Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Day 2012

The boys started school on Monday morning.

Braiden is a 5th grader!!

Brody is a 2nd grader!!

Getting on the bus...

It is so strange having them gone all day, we are trying to get used to it. Joslyn got into some mischief, it was just to quiet and boring with her brothers gone.
She decided to put on some of mommy's "makeub" lip gloss and mascara YIKES! This is not too bad, I'm sure it could be worse and I'm sure this is not the last time she will do this. Part of having a girl right?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer? Where did you go?

Just like that, it is gone. Boo! We were so busy, we couldn't even squeeze in a session of swimming lessons.  Bad Mom! Bad Bad Bad Mom! :/
 I registered the boys for school this past Monday, and they will start on Monday. We are ready, then again we are not. They found out who their teachers are and they are so excited about them, they are going a little stir crazy here, they are ready to see friends and start learning (right kids?) I am not NOT ready for the homework, the alarm clock, and being on the go. 
I will miss their morning plasma car races.  Every morning after breakfast they run out there and ride until they are tired or until they are sick of the dog licking them in the face.  ew.
Hudson starts preschool after Labor Day, I am so nervous about it. I hope he has grown out of the "don't leave me, mommy" thing.
Joslyn gets to hang out with me, one more year and she can start dance. I can NOT wait, it is killing me. :) I took the kids school clothes shopping a couple of weeks ago, can't miss out on the Old Navy $10 jean sale.  Anyway, I think Joslyn got more school clothes than the boys did, and she is not even going to school. Little Stinker! That's an only girl for ya.
We made our count down chain for our Disneyland vacation coming up, I don't know who's more excited, me or the kids.
Braiden started football, the first practices of the season are SO hot, so what gets returned to me is one very hot, sweaty, hungry, thirsty boy. Loves every minute of it though.
We've had a fun and busy summer, we did everything we hoped to do, well except swimming lessons. ;)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Puppies & The First Day of School!!

Ivy had her puppies early Saturday morning.  She had a small litter of only 4 (fine with me) but the runt didn't make it (so sad) so we have three little black puppies that are fat and happy.

Notice the swimming pool? My brother wonders why we are trying to drown them. (hehe)  She had her puppies in there so clean up was a breeze (sorry probably TMI) and now it keeps those little fatties nice and contained, I even layed a nice scrap of carpet inside so it would be soft and cozy.

Puppy anyone????

Today was the first day of school, the boys claimed that they didn't want to go back, but I could tell this morning that they were excited.

Braiden started 4th grade and Brody started 1st grade.

Off they go!

This is when I started bawling, I'm telling you this never gets any easier, it's sad to see them go. I wonder if I will still cry when they are in High School?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to School

Prepare yourself for picture overload.

The kids started school on Monday.  Back to school is always such a bittersweet time, ahhh no more fighting, no more constantly telling them to turn off the TV, a whole lot less laundry (yes even boys change their clothes multiple times a day) and I can finally keep the house clean for longer than 20 min.  But back to school means that they are growing up, it means that they are away from me for a good portion of the day.  My little helpers, my buddies, I'll miss the impromptu trips to the pool, Popsicle breaks on the patio, watching their tricks on the trampoline, and the general overall laziness that is the very definition of summer.

My mom told me that she cried every year when we started school,  now that I am a mother- I know why. 
This is Brody on Friday, ready for kindergarten orientation.

Mario Kart Wii backpack.

Braiden on the first day of school.

Getting on the bus.

Dropping Brody off at school.

Sitting at his desk. 
Just a little side note, when we walked in to the classroom Brody noticed a little boy across the room and almost immediately went over and said "Hi" He has been playing with that same little boy every day since.  I love how easy it is for kids to make friends.

On another side not I am SO sad that they don't do all day kindergarten here.  We still lived in Omaha when Braiden went to kindergarten and they had all day kindergarten there. It. Was. Great. Boo-Hoo!

This would be a great picture of Hudson if he didn't have dried up boogers and cookie on his face.  I snapped this one while we were waiting for the boys to get off the bus.

Here's Braden- the big bad third grader.

Here's Brody- the big bad kindergartner.

Brody's teacher sent this home on the first day, it brought a tear or two.

I gave you a little wink and a smile
as you entered my room today.
I know it's hard to leave
and simply walk away.

You've been together for several years.
You've been a loving guide.
But now the time has finally come,
to leave your child by my side.

Just know that as you drive away
and tears may start to flow,
I'll love your child as I would my own
And help your little one to grow.

As place a favorite picture here,
and cherish it in your own way.
And know your child will be safe and loved
As we work and learn each day.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where Should I Begin?

I think we should start off with a good laugh, don't you??

I saw that on a friends' blog and HAD to have it! HILARIOUS!!!

Well, I just ran around the house cleaning up rooms so that I could take pictures of them, I'm trying to fool you see. We FINALLY got to move into our house on June 26, and what a happy day that was.

Our beautiful railing, don't you all want one just like it??? As you can see there are a few unfinished projects, but we're here and that's all I care about.

Front Entrance, we still need to stain the front door (see, told you)

Hudson's Room


Downstairs TV room

Braiden and Brody's Bathroom (downstairs)

Braiden and Brody's bedroom

My VERY favorite feature in the kitchen is the bake center. Open the doors, do your mixing, all ingredients, measuring cups and spoons and pans are close at hand.

Then shut the doors and no one sees the mess ;)

More pictures of the kitchen

Laundry Room

Awesome clock I just bought, that is still not up on the wall ;) LOVE IT!!

So you see I have a LOT of decorating to do, I did score some cutsie pink stuff for the baby girls room at Real Deals a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't help but to put it out. When I got done Braiden says, "Uh mom, Hudson has to sleep in here too you know" Ha!!! Looking out for his little bro, so cute.

Kurt and Terril (Nate's dad and mom) wanted to take Braiden and Brody to Jellystone the monday after we moved our stuff in, and I said, "Don't have too much fun without me!!!" So I got a TON of stuff done while I was kid free for a couple of days. Then on June 30 Nate and I celebrated our 9th anniversary!! We drove to Pocatello (aka "The City") and went to dinner, it was fun to get out of town and do something-just the two of us.

Some of the little things I noticed that I missed the most about having our own place was sitting down and eating dinner together as a FAMILY. And having a dresser to put clothes in! ;)

In July the boys did swimming lessons and loved it. I got called to be the primary chorister, that one came out of the blue and shocked me half to death, so any ideas on that subject would be greatly appreciated! But the highlight of the month was a summer BBQ with our dental school friends Josh and Amy came from PA, Jason and Jolisa came from AZ and Tyler and Jen came from MT (all were in ID visiting family so we decided to get together and party.) We went to Paul and Karla's to do some boating and eat yummy food, it was so fun to be together again! I'm sad that I don't have any pictures to account for it.

In August we had the Mickelsen reunion and it's tradition that all the guys go golfing before the family picnic (I have to brag on my hubby for a minute) Nate went golfing with the guys and hit a HOLE-IN-ONE!!!!!! First time in the "history" of the tournament that this has happened, and there are some pretty good golfers in the Mickelsen fam. As soon as the picnic was over we hopped in the 5th wheel and drove up to Red Fish Lake for our yearly camping trip. The boys look forward to this all year they always have a blast. This year we went on a little day hike to Fourth of July Lake which is only about 1-1/2 miles or so, well at the trail head there was a sign posted: "Bear spotted at Born Lake" (Born lake was a few miles past Fourth of July Lake) So I think I was more worried about running into a bear, but luckily there were no bear encounters. :) The boys thought that they were going to die the whole way there, but when we finally made it to the lake it was all worth it. (these pics are on the dead laptop)

On August 22nd we celebrated my Grandma Smith's 80th Birthday with a family picnic at my mom's house.

This is my grandma isn't she beautiful! I love her so much.

The whole gang! (well, we are missing some, but this is most of us.)

Grandma with most of the Great-Grandkids, and they keep coming ;)

Grandma with most of her grandkids:

My family:

My brother, Casey and his family:

My brother, Christopher and his family:

Grandma looking at her gift:

After the picnic there was plenty of fun to be had.

I think Hudson liked the fact that there was "Cars" on the pinata rather than the actual pinata itself.


Who is this cute boy?
Teague has the bluest eyes I've ever seen!

Like I said plenty of fun to be had.
Horsey rides from grandpa.

Scott, Kyle and Kenz

Jerica and Ellie

And this guy watched it ALL happen!

August 24th was the first day of school
Braiden started 2nd grade this year.

Here's proof that boys will be boys. The other day Braiden got sent to the office because he had a grasshopper in his pocket that he brought in from recess. OK I couldn't even be mad at that I just laughed out loud.

Brody started preschool and loves it!!!

Started a little bit of yardwork ;)

We have GOT to get rid of this half acre sandbox, I know it's every boys' dream but the sand is driving me CRAZY!!!

We went up to Lake Cleveland on Labor Day and look what the boys found:
More proof that boys will be boys.

Karla-I updated the pics on the sidebar just for you!! ;) Love ya!