ( u know who..) exercise mata je ( or may be suara ) watching Jangan Tegur..??

Looking at those delicious spread, Alysa managed to eat 2 cupcakes , 2 bowl of honey stars , a few glasses of Nestle strawberry yogurt drink & a bite of chicken. ( At least she ate!) Adik only ate a few bites of chicken, durian, honey stars & 2 bowl of milk ( prepared to be eaten with honey stars actually). Baby...telan air liur jelah ye sayang.. Hi...penat mama masak. Anak2 mama makan merapu je.

Adik & baby masa on the way to grocery shopping. Baby nampak lagi besar dari Kak Ngah! Masa shopping tu ada la >10x budak curly hair tu (aka adik la..) melalak due to 1 reason after another. Sigh... Letih betul..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes

Since ada la orang tu dah drooling remembering this dish, here's the recipe. Nanti boleh buat for cik abang. Kalau lebih2 tu pass la.. Actually I've made some changes to the original recipe to cut cooking time. Since the original recipe requires 1 1/2 hrs baking time, I modified the preparation & just baked for 15 mins. Saved a lot of time & electricity haha..

Creamy Au Gratin Potatoes

Ingredients: ( for small casserole dish )

5 potatoes , sliced
salt & pepper to taste
1tbs butter / margerine
1 cup milk ( I used 'IDEAL' evaporated milk )
4 slices cheddar cheese
Mozarella cheese

1. Preheat oven to 200'C. Grease casserole dish.
2. Boil the sliced potatoes in salted water until 3/4 cooked.
3. Arrange the potatoes in the prepared dish.
4. In a medium saucepan, melt the butter. Mix in the flour. Stir in the milk. Season with salt & pepper. Cook until the mixture thickened. Stir in the cheese until melted.
5. Pour the mixture over the potatoes. Top with the mozarella cheese.
6.Bake for 15 minutes.