Friday, January 16, 2009

Scrapbooking- I've gone digital

Picture this...Braiden looking through his scrapbook, Brody sitting by his side. Then Brody says, "Mom where's MY book?" ahhhh! "UM Brody, I still have to make yours."

When Brody was born we bought a digital camera and since then I can count on two hands the number of pictures I have printed off. Well for the past year I have been wanting to get into digital scrapbooking but I was hesitant to tackle photoshop, the very words "photoshop" scare me. Well in about October-ish LeeLou blogs did a spotlight on Memory Mixer ( digital scrapbooking software ) and I started looking into it. Well I looked into it and I liked what I saw. I told Nate that was the one and only thing I really wanted for Christmas, and being the sweet hubby that he is...

Last Friday I installed it on my computer. Let me just tell you that I am LOVING it!!!! So I have been spending all of my computer time on the scrapbook and not on the blog. :) Oh and the first item on the agenda... "Brody's Book" I have done about 15 pages, I am amazed at how easy the program is to use. The pages are still just as time consuming, but it is WAY less messy and WAY less expensive than traditional scrapbooking.

Here are a few that I have done...


Jennie and Adam said...

Those pages are adorable! Where do you print them off? That probably feels great to have made such headway on Brody's book. Great job!

Jenn and Tyler said...

CUTE! Can you save those pages as jpegs? If so, the cheapest way (that I know of) is to drag and drop them into the books on Shutterfly (bound books with great looking prints). Good job, you're doing so much better than me, that is such an intimidating and daunting task. Glad you found something that works so great for you, my sister does memorymixers to. Anyway, how are ya? Your blog is cute all Valentiney!

Kristy said...

Welcome to the digial scrapping world! I love it too! Cute pages.

lacey said...

Your scrapbook pictures are so cute! I have been wanting to try digital scrapbooking, but am not really sure how to start. Do you have any suggestions for me? What software did you have to buy?

Karla, A Cali Girl in Idaho! said...

WOW! Good job! Your going to have to show me how you did that. Thanks for introducing me to Memory Mixer. I love it!

Eliason 5 said...

So cute! Way more efficient than by hand. Very smart!

Garrison Propaganda said...

well youve got more than ive got! (books and kids)! if i had money this is seriously something id pay for someone to do for me. dont you hate the disadvantage of never developing pictures now that theyre digital. blessing or curse? cute pages. and good to know theres hope of catching up in a faster, neater, and cheaper way.