
Showing posts with label Greetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greetings. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sambutan Raya 2011

 Raya this year turn Johor, tapi nyaris2 raya kat Kedah dulu cos Baby Airis tak sihat. A few days before raya she started having runny nose. We planned to go back to Batu Pahat on monday, a day before raya. Tapi pagi tu nampak dia dah nak start wheezing. Hubby suggested kitaorang raya Kedah dulu, then on 2nd raya balik Johor.

  Barang2 dah prepare untuk raya kat Johor...Lepas tu klau raya kat Kedah dulu, 2nd day dah kena balik Johor. So, I tak nak la coz mcm tak puas raya Kedah sehari je. Then, we would miss the open houses held by relatives in Kedah which started on 4th raya. So, tawakkal je la balik Johor lepas bagi Baby Airis syr ventolin. Alhamdulillah, she was ok during the journey. The weather was ok too. Jalan pun lengang je except for heavy traffic kat Seremban as usual.

By the way, masa dah bertolak baru sedar Baby Adalia terlupa bawak kasut baru. Dia pegi sarung kasut buruk Ayra. Sampai je Sri Medan at 9 pm, we stopped by to buy her new shoes. Nasib le kedai bukak lagi. Kalau tak, beraya le dengan kasut buruk tu,,:-)

Day 1: Lepas solat raya, buat doa selamat as usual  kat rumah. Then, sesi bergambar & makan2. After makan ketupat & the dishes prepared by mak & Kaseh, kitaorang beraya ke Sri Menanti. Balik tu baru beraya kat sedara2 dekat2 rumah mak.

Day 2: Beraya kat rumah2 sedara yang tak de kat rumah on day 1. Lepas tu tunggu je kat rumah coz diorang dah start barak hari ni.

Day 3: Yeay..Balik Kedah. Plan awal nak singgah rumah kawan Hubby kat Bangi. Tapi dia belum balik dari Kg. We ended up kat Melaka rumah atuk Ain. Cantik rumah atuk Ain. Bestnya dapat jumpa my "ner" ni after 21 years tak jumpa. Masih maintain je macam dulu2. Dapat le jumpa hero2 dia. Siap dapat bawak bekal wajik durian & asam keping homemade. Thanks Ain di atas layanan hari tu. Panjang umur jumpa lagi..

Day 4: Hari ni dah start open house. Kitaorang ke rumah mak chaq, tok lang, mak chum, pak kechik, Ngah, Pak Su , Bang Lan & Mak Yang. Berjalan sampai 12.30am. Balik tu mmg letih sungguh. Nasib the princessess tak buat perangai. The food served mmg marvellous. Seronok dapat jumpa sedara mara.

Day 5: Ada lagi open house kat rumah Ila & kay'en. Nasi dagang & Soto indon. Rajin betul Ila buat open house dgn tgh preggie. Hari tu buat majlis berbuka. Nak dapat Baby girl kut..;-). Balik rumah Ila terus balik Penang.

Day 6: Open house cum aqiqah kat rumah taniza. Roasted lamb marinated by chef kat hotel kat SP. Alysa pulun lamb tu rasanya ada le 3 pinggan. Suka betul dia..

Open house kat taman ni belum start lagi coz mostly beraya kat kg. Rayanya akan start soon. Rasanya belum terlambat nak ucap " SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. "

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eid Mubarak 1431

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 1431 kepada semua. Maaf kalau ada salah silap. To those yang balik kampung, have a safe journey everyone.

Note: Jemputlah ambik kad raya ni.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Selamat Berpuasa, Ramadhan 1431

 Esok dah nak mula berpuasa. I would like to wish everyone Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Almubarak & Selamat Berpuasa. Maaf kalau ada salah silap.
 For this ramadhan, this is the first time kitaorang mula berpuasa kat Johor. Sempat le bersahur & berbuka bersama MIL. Selalunya kat rumah je or kat Kedah. So, kitaorang balik Johor before puasa. Tak le penat sangat. This is the fourth time I puasa time preggie. Kalau ikut previous experiences, I lagi suka coz boleh puasa penuh & dapat habiskan baca quran.

Selamat Berpuasa. Jemputlah ambik kad ucapan ni ye, gantung kat rumah masing-masing..:-)

 Nak balik kampung ni, sempatlah I buat kek. Cadang nak buat cookies, tapi last minute, tak terajin le pulak..hikhik..Resepi asal nama 'Kek Chocolate Chip Hazelnut' by Butterrcup. Tapi I ngelat resepi ni tak guna hazelnut langsung. So, tak leh le dipanggil kek hazelnut. Tapi mmg sedap resepi ni. Rasa kacang dia seketul2. Tapi leper sikit kek ni coz I guna loyang besar pulak. ( 8")

Chocolate Chips & Nuts Cake

A.250gm mentega
   100gm gula

B.4 biji telur

C.125gm tepung gandum
    125gm serbuk badam
    1/4 st baking powder
    50gm nestum
    50ml susu segar
    1/4 st esen vanilla

D. 80gm gajus
     100gm Chocolate chips

1. Pukul bahan A hingga ringan dan kembang.
2. Masukkan bahan B dan pukul hingga lembut.
3. Tambah bahan C sedikit demi sedikit dan campur sebati.
4. Masukkan bahan D dan gaul rata.
5. Tuang dalam loyang bergris. Bakar selama 50-55 min pada suhu 180C.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

 Happy Father's Day to Ayah & dear Hubby. Father's Day kat Malaysia ni baru je semenjak 2 menjak ni je ada celebration tapi tak semeriah Mother's Day. Sale sempena Father's Day pun tak de..:-) Tapi the role of fathers is equal to that of mothers. Cuma anak2 mungkin lebih rapat dgn ibu2. Hence, the difference in celebrations.
 Yesterday, memula I plan nak buat breakfast celebration. Tapi malas tahap gaban nak ke dapur. The princesses pulak woke up soo late. Tengok2 Papa sorang je yang bangun awal. So, after bangun & bagi the princesses brunch, we waited after zohor to go out. So, Hubby was given a choice whether to go to Damiral's Grill ( Zuraida & Eli's wesstern food restaurant ) or Secret Recipe. He chose Secret Recipe. May be sebab dekat je dengan rumah.

Happy Father's Day. Papa & his princesses

Alysa & Ayra sharing 'Fish & Chips'. Tak habis pun..

My lunch. 'Pan-Grilled Dory in Lobster Sauce'

 After lunch & lepak kat SR tu dah 4pm, we headed to Juru Auto City & Stone City. Stone City tutup le pulak on Sundays. Niat tu nak pilih le tiles yang berkenan dihati for our minor house renovation. May be next time kena pegi pulak. Jamu mata kat Auto City pun no point gak cos tak semua showroom bukak. We might need a bigger car by the end of the year with the new addition of family member..:-).
 So, at last lepak kat beach. Punya le ramai orang. It was a hot day. Muka Baby pun dah kemerah-merahan. Tapi tak main pasir le coz ramai sangat orang. Main kat playground & tgk orang main kites je..:D

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Today is this blog's 1st anniversary. It's been a year since I've been writing stuff about my princesses, family and my trial & error in cooking. It's been great too knowing cyber friends whom i've never met but love reading stuff that happened in their lives. Some are great cooks too, the skills that I'd love to have one day...:-)
 Today is also our 11th wedding anniversary. Thanks Sayang for the wonderful years that we shared. Sometimes I wondered that I must've done some good deeds to deserve a great hubby like you...:-). Hope we'll have more exciting years ahead of us.
 For this wedding anniversary, we head to Langkawi where we spent our honeymoon. It's been 11 years since we went there. Punya la lama.... This time the princesses will go there for the 1st time. Before this, susah le nak bawak diorang yang kecik lagi. This time pun susah gak...Tapi angkut je lah..Initial plan nak ke Kota Kinabalu, tapi tak jadi le pulak. Langkawi pun oklah..dekat sikit. Will update the photos when I get back.

Layan gambar-gambar lama my family

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Well, I hope it's not too late to wish everyone Happy New Year. We normally didn't celebrate the new year's eve. Malas nak keluar rumah mlm2 buta bawak budak2 kecik ni.. And we don't really like crowded places. So, kitaorang mmg malas le kalau nak ke carnivals or pesta. We've never been to Pesta Pulau Pinang since we stayed here! Expo pun malas nak pegi. Tapi ada le satu dua expo yang kitaorang pegi tapi berdua jelah. Not with the kids! Tapi tak de lah terperap je kat rumah..:-)

The last week or so, I was soo lazy to blog. Busy pun busy gak. Masuk 2010 ni, Baby pun dah pandai jalan eventhough tak cekap lagi. She started to practice to walk since we were in Jakarta in November. That was when she took her first step. Tapi dia punya pace nak berjalan punya le lambat. It took her over a month to finally walk confidently. Tu belum ajar jalan pakai kasut. Confirm tak reti punya..:D. She also loves to kiss us. Kalau kiss tu mesti bunyi 'hhmmuah'. :-)

Last week Alysa & Ayra showed their talent in drawing graffiti. While I was taking a nap in the tv area, they were doing their stuff in their room. Initially they were watching 'The Bee' in their room ( which they watched over & over everyday!!). During dinner, while looking into their room, I noticed drawings all over the walls. All 4 walls! Adoi...kena le papa buat projek mengecat bilik the princesses lepas ni. The best part, when we asked who did it, 2-2 tak mengaku. Tapi tgk drawings tu mcm tak percaya je diorang lukis. Kira ok le for 3 & 4 y.o kids. Tak tahu le pulak diorang ada bakat terpendam. Tapi, bila I puji cantiknya drawing tu, baru Alysa mengaku dia yang lukis. She then explained that she drew Tom & Jerry ( Another current fav..), The Bee, & Special Agent Oso.( Also her fav). Of all the books that I bought them, she chose to draw on the walls. *Sigh*..

Baby posing with the artwork by Kakak

Last weekend we celebrated kak & Izzati's bday. I made ' Lemon Frosting Lemon Cake'. A recipe I got on the net. Quite okay & refreshing.

Lemon Frosted Lemon Cake

Ingredients: ( 9")
250gm butter
200gm castor sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
zest of 1 large lemon
280gm all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
60ml fresh lemon juice
1. Cream the butter & sugar until light & fluffy.
2. Add the eggs, one at a time. Beat in the vanilla & lemon zest.
3. Sift together the flour, baking powder & salt. Then add to the batter along with the lemon juice. Mix only until incorporated.
4. Pour the batter into a prepared pan. Bake for 50 min at 180C.
Lemon Frosting
115gm icing sugar
2 tbs fresh lemon juice
1. Combine the icing sugar & the lemon juice.
2. Pour the frosting over the top of the cake allowing the icing to drip down the sides. Let the icing set.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Baby

Happy 1st Birthday my dear Baby. Hope u have many happy years ahead of you. Mama, Papa, Kakak & Kak Ngah will always love u forever & will always be there for u. Hope u grow up to be such a wonderful person & May Allah bless u always.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

Kepada semua blogger friends & sesiapa yang sudi menjenguk blog ni, Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri 1430. Maaf Zahir Batin. Semoga menyambut hari raya kali ini dengan penuh keberkatan & kesyukuran disamping keluarga tersayang.

Silalah ambik kad untuk menyerikan rumah masing2 & menambahkan koleksi kad raya...:-)